TAPIA, et al. - Study of an Environmentally Friendly High-Performance Concrete (HPC) . pp. 95-110 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
Este estudio se centra en la evaluación del impacto de
la adición de diferentes porcentajes de nanosílice (NS)
(0.75 %, 1.5 % y 3 % - y microsílice (MS) – 5 %, 10 %
y 15 %), como sustitutos parciales del cemento en la
formulación de concreto de alto desempeño (HPC). Se
realizaron evaluaciones mecánicas, incluidas medicio-
nes de compresión, tensión, resistencia a la exión,
módulo dinámico, índice de Poisson y elasticidad, en
intervalos de 3, 7, 28, 56 y 91 días, para comprender el
impacto en las características estructurales del HPC.
Además, se llevaron a cabo microscopía electrónica
de barrido (SEM), microscopía electrónica de transmi-
sión (TEM) y espectroscopia de rayos X de dispersión
de energía (EDS), para examinar los cambios en la
microestructura. Los resultados indican que la incor-
poración de un 15 % de microsílice en la mezcla de
hormigón, produce una mejora más pronunciada en
las propiedades mecánicas, en comparación con la
adición de sólo un 3 % de nanosílice, superando inclu-
so la combinación de un 15 % de microsílice y un 3 %
de nanosílice. Este enfoque de sustitución mejora la
sostenibilidad al reducir el uso de cemento.
Palabras claves: Cementos ecológicos, materiales
HPC, microsílice, nano-sílice, propiedades físico-me-
cánicas, sostenibilidad.
Jhon Fabricio Tapia Vargas,
Mohammadfarid Alvansazyazdi,
Alexis Andrés Barrionuevo Castañeda
Maestría en Construcciones de Obras Civiles Mención Gestión y Dirección, Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias
Aplicadas, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Av. Universitaria. ing.jftapiav@outlook.es.
ORCID: 0000-0002-6089-040X
Institute of Science and Concrete Technology, ICITECH, Universitat Politècnica de València,Spain.
Carrera de Ingeniería Civil, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Av. Universitaria, Quito 170521, Ecuador.
Facultad Ingeniería, Industria y Construcción, Carrera Ingeniería Civil, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabi,
Manta, Ecuador. faridalvan@uce.edu.ec. ORCID: 0000-0001-8797-5705
Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal del Cantón Pastaza. alexis_3214@hotmail.com.
ORCID: 0009-0000-7634-5513
Study of an Environmentally Friendly High-Performance
Concrete (HPC) Manufactured with the Incorporation
of a Blend of Micro-Nano Silica
Estudio de un hormigón de alto rendimiento (HPC),
respetuoso con el medio ambiente, fabricado
con la incorporación de una mezcla de micronano sílice
Revista Cientíca de Arquitectura y Urbanismo
ISSN: 1390-5007
This study focuses on the evaluation of the impact of
the addition of different percentages of nanosilica (NS)
(0.75 %, 1.5 % and 3 % - and microsilica (MS) – 5 %,
10 % and 15 %), as partial cement substitutes in the
formulation of high performance concrete (HPC).
Mechanical assessments, including compression,
tension, exural strength, dynamic modulus, Poisson's
ratio, and elasticity measurements, were performed at
intervals of 3, 7, 28, 56, and 91 days to understand
the impact on HPC's structural characteristics.
Additionally, scanning electron microscopy (SEM),
transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and energy-
dispersive X-Ray spectroscopy (EDS) were carried out
to examine changes in microstructure. Results indicate
that incorporating 15 % microsilica in the concrete mix
yields a more pronounced improvement in mechanical
properties compared to adding only 3 % nano-silica,
surpassing even the combination of 15 % microsilica
and 3 % nano-silica. This substitution approach
enhances sustainability by reducing cement usage.
Keywords: Cementitious Environmentally Friendly,
HPC Materials, Microsilica, Nano-silica, Physical-
mechanical properties, sustainability.
Recepción: 17, 03, 2024 - Aceptación: 01, 05, 2024 - Publicado: 01, 07, 2024
TAPIA, et al. - Study of an Environmentally Friendly High-Performance Concrete (HPC) . pp. 95-110 ISSN:1390-5007
The economic development and evolution
of countries are closely engaged with the
construction industry and the creation of
new materials. Improving the durability of
cement has been instrumental in prolonging
the service life of concrete structures [1-5].
The introduction of nanotechnology into the
construction sector, particularly through the
use of nano-silica (NS), has been shown to
signicantly improve the mechanical prop-
erties and durability of cement-based prod-
ucts due to its high purity and specic sur-
face area, which affect the hydration and
microstructure of cement [6, 7].
Building upon this foundation, the inte-
gration of various nanomaterials beyond
nano-silica, such as nano-alumina, carbon
nanotubes, and others, continues to push
the boundaries of concrete’s capabilities
[8, 9]. These materials contribute to a sig-
nicant enhancement in the compressive,
tensile, and exural strengths of concrete
by optimizing the particle packing and
reducing the porosity of the cementitious
matrix, leading to denser and more robust
concrete structures [10-12]. This evolution
in concrete technology not only supports
structural integrity but also extends the
lifespan of infrastructure, marking a pivotal
shift towards more sustainable construc-
tion practices [13].
Moreover, the addition of nanomaterials
has been found to improve the workability
and reduce the water absorption of con-
crete, factors that are crucial for the prac-
tical application and longevity of concrete
structures in various environmental con-
ditions [14]. Enhanced workability facili-
tates easier mixing and application, while
reduced water absorption minimizes the
risk of damage from freeze-thaw cycles
and chemical attack, thereby preserving
the structural health and integrity over time
[15, 16].
In this regard, it is necessary to design
high-performance concretes (HPC) with
nanomaterials incorporated into the con-
crete matrix, aiming to achieve good work-
ability, durability, and superior strength
properties compared to conventional con-
crete. This can be accomplished by em-
ploying existing calculation methods and
available materials [7, 17-20].
Nowadays, HPC plays a crucial role in the
construction of specialized structures due
to the enhancements it offers over conven-
tional concrete. HPC enables the construc-
tion of increasingly slender structures by
reducing the cross-sections of structural
elements, thereby providing more avail-
able space within buildings [21, 22].
Moreover, the development of Environmen-
tally Friendly High-Performance Concrete
(HPC) incorporating a blend of micro-nano
silica represents a signicant stride to-
wards sustainable construction practices.
This innovative approach not only aims to
enhance the mechanical and durability
properties of concrete but also focuses on
reducing the environmental impact associ-
ated with traditional concrete production
methods. By integrating micro and nano
silica, the concrete matrix can be signi-
cantly improved, leading to a reduction in
the carbon footprint of construction mate-
rials and promoting eco-friendly building
solutions [23, 24].
Lastly, the environmental sustainability of
concrete is signicantly enhanced through
the use of nanomaterials. By improving
the material's mechanical properties and
durability, the lifecycle of concrete struc-
tures is extended, reducing the overall en-
vironmental impact associated with their
construction and maintenance [25]. Fur-
thermore, an example of sustainable prac-
tices in the construction industry, although
not analyzed in this study, is the use of
nanomaterials such as y ash contributes
to sustainable development practices by
recycling industrial waste, further dimin-
ishing the construction industry's carbon
The importance of this study extends be-
yond the technical advancements in con-
TAPIA, et al. - Study of an Environmentally Friendly High-Performance Concrete (HPC) . pp. 95-110 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
crete properties. The research aims to
provide a comprehensive understanding
of how the combined effects of micro and
nano silica can optimize HPC's perfor-
mance, offering a viable solution that aligns
with global sustainability goals. By explor-
ing alternative micro and nano silica dos-
age and methods that reduce the reliance
on conventional cementitious materials, this
research contributes to the development of
more sustainable urban environments.
2.1. Materials Used
For the analysis in this research, aggre-
gates from the Pifo quarry, located in the
province of Pichincha in Ecuador, were uti-
lized. Holcim type Gu cement [27] and a
superplasticizer 7955 from Basf [28] were
also employed.
For this research, MasterlLife SF 100 mi-
crosilica is used from the company Basf
and distributed by Imperquik, whose tech-
nical specication recommends the use of
microsilica in percentages of between 5%
and 15% as an addition to the cement [28].
Nanosilica is made up of dozens of nano-
meter-sized amorphous particles com-
posed of silica dioxide (SiO2), which is the
interaction of silicon with oxygen that is
commonly called silica. This nano compo-
nent has pozzolanic properties that, when
reacting with the cement, improve its me-
chanical properties.
Among all the characteristics, the coarse
aggregate has a maximum size of ½", a
specic gravity of 2.47 g/cm3, and an ab-
sorption capacity sof 4.92%. The ne ag-
gregate is a crushed natural quarry sand
with a specic gravity of 2.57 g/cm3, an
absorption capacity of 3.1%, and a ne-
ness modulus of 2.96. All the parameters
for both the coarse and ne aggregates
comply with the requirements specied in
the ASTM [29].
2.2 Mixing and Testing Procedure
The concrete mixture process was me-
ticulously followed to ensure optimal con-
sistency and strength of the nal product.
First, we dampened the interior of the con-
crete mixer to prevent any dry materials
from sticking and to facilitate an even mix.
Then, we added both the coarse and ne
aggregates into the mixer, allowing them to
blend for a full minute to achieve a uniform
Following the initial mixing, we introduced
the specied amount of cement to the ag-
gregate mixture, continuing the blending
process for an additional 30 seconds to
ensure the cement was thoroughly inte-
grated with the aggregates. After the ce-
ment had been mixed in, we added water
that had been pre-mixed with nano-silica
to the mixer. This combination was then
mixed for approximately two minutes, al-
lowing the nano-silica to disperse evenly
throughout the mixture, which enhances
the concrete's mechanical properties and
Finally, we incorporated the additive into
the mixture. This step was done carefully
to allow sufcient time for the additive to
react properly with the other components,
ensuring proper particle adherence and
achieving the desired chemical and physi-
cal properties in the nished concrete. This
methodical approach to mixing ensures
that the concrete possesses the neces-
sary workability, strength, and longevity
required for our construction needs. The
mixture proportion is provided in Table.
To enhance the properties of nano-silica in
the concrete, a mechanical mixer is used
to achieve a homogeneous mixture of
nano-silica and water, producing a slurry
that guarantees improved properties in the
concrete fabrication process.
Once the mixture was ready, a portion of
it was used to measure the slump ow ac-
cording to the standard ASTM C-161 [30] s,
and the remaining mixture was poured into
TAPIA, et al. - Study of an Environmentally Friendly High-Performance Concrete (HPC) . pp. 95-110 ISSN:1390-5007
100 mm molds for compression and tensile
studies. The specimens fabricated were
left to cure in the curing chamber for the
assigned ages of 3, 7, 28, 56, and 91 days
for their respective tests.
3.1. Slump Flow Test
According to the data presented in Table
1, for a water-to-cement ratio (w/c) of 0.3
and varying percentages of added micro-
silica and nano-silica particles to the high-
performance concrete (HPC), an increase
in their content leads to a reduction in the
ow diameter of the mixture compared to
the control mix. This observation can be at-
tributed to the specic surface area of the
microsilica and nano-silica particles, which
causes cohesion forces between both mi-
cro and nanoparticles, resulting in the for-
mation of silica agglomerates. As a result,
these agglomerates exhibit high adsorp-
tion and signicant water retention capac-
ity due to their high specic surface area
and porosity at the micro and nanoscale.
The specic surface areas of microsilica
and nano-silica particles signicantly im-
pact their cohesion forces, leading to the
formation of silica agglomerates. This phe-
nomenon is attributed to factors such as
the surface energy of the particles and
their interaction with surrounding condi-
tions. Studies have shown that higher sur-
face energy in substances like amorphous
silica spheres enhances adhesion forces
between particles, facilitating their ag-
gregation (Kamel, 2016). Additionally, the
presence of hydrophobic silica nanopar-
ticles can induce anti-adhesive forces at
interfaces, altering the adhesive properties
and promoting the formation of aggregates
[32]. Furthermore, the dynamic adhesion
behavior of silica particles is highly depen-
dent on surface and electrostatic heteroge-
neity, inuencing how particles adhere and
aggregate under different conditions [33].
The formation of a dense agglomeration of
solid particles in the mixture containing mi-
crosilica and nano-silica is another reason
for the substantial increase in owability
and viscosity of the cementitious materials.
To address this, higher dosages of water-
reducing superplasticizer are recommend-
ed to maintain workability and inhibit ow
reduction in high-performance concrete
(HPC) due to the increased percentage
of cement substitution and the increased
specic surface area of microsilica and
nano-silica particles.
Table 1. Proportion of HPC mixes (Kg/m³)
Mix code Type w/b Cement Water
Gravel Sand SP
Slump ow
diameter (cm)
C - 0,30 550 165 - - 944,53 652,63 6.6 59
5% MS
522.5 165 27.5 - 940.4 649.8 7.15 51
10% MS
495 165 55 - 946.9 646.9 7.7 53
15% MS
467.5 165 82.5 - 932 644 8.8 56
0,75% NS NS200 545.875 165 - 4.125 943.6 652 11 52.5
1,5% NS NS200 541.75 165 - 8.25 942.7 651.4 14.3 55
3% NS NS200 533.5 165 - 16.5 940.9 650.1 17.05 56
15% MS+
1,5% NS
ML+NS 459.25 165 82.5 8.25 930.2 642.7 23.1 54
15% MS +
3% NS
ML+NS 451 165 82.5 16.5 928.4 641.5 25.85 51
TAPIA, et al. - Study of an Environmentally Friendly High-Performance Concrete (HPC) . pp. 95-110 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
3.2. Mechanical Properties
3.2.1. Compressive Strength
The results of the mechanical tests for
compressive strength and indirect tensile
strength are shown in Table 2 and Table 3,
The incorporation of nanosilica into con-
crete has been specically studied for
its impact on compression resistance.
Nanosilica acts as a partial replacement
for cement, contributing to the improve-
ment of the concrete's mechanical prop-
erties due to its pozzolanic reaction and
microstructural renement. For instance,
Ganesh et al. [34, 35] and Ardalan et al.
[35] observed that the addition of nano-
silica improves the compressive strength
of concrete by enhancing the hydration
process and rening the microstructure
of the cementitious matrix. Additionally,
Zanon et al. [36] and Lim & Mondal [37]
reported that the combined use of nano-
silica with other admixtures, like silica
fume, can further increase compressive
strength, reduce capillary absorption, and
minimize chloride penetration, primarily
attributed to the synergetic effect of nano-
silica in the cementitious composite. This
demonstrates that nanosilica contributes
positively to the compression resistance
of concrete, making it a valuable compo-
nent for enhancing the structural proper-
ties of concrete mixtures.
Based on the results obtained with the in-
corporation of microsilica and pyrogenic
nano-silica in the mixture, the mechanical
strengths have improved as the curing
ages increase for both the mixtures with
the incorporation of micro and nanoparti-
cles compared to the control concrete.
There is a positive effect for nano-silica, as
its incorporation into the matrix of cement-
based materials like concrete is attributed
to a 4-fold increase in performance. Both
microsilica and nano-silica demonstrate
high pozzolanic activity and control unfa-
vorable crystallization due to a large num-
ber of micro and nanoparticles among
hydration products, along with their con-
nement role.
Table 2. Compressive strength test result (MPa)
Mix code
Curing Age
3 Days 7 Days 28 Days 56 Days 91 Days
C 31.42 43.92 58.65 64.74 69.71
5% MS 31.99 43.86 62.06 70.76 76.39
10% MS 30.17 42.98 62.06 71.53 78.19
15% MS 25.11 41.90 74.62 79.90 81.85
0,75% NS 24.36 41.47 57.55 64.66 70.23
1,5% NS 27.39 38.59 57.71 65.34 71.37
3% NS 27.53 39.61 57.52 65.52 73.27
15% MS+ 1,5%NS 17.33 36.57 61.85 72.77 78.51
15% MS + 3% NS 22.42 42.37 64.21 74.98 80.24
Table 3. Indirect tensile strength test result (MPa)
Mix code
Curing Age
3 Days 7 Days 28 Days 56 Days
C 2.22 3.63 4.29 4.59
15%MS 2.24 3.62 4.78 5.89
3%NS 2.22 3.45 4.75 5.83
15%MS + 3%NS 1.93 3.39 4.79 5.87
TAPIA, et al. - Study of an Environmentally Friendly High-Performance Concrete (HPC) . pp. 95-110 ISSN:1390-5007
Nanosilica, when incorporated into the
matrix of cement-based materials such as
concrete, has been shown to have a signi-
cantly positive effect on their performance.
This study has shown that the addition of
nanosilica results in an increase of up to
4 times the strength and durability of con-
crete. Both microsilica and nanosilica ex-
hibit high pozzolanic activity, allowing them
to control unfavorable crystallization in the
concrete matrix.
Research by Qing, Zhang, Li, and Chen
[38] demonstrates that nano-SiO2 exhib-
its notably higher pozzolanic activity com-
pared to silica fume, contributing to im-
proved compressive and bending strength
in concrete, especially at early ages. Fur-
thermore, Hassan [39] explores the inef-
ciency of traditional testing methods for
nano-silica in concrete, proposing a modi-
ed approach due to nano-silica's unique
properties such as its high surface area
and pozzolanic reactivity.
Micro and nano particles incorporated in
concrete help control micro and nanoscale
porosity within its microstructure, speci-
cally in the transition zone between aggre-
gates and cement paste, thus contributing
to increased strength. For a water-to-bind-
er ratio (w/b) of 0.30, higher values were
obtained using 15% microsilica and 3%
nano-silica, as compared to other percent-
age additions. This is attributed to the parti-
cles' ability to act as ller agents, reducing
the formation of micro pores and enhanc-
ing the material's density [40, 41].
According to Table 2, the compressive
strength is greater for microsilica, nano-sil-
ica, and their combination across various
curing periods. The highest values were
achieved for 15% MS, 3% NS, and 15% MS
+ 3% NS. This resulted in an increase of
17%, 5%, and 15% respectively at 91 days,
thereby obtaining higher strengths than the
control mix. The compressive strength of
High-Performance Concrete (HPC) incor-
porating microsilica, nano-silica, and the
combination of both was higher than the
control mix. At early ages, slightly lower
strengths were obtained for the values of
15% MS, 3% NS, and 15% MS + 3% NS.
However, these differences may be attrib-
uted to the increased pozzolanic activity.
While there is no standardized method for
enhancing the dispersion of micro- and
nanoparticles of silica, employing expen-
sive techniques like ultrasonic mixing has
resulted in better distribution of nanopar-
ticles throughout the microstructure.
Figure 1. Compression Strength of Microsilica
Figure 1 presents the results of the com-
pression tests for the control specimen com-
pared to specimens containing microsilica
at concentrations of 5%, 10%, and 15%.
The inuence of microsilica is evident, as
the trend curve lines for all concrete sam-
ples with added microsilica surpass that of
the control specimen in terms of compres-
sion behavior. Notably, specimens with a
15% microsilica content exhibited superior
compressive strength compared to those
with 5% and 10%, which displayed nearly
identical levels of compression resistance.
It was observed that all specimens demon-
strated comparable resistance at the age
of 7 days; however, beyond this period, the
compressive strength of the specimens
containing 15% microsilica increased sig-
nicantly. This trend was particularly no-
ticeable at 28 days. By day 96, the differ-
ences in compressive resistance among
various microsilica dosages became mini-
mal, suggesting that the variations in mi-
crosilica content (5%, 10%, and 15% in
this study) primarily affect early-age com-
pressive strength rather than long-term
strength. Nevertheless, additional experi-
mental studies are required to verify these
ndings conclusively.
TAPIA, et al. - Study of an Environmentally Friendly High-Performance Concrete (HPC) . pp. 95-110 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
Regarding concrete samples that just in-
corporated nanosilica, no signicant dif-
ferences were observed in compression
behavior, contrasting with results from
concrete samples containing microsilica.
Figure 2 illustrates the compression test
outcomes for concrete specimens incorpo-
rating varying concentrations of nanosilica
in their mix designs, specically 0.75%,
1.5%, and 3%. These ndings suggest
that, unlike microsilica, the inclusion of
nanosilica at these specic percentages
does not notable affect the compressive
strength behavior of the concrete.
To better understand the differential im-
pacts of microsilica and nanosilica on
compressive strength, Figure 3 displays
the comparative resistance trends be-
tween concretes incorporating the highest
percentages used in this study: 15% mi-
crosilica and 3% nanosilica, respectively.
It is evident that microsilica exerts a sig-
nicant inuence on compressive strength
when compared with both the nanosili-
ca-enhanced concrete and the control
specimen. This effect is pronounced both
in the early age (28 days) and at a more
advanced age (96 days). Specically, a
notable increase of 22.8% in compressive
resistance at 28 days was observed for the
concrete containing microsilica.
3.2.2. Indirect tensile strength (Brazilian
The utilization of nanosilica and microsilica
in concrete compositions has been exten-
sively studied, revealing signicant en-
hancements in the mechanical properties
relevant to the Brazilian test for concrete.
These admixtures are found to notably
improve the splitting tensile strength and
exural strength of concrete. This improve-
ment, however, can coincide with reduc-
tions in compressive strength and modulus
of elasticity, illustrating the need for careful
balance in composite formulations. The en-
hancements attributable to nanosilica and
microsilica are particularly pronounced
when used in tandem, suggesting a syn-
ergistic interaction that bolsters the con-
crete’s mechanical integrity [42-44].
Moreover, the inclusion of nanosilica has
been linked to considerable improvements
in the compressive and tensile strengths of
concrete, specically when optimal dosag-
es are employed. This nding is critical for
early-age concrete curing, where strength
development is crucial for subsequent con-
struction phases and long-term durability
[34, 45]. The combined use of nanosilica
and microsilica not only contributes to su-
perior hardened properties but also aligns
with sustainable construction practices by
potentially lowering the cement content
required for achieving desired strength
levels. This dual benet underscores the
importance of integrating these materials
into modern concrete mixes for enhanced
performance and sustainability [46, 47].
The results from the indirect Brazilian ten-
sile strength tests (Fig. 4) indicate a sig-
nicant enhancement in tensile strength
with the incorporation of microsilica, nano-
silica, and their combination. At 56 days,
an increase of 28% in tensile strength was
Figure 2. Compression Strength of Nano-silica Figure 3. Compression Strength of Micro and Nano-silica
TAPIA, et al. - Study of an Environmentally Friendly High-Performance Concrete (HPC) . pp. 95-110 ISSN:1390-5007
noted for mixtures with a 15% microsilica
substitution as well as for those with a com-
bined substitution of 15% microsilica and
3% nanosilica. In both instances, the per-
formance improvement was substantial,
with only a marginal difference of one per-
centage point compared to mixtures that
contained solely 3% nanosilica.
Figure 4. Tensile Strength of Micro-Nano-silica and Hybrid
3.2.3. Flexure test
The integration of nanosilica and micro-
silica into concrete formulations has shown
signicant improvements in the exural
behavior and bond strength of reinforced
concrete. Research indicates that the ad-
dition of nanosilica enhances the bond be-
tween concrete and reinforcement bars,
leading to increased load-carrying capac-
ity, reduced crack widths, and improved
ductility. These improvements suggest that
nanosilica may serve as an effective poz-
zolanic admixture for enhancing structural
properties in concrete applications [48].
Furthermore, experimental results have
demonstrated the superior performance
of nanosilica-added high-performance
concrete over traditional and microsilica-
added concretes, particularly in terms of
the concrete-rebar interface and exural
strength [49].
In addition to the enhanced bond strength,
nanosilica has also been found to signi-
cantly improve the mechanical and trans-
port properties of lightweight aggregate
concrete. Even small dosages of nanosili-
ca result in considerable strength improve-
ments and a reduction in transport prop-
erties. This is attributed to the compaction
of the concrete matrix and modication of
the air-void system, which leads to a more
rened pore structure and improved over-
all mechanical performance [50]. The ad-
dition of nanosilica not only contributes to
higher exural and compressive strengths
but also enhances the durability of light-
weight concrete structures [51].
Explain the test approach. Samples and
etc. or photo.
Regarding exural strength, the mixtures
show relatively low increase values, with
the highest being 7% observed for the mix-
ture with 15% Micro silica substitution, and
the lowest value of 3% for the mixture with
3% Nano silica substitution. Considering
the Mixed Mixture with 15% Micro silica
+ 3% Nano silica substitution, the ex-
ural strength is not statistically signicant,
with only a one-percentage-point increase
compared to the nano silica mixture.
Figure 5. Flexural strength by percentage of cementitious
additions at 56 day.
3.2.4. Tests for modulus of elasticity and
Poisson's ratio
The modulus of elasticity (MOE) is a critical
parameter for both ultra-high performance
concrete (UHPC) and conventional con-
crete as it directly inuences the structural
behavior and serviceability of constructed
facilities. For UHPC, the MOE is signi-
cantly impacted by the composition and
characteristics of the materials used. Re-
cent studies have proposed new equations
for predicting the MOE at different ages
based on the specic mixtures and local
materials used, which can lead to a bet-
ter understanding of the structural behav-
ior of UHPC and its applications in design
[12, 20, 52, 53].
TAPIA, et al. - Study of an Environmentally Friendly High-Performance Concrete (HPC) . pp. 95-110 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
In contrast, conventional concrete exhib-
its a wider range of MOE due to variations
in mix design, aggregate type, and other
factors. Extensive research has been con-
ducted to evaluate the MOE of conven-
tional concrete under different conditions,
highlighting the effects of water/cement
ratio, aggregate size, and type, as well as
the inclusion of y ash [54, 55]. These stud-
ies have led to the development of predic-
tive models that provide a reliable estima-
tion of the MOE based on the compressive
strength and other easily measurable prop-
erties of concrete [56, 57].
The modulus of elasticity obtained for the
different tested cementitious additions
at 28 days shows an increase in its value
compared to the control mixture. The mix-
tures with 15% microsilica and the mixed
mixture with 3% nano silica and 15% mi-
crosilica are particularly representative in
this regard.
Figure 6. Modulus of Elasticity by percentage of
cementitious additions at 28 days
3.2.5. X-ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD)
X-ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD) is a power-
ful non-destructive testing technique used
to analyze the phase composition and
crystalline structure of materials, including
concrete. In the context of concrete tests,
XRD is used to identify the types of cement
hydrates and other crystalline substances
formed during the hydration process of ce-
ment and to assess the presence of poten-
tially harmful compounds like alkali-silica
reaction (ASR) products or ettringite [58].
Figure 7 displays the diffractogram ob-
tained from X-ray testing for dosages of
0.75% at ages of 3, 7, and 28 days. The
peaks observed in the graph allow us to
estimate the different compounds present
in the analyzed sample.
Figure 7. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) of 0.75% nano-silica at 3,
7, and 28 days
Figure 8 displays the diffractogram ob-
tained from X-ray testing for dosages of
1.5% nano-silica at 3, 7, and 28 days. The
peaks observed in the graph allow us to
estimate the different compounds present
in the analyzed sample.
Figure 8. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) of 1.5% nano-silica at 3,
7, and 28 days
Figure 9 displays the diffractogram ob-
tained from X-ray testing for dosages of 3%
nano-silica at 3, 7, and 28 days. The peaks
observed in the graph allow us to estimate
the different compounds present in the an-
alyzed sample.
TAPIA, et al. - Study of an Environmentally Friendly High-Performance Concrete (HPC) . pp. 95-110 ISSN:1390-5007
Figure 9. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) of 3% nano-silica at 3, 7,
and 28 days
Figure 10 displays the diffractogram ob-
tained from X-ray testing for dosages of
1.5% NS + 15% MS at 3, 7, and 28 days.
The peaks observed in the graph allow us
to estimate the different compounds pres-
ent in the analyzed sample.
Figure 10. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) of 1.5% NS-15% MS at
3, 7, and 28 days
Figure 11 displays the diffractogram ob-
tained from X-ray testing for dosages of
3% NS + 15% MS at 3, 7, and 28 days. The
peaks observed in the graph allow us to
estimate the different compounds present
in the analyzed sample.
Scrivener, K., et al. [58] research has dem-
onstrated similar trends, revealing signi-
cant alterations in the microstructure cor-
responding to various nano-silica dosages,
paralleling the ndings from this study at
nano-silica concentrations of 0.75%, 1.5%,
and 3% across different timeframes. The
comparative examination underscores a
uniform trend of enhanced pozzolanic re-
actions and concrete matrix densication
with increased nano-silica levels, aligning
with the outcomes observed in this work.
Additionally, the ndings from the com-
bined application of 1.5% nano-silica and
15% micro-silica in this research Scrivener,
K., et al. observations, shedding light on
the combined effects of these additives,
corroborating with his results on optimized
mix designs for reactive powder concrete.
Figure 11. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) of 3% NS-15% MS at 3,
7, and 28 days
3.2.6. SEM and EDS Analysis
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and
Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy
(EDS, also known as EDX or EDXS) are
complementary techniques used in mate-
rials science, biology, and various other
elds to analyze the surface topography,
composition, and properties of materials.
Figure 12 presents the specimens with a
1.5% nano-silica substitution for the ce-
mentitious material, indicating the percent-
ages of each element present in the sample.
TAPIA, et al. - Study of an Environmentally Friendly High-Performance Concrete (HPC) . pp. 95-110 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
Tvhe elements constituting the con-
crete sample with 3% nano-silica
substitution for the cementitious ma-
terial are presented, and the percent-
ages of each element present in the
sample can be seen in the table.
Figure 12. SEM Micrograph a) Micrograph of 1.5% nano-silica at 3
days b) Micrograph of 1.5% nano-silica at 28 days
Figure 14. SEM Micrograph a) Micrograph of 3% nano-silica at 3 days
b) Micrograph of 3% nano-silica at 28 days.
Figure 13. EDS Analysis for a nano-silica mixture with 1.5% content
Figure 15. EDS Analysis for a nano-silica mixture with 3% content
The elements constituting the con-
crete sample with a mixed incorpora-
tion of 1.5% NS + 15% MS as a sub-
stitution for the cementitious material
are presented, and the percentages
of each element present in the sam-
ple can be seen in the table.
TAPIA, et al. - Study of an Environmentally Friendly High-Performance Concrete (HPC) . pp. 95-110 ISSN:1390-5007
Figure 16. SEM Micrograph a) Micrograph of nano-silica and
microsilica with a percentage of (1.5 % + 15%) at 3 days
b) Micrograph of nano-silica and microsilica with a percentage of
(1.5 % + 15 %) at 28 days.
Figure 18. SEM Micrograph, a) Micrograph of the mixed mixture of
3 % nano-silica and 15 % microsilica at 3 days, b) Micrograph of the
mixed mixture of 3 % nano-silica and 15 % microsilica at 28 days
Figure 17. EDS Analysis for a mixture of 1.5% nano-silica and 15%
Figure 19. EDS Analysis for a mixture of 3 % nano-silica and 15 %
The elements constituting the con-
crete sample with a mixed incorpora-
tion of 3% NS + 15% MS as a sub-
stitution for the cementitious material
are presented, and the percentages
of each element present in the sam-
ple can be observed in the table.
TAPIA, et al. - Study of an Environmentally Friendly High-Performance Concrete (HPC) . pp. 95-110 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
In this study, an experimental design was
carried out that incorporated different per-
centages of microsilica and nanosilica. The
ndings revealed that the substitution of
15% microsilica resulted in a notable 28%
increase in compressive strength at 28 days,
and a 17% increase at 91 days, in contrast
to the control mixture. On the other hand, the
inclusion of 3% nanosilica showed a minor
impact, improving compressive strength by
only 5% at 91 days. These results led to the
identication of an optimal formulation that
combines 15% microsilica and 3% nano-
silica, giving the concrete greater strength
compared to the control mixture. This nd-
ing highlights the importance of the specic
combination of microsilica and nanosilica
in improving the mechanical properties of
concrete, which has signicant implications
in the construction industry and opens new
possibilities for the development of high-
performance materials.
The inclusion of nanoparticles as partial
substitutes for cement has been shown
to signicantly improve the mechanical
properties of concrete, highlighting a no-
table increase in compressive and tensile
strength. These results were achieved
without signicantly affecting the exural
strength, elastic modulus or Poisson's ra-
tio compared to the base mix. Addition-
ally, this modication has been shown to
improve concrete workability by mitigating
aggregate segregation and ensuring ad-
equate concrete slump. These ndings not
only highlight the potential of nanoparticles
in improving concrete properties, but also
suggest a promising approach for the de-
velopment of high-performance construc-
tion materials with practical applications in
the construction industry.
In summary, the incorporation of microsilica
in high-performance concrete not only im-
proves its mechanical properties and work-
ability, but also contributes signicantly to
meeting sustainability requirements. By re-
ducing the amount of cement needed, the
use of microsilica decreases the environ-
mental impact associated with cement pro-
duction, including reducing carbon dioxide
emissions. This positions microsilica as a
viable and environmentally friendly alterna-
tive in the construction industry, in line with
global sustainability objectives and current
environmental regulations.
It is necessary to perform a larger number
of test specimens as the results presented
in this study are indicative rather than rep-
resentative of concretes in order to obtain
a statistical analysis.
It is proposed to perform various tests on
specimens with different additions of nano-
silica ranging from 1.5% to 3% of nano-
silica, as well as micro-silica in the range
of 10% to 15%. The objective is to nd
an optimal addition to achieve maximum
It is advisable to conduct tests in the fresh
state of the cementitious material with ad-
ditions of nano-silica and micro-silica in or-
der to determine normal consistency and
setting times. This is because the reaction
between these additives produces an exo-
thermic reaction, leading to an increase in
hydration heat.
The authors hereby state that they have
no known nancial interests or personal
relationships that may have inuenced the
work reported in this paper.
We would like to express our gratitude to
Dr. Alexis Debut from the Center for Na-
noscience and Nanotechnology, Armed
Forces University ESPE, for his support,
as well as to the laboratory staff. We would
also like to thank the personnel of INECYC
and the material testing laboratory at the
Central University of Ecuador.
TAPIA, et al. - Study of an Environmentally Friendly High-Performance Concrete (HPC) . pp. 95-110 ISSN:1390-5007
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