FARAJNEZHAD, et al. - Impact of Economic, Social, And Environmental Factors on Electric Vehicle Adoption: A Review. pp. 39-62 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
Los vehículos eléctricos (EV) representan una innova-
ción transformadora en la industria automotriz y ofre-
cen una solución prometedora a los desafíos ambien-
tales. Este artículo examina la compleja interacción
de factores económicos, sociales y ambientales, que
inuyen en las decisiones de los consumidores para
adoptar vehículos eléctricos. Los factores económicos,
como el precio de compra inicial y los costos operati-
vos, juegan un papel crucial en la adopción. Las in-
vestigaciones sugieren que, a medida que los precios
de los vehículos eléctricos se vuelvan más competiti-
vos y los gastos operativos disminuyan, las tasas de
adopción se acelerarán. Los factores sociales, incluida
la inuencia de los pares y las percepciones sobre el
rendimiento, la conabilidad y la conveniencia de los
vehículos eléctricos, también moldean las actitudes y
preferencias de los consumidores. Las consideracio-
nes ambientales, incluido el imperativo de mitigar las
emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y reducir
la contaminación del aire, impulsan la adopción de
Mohammad Farajnezhad,
Jason See Toh Seong Kuan,
Hesam Kamyab
Faculty of Business and Communication, Inti International University, 71800 Nilai, N. Sembilan, Malaysia;
CSIRT Center, Computer Engineering Department, Lorestan University, Iran. taban1010@gmail.com.
ORCID: 0000-0002-2086-9294
Faculty of Business and Communication, Inti International University, 71800 Nilai, N. Sembilan, Malaysia.
jasonsee.toh@newinti.edu.my. ORCID: 0000-0002-1309-5200
Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.
hesam_kamyab@yahoo.com. ORCID: 0000-0002-5272-2297
Impact of Economic, Social, And Environmental
Factors on Electric Vehicle Adoption: A Review
Impacto de los factores económicos, sociales y ambientales
en la adopción de vehículos eléctricos: una revisión
Revista Cientíca de Arquitectura y Urbanismo
ISSN: 1390-5007
Recepción: 11, 04, 2024 - Aceptación: 15, 05, 2024 - Publicado: 01, 07, 2024
Electric vehicles (EVs) represent a transformative
innovation in the automotive industry, offering a
promising solution to environmental challenges. This
paper examines the complex interplay of economic,
social, and environmental factors that inuence
consumers' decisions to adopt EVs. Economic factors,
such as initial purchase price and operating costs, play
a crucial role in adoption. Research suggests that as
EV prices become more competitive and operational
expenses decline, adoption rates will accelerate. Social
factors, including peer inuence and perceptions of EV
performance, reliability, and convenience, also shape
consumer attitudes and preferences. Environmental
considerations, including the imperative to mitigate
greenhouse gas emissions and reduce air pollution,
drive the adoption of EVs. This review synthesizes
existing literature on the impact of economic,
social, and environmental factors on EV adoption,
providing valuable insights for policymakers, industry
stakeholders, and researchers. By elucidating the
complex dynamics that inuence consumer behavior,
this study contributes to the ongoing discourse on
sustainable mobility and the transition towards a
greener transportation ecosystem.
Keywords: Electric vehicles, transport sector,
sustainability, adoption, economic, social,
environmental, Malaysia.
FARAJNEZHAD, et al. - Impact of Economic, Social, And Environmental Factors on Electric Vehicle Adoption: A Review. pp. 39-62 ISSN:1390-5007
vehículos eléctricos. Esta revisión sintetiza la literatura
existente sobre el impacto de los factores económicos,
sociales y ambientales en la adopción de vehículos
eléctricos, proporcionando información valiosa para
los formuladores de políticas, las partes interesadas de
la industria y los investigadores. Al dilucidar las com-
plejas dinámicas que inuyen en el comportamiento
del consumidor, este estudio contribuye al discurso
actual sobre la movilidad sostenible y la transición ha-
cia un ecosistema de transporte más ecológico.
Palabras claves: Vehículos eléctricos, sector transpor-
te, sostenibilidad, adopción, económico, social, am-
biental, Malasia.
1.1 Background and Importance of
Electric Vehicles (EVs)
Electric vehicles (EVs) represent a signi-
cant advancement in automotive technol-
ogy, offering numerous benets over tradi-
tional internal combustion engine vehicles.
The background of EVs traces back to the
early 19th century when electric-powered
vehicles emerged as viable alternatives to
steam and gasoline-powered cars. Howev-
er, it was not until recent decades that EVs
gained traction as a practical and sustain-
able solution to transportation challenges.
The importance of EVs lies in their potential
to address pressing issues such as climate
change, air pollution, and energy security.
As concerns about greenhouse gas emis-
sions and their impact on global warming
continue to escalate, EVs present a promis-
ing avenue for reducing carbon emissions
from the transportation sector. By replacing
conventional fossil fuel-powered vehicles
with electric counterparts, EVs contribute
to mitigating climate change by reducing
reliance on fossil fuels and lowering carbon
dioxide emissions. Furthermore, EVs offer
signicant improvements in air quality, par-
ticularly in urban areas where air pollution
from vehicles is a major concern. Unlike in-
ternal combustion engine vehicles, which
emit pollutants such as nitrogen oxides
and particulate matter, EVs produce zero
tailpipe emissions, thus helping to improve
air quality and public health.
Additionally, the adoption of EVs promotes
energy security by reducing dependence
on imported oil and diversifying the sourc-
es of energy used for transportation. With
advancements in renewable energy tech-
nologies such as solar and wind power,
EVs have the potential to be powered by
clean and domestically produced electrici-
ty, further enhancing energy independence
and resilience. Moreover, the proliferation
of EVs presents economic opportunities
for industries involved in their production,
distribution, and maintenance. As demand
for EVs grows, it stimulates innovation and
Electric vehicles EVs
Zero Emission Vehicle ZEV
Traditional internal combustion engine vehicles ICEVs
Nitrogen Oxides NOx
Particulate Matter PM
Carbon Monoxide CO
Volatile Organic Compounds VOCs
Internal combustion engine vehicles ICEVs
Plug-in hybrid Electric vehicles PHEV
European Union EU
FARAJNEZHAD, et al. - Impact of Economic, Social, And Environmental Factors on Electric Vehicle Adoption: A Review. pp. 39-62 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
investment in battery technology, charging
infrastructure, and related industries, lead-
ing to job creation and economic growth.
The background and importance of EVs
underscore their role as a transformative
technology with the potential to address en-
vironmental, health, energy, and econom-
ic challenges. By transitioning to electric
transportation, societies can move towards
a more sustainable and resilient future.
1.2 Overview of the Environmental,
Social, and Economic Impacts of EV
The adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) has
multifaceted impacts on the environment,
society, and economy, inuencing various
aspects of human life and global sustain-
ability. An overview of these impacts can
be elucidated as follows:
Environmental Impacts: EV adoption
contributes to mitigating environmen-
tal degradation by reducing green-
house gas emissions and air pollu-
tants. Studies have shown that EVs
produce lower emissions compared
to internal combustion engine vehi-
cles, particularly when powered by
renewable energy sources (Zhang
et al., 2019). This leads to improve-
ments in air quality, public health,
and ecosystem integrity, suppor-
ting global efforts to combat climate
change and environmental degrada-
tion (Han et al., 2020).
Social Impacts: The widespread
adoption of EVs can bring about so-
cial transformations by inuencing
mobility patterns, urban planning,
and social equity. EVs offer quieter
and cleaner transportation options,
enhancing the quality of life for resi-
dents in urban areas and reducing
noise pollution (Zheng et al., 2021).
Moreover, EV adoption promotes so-
cial inclusion by providing accessi-
ble and affordable transportation so-
lutions, particularly for underserved
communities (He et al., 2021).
Economic Impacts: The transition to
EVs has signicant economic impli-
cations, affecting industries, markets,
and employment opportunities. The
EV market stimulates technological
innovation, driving advancements in
battery technology, electric drivetra-
ins, and charging infrastructure (Li
et al., 2021). This fosters economic
growth, job creation, and investment
opportunities in the renewable ener-
gy and automotive sectors (Wang et
al., 2020). Additionally, EV adoption
reduces reliance on imported oil and
enhances energy security, leading to
cost savings and economic resilien-
ce (Wu et al., 2021).
In summary, the adoption of EVs has pro-
found environmental, social, and economic
impacts, shaping the trajectory of sustain-
able development worldwide. Understand-
ing these impacts is essential for policy-
makers, businesses, and individuals to
make informed decisions and promote the
widespread adoption of EVs for a cleaner,
healthier, and more prosperous future.
2.1 Historical Development of Electric
The concept of electric vehicles (EVs)
dates to the early 19th century, with sig-
nicant advancements occurring over the
decades. This historical development high-
lights the evolution of EV technology and
its integration into modern transportation
systems. The rst electric vehicle proto-
type was developed by Scottish inventor
Robert Anderson in the 1830s, consisting
of a crude electric carriage powered by
non-rechargeable batteries (Notten et al.,
2017). Subsequent innovations by Thomas
Davenport and others in the mid-19th cen-
tury led to the introduction of electric trams
and trolleybuses in urban areas (Laugwitz,
2017). The early 20th century witnessed
signicant advancements in EV technol-
ogy, spurred by concerns over air pollu-
FARAJNEZHAD, et al. - Impact of Economic, Social, And Environmental Factors on Electric Vehicle Adoption: A Review. pp. 39-62 ISSN:1390-5007
tion and dependence on fossil fuels. The
Detroit Electric Company, founded in 1907,
became one of the leading manufacturers
of electric cars, offering a range of mod-
els popular among urban dwellers (Gross,
2018). However, the emergence of afford-
able gasoline-powered vehicles, coupled
with advancements in internal combus-
tion engine technology, led to a decline
in EV popularity by the 1930s. Interest in
EVs resurged in the late 20th century amid
growing concerns over environmental pol-
lution and oil dependency. The California
Air Resources Board's Zero Emission Ve-
hicle (ZEV) mandate in the 1990s incen-
tivized automakers to produce electric
and hybrid vehicles, leading to the intro-
duction of models such as the General
Motors EV1 and Toyota Prius (Sperling &
Gordon, 2009). Despite initial enthusiasm,
limited battery range and high costs hin-
dered widespread EV adoption during this
period. The 21st century has witnessed a
rapid acceleration in EV development and
adoption, driven by advancements in bat-
tery technology, government incentives,
and increasing environmental awareness.
Companies like Tesla Motors have pio-
neered the mass production of long-range,
high-performance electric vehicles, while
governments worldwide have implement-
ed policies to promote EV adoption and
expand charging infrastructure (Faria et
al., 2019). Additionally, the emergence of
electric buses, trucks, and motorcycles fur-
ther underscores the diversity and poten-
tial of EV technology in various transpor-
tation sectors. The historical development
of electric vehicles reects a trajectory
marked by innovation, challenges, and
opportunities. As technology continues to
evolve and sustainability concerns inten-
sify, EVs are poised to play a central role in
shaping the future of transportation.
According to the International Energy
Agency (2021), global energy use will
continue to grow in all major end‐use sec-
tors. The total nal consumption (TFC)
will increase by around 20% in 2020–50.
The demand for fossil fuels will decrease,
and the shift will be toward electricity, re-
newable power, and hydrogen. In 2050,
electricity’s share will rise from 20 to 30%
(Fig. 1). Transport accounts for the largest
reduction in energy demand, thanks to a
shift toward electric vehicles (EV), which
are up to three times more energy-efcient
than conventional internal combustion en-
gines. According to International Energy
Agency (2021), over 60% of the clean en-
ergy technology equipment market pre-
dicted will be battery-based in 2050. With
over 3 billion electric vehicles on the road
Figure 1. Final energy consumption by source and sector in the Net Zero Emission by 2050 Scenario.
Source: International Energy Agency (2021).
FARAJNEZHAD, et al. - Impact of Economic, Social, And Environmental Factors on Electric Vehicle Adoption: A Review. pp. 39-62 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
and three terawatt-hours of battery stor-
age in 2050, batteries will play a key role
in the new energy economy.
2.2 Environmental Impacts of Traditional
Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles
Traditional internal combustion engine ve-
hicles (ICEVs) have signicant environmen-
tal impacts across their lifecycle, including
production, operation, and disposal. These
impacts contribute to various environmental
issues, including air pollution, greenhouse
gas emissions, and resource depletion.
ICEVs emit pollutants such as nitrogen ox-
ides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), carbon
monoxide (CO), and volatile organic com-
pounds (VOCs) during operation (Stocker &
Schraner, 2018). These pollutants degrade
air quality, leading to health problems such
as respiratory diseases, cardiovascular is-
sues, and premature mortality (Hoek et al.,
2013). Additionally, NOx and VOCs contrib-
ute to the formation of ground-level ozone
and smog, further exacerbating air pollu-
tion in urban areas (Cohen et al., 2017).
ICEVs are a signicant source of green-
house gas emissions, primarily carbon di-
oxide (CO2), resulting from the combustion
of fossil fuels (Schiermeier, 2020). These
emissions contribute to global warming and
climate change by trapping heat in the at-
mosphere, leading to adverse effects such
as rising temperatures, sea-level rise, and
extreme weather events (IPCC, 2018). The
transportation sector is one of the largest
contributors to global CO2 emissions, with
ICEVs playing a major role in this regard (Le
Quéré et al., 2018).
The production and operation of ICEVs
require signicant amounts of natural re-
sources, including petroleum, metals, and
water (Sullivan & Locey, 2016). The extrac-
tion and processing of these resources can
have adverse environmental impacts, such
as habitat destruction, water pollution, and
biodiversity loss (Mudd, 2010). Additional-
ly, the reliance on nite fossil fuel reserves
raises concerns about energy security and
resource depletion, necessitating a tran-
sition to alternative fuels and propulsion
technologies (IEA, 2019). ICEVs produce
noise pollution due to engine combustion,
exhaust systems, and tire-road interaction
(Basner et al., 2014). This noise can disrupt
ecosystems, interfere with wildlife commu-
nication and navigation, and adversely af-
fect human health and well-being, leading
to stress, sleep disturbances, and hearing
loss (Münzel et al., 2018).
The environmental impacts of traditional
ICEVs are signicant and multifaceted,
posing challenges to sustainability and
public health. Addressing these impacts
requires a transition to cleaner and more
efcient transportation alternatives, such
as electric vehicles (EVs), and the imple-
mentation of policies to promote sustain-
able mobility and reduce emissions.
2.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of
EVs Compared to Conventional Vehicles
Electric vehicles (EVs) offer several advan-
tages over conventional internal combus-
tion engine vehicles (ICEVs), but they also
have certain limitations. Understanding
these pros and cons is crucial for assess-
ing the overall impact of EV adoption on the
automotive industry and the environment.
EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions during
operation, reducing air pollution and green-
house gas emissions (Nikolaou et al., 2019).
This helps mitigate climate change and im-
proves local air quality, particularly in ur-
ban areas (Jacobson, 2009). Additionally,
EVs can be powered by renewable energy
sources, further reducing their carbon foot-
print (Abdelaziz et al., 2019). EVs have low-
er fuel and maintenance costs compared to
ICEVs. Electricity is generally cheaper than
gasoline, resulting in lower fuel expenses
over the vehicle's lifetime (Peters et al.,
2017). Moreover, EVs have fewer moving
parts and require less maintenance, lead-
ing to reduced servicing and repair costs
(Axsen et al., 2018). EVs are more energy
efcient than ICEVs due to the higher ef-
ciency of electric motors compared to in-
ternal combustion engines (Gallagher et
al., 2012). This translates to greater energy
FARAJNEZHAD, et al. - Impact of Economic, Social, And Environmental Factors on Electric Vehicle Adoption: A Review. pp. 39-62 ISSN:1390-5007
savings and reduced resource consump-
tion, contributing to sustainability and en-
ergy security (Miotti et al., 2016). EVs offer
smooth, quiet, and responsive driving ex-
periences due to their electric powertrains
(Rugh & Kuffner, 2013). They provide in-
stant torque and acceleration, making them
enjoyable to drive and suitable for urban
commuting (Sierzchula et al., 2014).
Most EVs have shorter driving ranges com-
pared to conventional ICEVs, which can be
a barrier to long-distance travel (Shao et al.,
2017). Range anxiety, or the fear of running
out of charge, remains a concern for some
consumers, especially in regions with inad-
equate charging infrastructure (Shaheen et
al., 2017). The availability and accessibil-
ity of charging infrastructure remain major
challenges for EV adoption (Caperello et
al., 2018). Public charging stations are less
common than gas stations, and charging
times can be longer, hindering the con-
venience of EV ownership (Stephens et
al., 2019). EV batteries are expensive to
manufacture and replace, contributing to
the upfront cost of EVs (Zhao et al., 2017).
Moreover, battery degradation over time
can affect vehicle performance and range,
necessitating costly replacements (Wu et
al., 2020). The production of EV batteries
requires rare earth metals and other criti-
cal materials, leading to concerns about
resource depletion and environmental im-
pacts associated with mining and process-
ing (Oladele et al., 2019). Additionally, the
disposal and recycling of spent EV batter-
ies pose challenges for waste manage-
ment and environmental sustainability (Kim
et al., 2016). While EVs offer numerous
advantages in terms of environmental per-
formance, operating costs, and driving ex-
perience, they also face challenges related
to driving range, charging infrastructure,
battery costs, and resource constraints.
Addressing these limitations will be essen-
tial for accelerating the transition to elec-
tric mobility and realizing the full potential
of EVs in the transportation sector. Figure
2 displays the impact of economic, social,
and environmental aspects on electric ve-
hicle adoption.
Production and
Energy Intensity
Impacts of EVs
Social Impacts
of EVs
Impacts of EVs
and Equity
Job Creation
and Economic
and Behavior
and Supply
and Labor
Markets and
Revenue and
Fiscal Policy
Figure 2. Chart of Impact of economic, social, and
environmental factors on electric vehicle adoption
2.4 Environmental Impacts of EVs
Electric vehicles (EVs) are often hailed as
a more environmentally friendly alternative
to conventional internal combustion engine
vehicles (ICEVs) due to their zero tailpipe
FARAJNEZHAD, et al. - Impact of Economic, Social, And Environmental Factors on Electric Vehicle Adoption: A Review. pp. 39-62 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
emissions. However, the environmental im-
pacts of EVs extend beyond direct emis-
sions during operation and include various
aspects of their lifecycle, from manufac-
turing to end-of-life disposal. This section
provides an overview of the environmental
impacts associated with EVs, drawing on
recent research and literature.
2.4.1 Lifecycle Emissions: While EVs pro-
duce no tailpipe emissions during
operation, the environmental impact
of EVs depends on the source of
electricity used for charging. EVs
charged using electricity generated
from renewable sources have sig-
nicantly lower lifecycle emissions
compared to those charged using
fossil fuels (Hawkins et al., 2013).
However, the production of electric-
ity itself, along with battery manu-
facturing and materials extraction,
contributes to greenhouse gas
emissions and other environmental
2.4.2 Battery Production and Materials:
The manufacturing of EV batteries
involves resource-intensive pro-
cesses and materials, including lith-
ium, cobalt, and nickel, which are
often mined through environmental-
ly damaging practices (Dunn et al.,
2014). The extraction, processing,
and transportation of these raw ma-
terials can result in habitat destruc-
tion, water pollution, and ecosystem
degradation, particularly in regions
with lax environmental regulations.
2.4.3 Energy Intensity: EVs typically re-
quire more energy to produce than
ICEVs due to the complex manufac-
turing processes and the production
of high-capacity lithium-ion batter-
ies (Kang et al., 2016). Studies have
shown that the energy intensity of EV
production can result in higher envi-
ronmental burdens, including green-
house gas emissions, compared to
conventional vehicles over their life-
cycle (Ellingsen et al., 2014).
2.4.4 End-of-Life Management: The dis-
posal and recycling of EV batteries
present signicant environmental
challenges, including the potential
for toxic leachates and heavy metal
contamination (Dunn et al., 2016).
Proper end-of-life management
practices, such as battery recycling
and reuse, are essential to mitigate
environmental impacts and minimize
resource depletion. While EVs offer
the potential to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions and air pollution, their
environmental benets are contin-
gent upon various factors, includ-
ing the source of electricity, battery
manufacturing practices, and end-
of-life management strategies. Ad-
dressing these challenges through
sustainable energy generation, re-
sponsible resource extraction, and
effective recycling programs is cru-
cial to maximizing the environmental
benets of EV adoption.
2.4.5 Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emis-
sions: The transition to electric ve-
hicles (EVs) is crucial for mitigating
greenhouse gas emissions and re-
ducing the environmental impact
of transportation. According to the
International Energy Agency (IEA,
2020), EVs have the potential to
reduce CO2 emissions from the
transportation sector by up to 70%
by 2050. EVs produce zero tailpipe
emissions, reducing the amount of
particulate matter, nitrogen oxides,
and other pollutants released into
the atmosphere. This is particularly
signicant in urban areas, where
air pollution is a major public health
concern. The production of EVs
also has a lower environmental im-
pact compared to traditional inter-
nal combustion engine vehicles. A
study by the Union of Concerned
Scientists (UCS, 2020) found that
the production of EVs generates ap-
proximately 60% fewer emissions
than traditional vehicles. Additional-
ly, the recycling of EV batteries has
FARAJNEZHAD, et al. - Impact of Economic, Social, And Environmental Factors on Electric Vehicle Adoption: A Review. pp. 39-62 ISSN:1390-5007
the potential to reduce the environ-
mental impact of the entire lifecycle
of the vehicle.
2.4.6 Reducing Air Pollution: Air pollution
is a signicant public health con-
cern, with the World Health Organi-
zation (WHO) estimating that 9 out
of 10 people worldwide breathe pol-
luted air. Electric vehicles (EVs) play
a crucial role in reducing air pollu-
tion, as they produce zero tailpipe
emissions. According to the Interna-
tional Council on Clean Transporta-
tion (ICCT, 2020), EVs can reduce
particulate matter (PM), nitrogen
oxides (NOx), and other pollutants
by up to 90% compared to tradi-
tional internal combustion engine
vehicles. The benets of EVs in re-
ducing air pollution are particularly
signicant in urban areas, where
air pollution is often most severe. A
study by the University of California,
Berkeley (UC Berkeley, 2020) found
that widespread adoption of EVs
in California could reduce PM2.5
emissions by up to 70%, resulting in
signicant health benets and cost
savings. Furthermore, EVs can also
reduce emissions from the produc-
tion and distribution of fossil fuels.
A study by the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (NREL, 2020)
found that EVs can reduce green-
house gas emissions from the pro-
duction and distribution of fuels by
up to 50%.
2.4.7 Conserving Natural Resources:
The production and use of electric
vehicles (EVs) offer signicant op-
portunities for conserving natural
resources. The extraction, rening,
and transportation of fossil fuels for
traditional internal combustion en-
gine vehicles have a signicant en-
vironmental impact. In contrast, EVs
can reduce the demand for fossil
fuels, conserving natural resources
and reducing the environmental
impact of extraction and transpor-
tation. The production of EVs also
has a lower environmental impact
compared to traditional vehicles. A
study by the Union of Concerned
Scientists (UCS, 2020) found that
the production of EVs generates ap-
proximately 60% fewer emissions
than traditional vehicles. Additional-
ly, the recycling of EV batteries has
the potential to reduce the environ-
mental impact of the entire lifecycle
of the vehicle. Furthermore, EVs can
also reduce the demand for natu-
ral resources such as water and
land. A study by the National Re-
newable Energy Laboratory (NREL,
2020) found that EVs can reduce
the demand for water by up to 70%
compared to traditional vehicles.
Additionally, the production of EVs
requires signicantly less land than
traditional vehicles, reducing the
impact on ecosystems and biodi-
versity. In conclusion, the transition
to electric vehicles offers signicant
opportunities for conserving natu-
ral resources, reducing the envi-
ronmental impact of extraction and
transportation, and promoting sus-
tainable development.
2.5 Social Impacts of EVs
The adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) not
only brings about environmental benets
but also signicant social impacts that ex-
tend to various aspects of society. This sec-
tion explores the social implications of EVs,
drawing on recent studies and literature.
2.5.1 Accessibility and Equity: EVs have
the potential to democratize trans-
portation by providing cleaner and
more sustainable mobility options
for a broader segment of the popu-
lation. Compared to traditional gas-
oline-powered vehicles, EVs offer
lower operating costs and reduced
maintenance requirements, making
them more accessible to individu-
als with limited nancial resources
(Hardman et al., 2019). Additionally,
FARAJNEZHAD, et al. - Impact of Economic, Social, And Environmental Factors on Electric Vehicle Adoption: A Review. pp. 39-62 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
government incentives and subsidy
programs aimed at promoting EV
adoption can help address equity
concerns by ensuring that disad-
vantaged communities have access
to cleaner transportation options
(Stephenson et al., 2020).
2.5.2 Job Creation and Economic De-
velopment: The growing EV indus-
try contributes to job creation and
economic development in regions
involved in EV manufacturing, re-
search, and infrastructure devel-
opment. Studies have shown that
investments in EV production and
related supply chains can stimulate
local economies, create new em-
ployment opportunities, and support
the growth of high-tech industries
(Mallapragada et al., 2021). More-
over, the transition to electric mobil-
ity fosters innovation and entrepre-
neurship in areas such as battery
technology, charging infrastructure,
and smart mobility solutions, driving
economic growth and competitive-
ness (Zietsman et al., 2017).
2.5.3 Community Engagement and Par-
ticipation: EV adoption often fosters
community engagement and partici-
pation through initiatives such as EV
clubs, advocacy groups, and pub-
lic awareness campaigns. These
grassroots efforts play a crucial role
in promoting EV awareness, ad-
dressing consumer concerns, and
advocating for supportive policies
and regulations (Kahn et al., 2015).
Moreover, community-based EV
charging programs and collabora-
tive initiatives between local govern-
ments, businesses, and nonprot
organizations help expand EV infra-
structure and promote sustainable
transportation options at the grass-
roots level (Krause et al., 2018).
2.5.4 Social Acceptance and Behavior
Change: The widespread adoption
of EVs is reshaping societal atti-
tudes towards transportation and
fostering a shift towards sustain-
able mobility. As EVs become more
commonplace, societal norms sur-
rounding vehicle ownership, driv-
ing habits, and environmental con-
sciousness are evolving (Axsen et
al., 2019). Studies have shown that
positive experiences with EVs, cou-
pled with effective marketing and
public education campaigns, can
increase social acceptance, and
accelerate the transition to electric
mobility (Axsen et al., 2017). The
social impacts of electric vehicles
extend beyond individual transpor-
tation choices to encompass broad-
er issues of accessibility, equity,
economic development, community
engagement, and societal behavior
change. By addressing these social
dimensions, policymakers, industry
stakeholders, and community lead-
ers can maximize the societal ben-
ets of EV adoption and promote
a more sustainable and inclusive
transportation system.
2.6 Economic Impacts of EVs
The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) is
reshaping the automotive industry and has
profound economic implications at various
levels. This section examines the economic
impacts of EVs, drawing on recent studies
and literature.
2.6.1 Manufacturing and Supply Chain:
The shift towards EV production
has led to signicant investments in
manufacturing facilities and supply
chain development. As automakers
ramp up EV production, there is a
growing demand for batteries, elec-
tric drivetrains, and other EV com-
ponents (Schäfer et al., 2018). This
has prompted the establishment of
new manufacturing plants and the
expansion of existing ones, creating
jobs and economic opportunities in
regions with a strong EV manufac-
turing presence (Hardman et al.,
FARAJNEZHAD, et al. - Impact of Economic, Social, And Environmental Factors on Electric Vehicle Adoption: A Review. pp. 39-62 ISSN:1390-5007
2019). Additionally, the localization
of EV production and supply chains
can enhance industrial competitive-
ness and resilience, reducing reli-
ance on imported components and
mitigating supply chain risks (Nealer
et al., 2020).
2.6.2 Employment and Labor Markets:
The growth of the EV industry has
positive implications for employment
and labor markets. Studies indicate
that investments in EV manufactur-
ing and related sectors generate
job opportunities across the entire
value chain, from research and
development to production, sales,
and aftermarket services (Deloitte,
2020). Moreover, the transition to
electric mobility requires a skilled
workforce in areas such as battery
technology, electric vehicle design,
and software engineering, driving
demand for specialized talent and
fostering innovation (Hardman et
al., 2019). However, the economic
impact on traditional automotive
industries and associated sectors
may vary, potentially leading to job
displacement and workforce transi-
tions (Stephenson et al., 2020).
2.6.3 Energy Markets and Infrastructure:
The widespread adoption of EVs
has implications for energy mar-
kets and infrastructure investment.
EVs increase electricity demand,
particularly during peak charging
periods, which can strain existing
grid infrastructure and necessitate
upgrades to accommodate higher
loads (Axsen et al., 2019). Howev-
er, advancements in smart charg-
ing technologies, grid integration
strategies, and renewable energy
deployment can mitigate the impact
of EVs on grid stability and enhance
energy efciency (Hardman et al.,
2019). Moreover, investments in
EV charging infrastructure, includ-
ing public charging stations, fast
chargers, and smart grid solutions,
present economic opportunities for
utilities, technology providers, and
infrastructure developers (Nealer
et al., 2020).
2.6.4 Government Revenue and Fiscal
Policy: The adoption of EVs has im-
plications for government revenue
and scal policy, particularly regard-
ing fuel tax revenue and incentives
for EV adoption. As EVs replace
gasoline and diesel vehicles, tradi-
tional sources of revenue derived
from fuel taxes may decline, posing
challenges for transportation fund-
ing and infrastructure maintenance
(Deloitte, 2020). To address this,
policymakers may consider imple-
menting alternative funding mecha-
nisms, such as road usage charges
or mileage-based fees, to ensure
sustainable nancing for transpor-
tation infrastructure (Schäfer et al.,
2018). Additionally, government in-
centives and subsidies for EV adop-
tion, such as purchase rebates, tax
credits, and reduced registration
fees, inuence consumer behav-
ior and market dynamics, shaping
the economic viability of EVs (Ste-
phenson et al., 2020). The eco-
nomic impacts of electric vehicles
extend beyond the automotive sec-
tor to encompass broader aspects
of manufacturing, employment,
energy markets, and scal policy.
By understanding and addressing
these economic dimensions, policy-
makers, industry stakeholders, and
communities can navigate the tran-
sition to electric mobility and capi-
talize on the economic opportunities
presented by EV adoption.
FARAJNEZHAD, et al. - Impact of Economic, Social, And Environmental Factors on Electric Vehicle Adoption: A Review. pp. 39-62 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
2.7 Investments in EV Infrastructure and
its Economic Implications
Investments in Electric Vehicle (EV) infra-
structure carry profound economic impli-
cations, shaping various sectors and inu-
encing economic growth. Investments in EV
infrastructure, including charging stations,
battery manufacturing facilities, and grid
enhancements, create employment oppor-
tunities across multiple industries (IRENA,
2019). Job creation occurs in construction,
engineering, manufacturing, maintenance,
and operations of EV infrastructure, con-
tributing to local economies and support-
ing skilled and unskilled labor (EY, 2020).
EV infrastructure investments stimulate
economic activity by attracting both public
and private investments, fostering innova-
tion, and supporting the growth of associ-
ated industries (Deloitte, 2020).
The establishment of charging networks
and related services generates economic
growth by driving consumer spending
and fostering business development (IEA,
2021). Investments in EV infrastructure fa-
cilitates the expansion of the EV industry
by addressing concerns like range anxiety,
enhancing charging accessibility, and pro-
moting EV adoption (EY, 2020). Supportive
policies and incentives, such as subsidies
and tax credits, encourage investments in
charging infrastructure, accelerating the
adoption of EVs, and fostering industry
growth (IRENA, 2019). EV infrastructure
investments drive technological innovation
and research in areas such as battery tech-
nology, smart grid integration, and energy
storage solutions (IEA, 2021). Research
and development initiatives supported
by infrastructure investments lead to ad-
vancements in EV charging technologies,
grid management systems, and renewable
energy integration, enhancing economic
competitiveness (Deloitte, 2020).
Investments in EV infrastructure creates
revenue streams through charging fees,
electricity sales, and value-added servic-
es, unlocking new business opportunities
and revenue sources (EY, 2020). Charging
networks offer potential returns on invest-
ment through user fees, subscription mod-
els, and partnerships with utilities and ser-
vice providers, contributing to economic
viability (IRENA, 2019). Investments in EV
infrastructure has signicant economic im-
plications, driving job creation, stimulating
economic growth, fostering industry ex-
pansion, promoting technological innova-
tion, and generating revenue opportunities.
As governments and businesses prioritize
sustainable transportation, strategic invest-
ments in EV infrastructure are pivotal for
shaping future economies.
Different countries around the world have
concentrated on the improvement of do-
mestic strategies associated with the issue
of energy to achieve higher sustainability
in its consumption as well as production
procedures (Mukherjee and Ryan, 2020).
The transport sector is an integrated part of
the current societies and contributes con-
siderably to global economic development
(Li et al., 2017). Studies show the recent
contribution of the transport system in more
than 55% of the oil consumption and ap-
proximately 25% of CO2 emissions (Adnan
et al., 2016). The signicant growth in own-
ing and using personal cars can be men-
tioned as an important factor leading to
environmental pollution (Hao et al., 2016).
The transport sector emits one-fourth of
the overall greenhouse gases around the
world, which is predicted to increase from
23 to 50 percent by 2030 (IEA, (2019)). Dif-
ferent governments have currently focused
on the promotion of environmental friendly
EVs instead of internal combustion engine
vehicles (ICEVs) to deal with the problem
of greenhouse gases as well as danger-
ous ne particles (Chu et al., 2019). Thus,
electric vehicles consisting of battery EVs
(BEVs), plug-in hybrid EVs (PHEVs), and
hybrid EVs (HEVs) are considered as a suit-
able solution to the problem of greenhouse
gases emissions and other problems asso-
ciated with the transport system. Further-
more, substantial reduction of air pollution
caused by transportation is an advantage
of EVs, besides the decrease in green-
house gases emissions and related to cli-
FARAJNEZHAD, et al. - Impact of Economic, Social, And Environmental Factors on Electric Vehicle Adoption: A Review. pp. 39-62 ISSN:1390-5007
mate change and decrease in consuming
fossil fuels (Egbue et al., 2017). Accord-
ingly, developing EVs can be an integrated
part of the global attempts to achieve the
goal of net-zero, which is possible, given
the signicant capability of EVs in the im-
provement of energy output, reduction of
greenhouse gases emissions, and provid-
ing diverse energy resources toward trans-
port sustainability (Zhang et al., 2018).
Electric vehicles can be somehow regard-
ed as green products due to their possible
advantages for the environment through
the adoption of new energies along with
enhancement of their output (Wu et al.,
2019). Nevertheless, EVs distribution has
just started. The technology associated
with these vehicles is recently under devel-
opment on one hand, and they need to ob-
tain more competitiveness against ICEVs
from a nancial perspective (Mukherjee
and Ryan, 2020).
According to study of Zhou et al (2024),
the EVs charging load peak overlaps with
the conventional load peak. The greater
the number of the EVs, the greater the im-
pact on reliability. Therefore, a reasonable
regulation of EVs, DG (Distributed genera-
tion) and ESS (Energy storage system) is
undoubtedly conducive to large-scale EVs
connection to the microgrid. Another study
by Nasab et al (2024) showed that the tech-
nical characteristics of the network have
improved in the presence of electric ve-
hicles and distributed production sources.
Similarly, the use of distributed generation
reduces equipment costs and undistribut-
ed energy in the system. However, 10,000
EVs, considered an uncontrolled load, has
caused an increase in undistributed energy
and the cost of equipment required for net-
work development by approximately 5%.
A study of Hui et al (2024), displayed that
EV charging stations autonomously decide
their charging and discharging processes,
bringing benets to the park while also re-
ducing its carbon emissions. Furthermore,
models based on exible storage load
characteristic brought about by EV exhibit
strong robustness and extendibility, pro-
viding surplus energy storage for future
planning in parks. Also, the incorporation
of models based on exible storage load
characteristic brought about by EV can
enhance the exibility of loads from park
users’ side, lower their energy costs and
provide insights for upper level microgrid
operators’ pricing strategies.
According to the study of Chen et al (2024),
the nding shows that while maintaining a
relatively stable system cost, the carbon
emissions are reduced by 1.60 t, and the
uctuation of the load curve is reduced by
21.5%. Therefore, the system has achieved
low-carbon and stable operation while
maintaining economic efciency. Another
study by Ganz et al (2024), the nding
shows that the use case of PV self-con-
sumption optimization with an EV makes in-
stalling a PV system and the investment in
an EV almost always more protable. Thus,
the use case is positive from the user’s per-
spective. Furthermore, the actor-driven use
case of PV self-consumption optimization in
Germany can have a slightly positive effect
on the energy system; thus, a promotion of
this use case by the German government
can help the energy transition in Germany.
Meanwhile, Pirmana et al (2023), it is evi-
dent from the results of Indonesia that bat-
teries and EV production are economically
benecial. The results show that the electric
vehicle production increases productivity,
gross value-added, and job creation with a
relatively small impact on the environment.
A study of España et al (2024), By evaluat-
ing technical, economic, and environmen-
tal aspects with a realistic approach based
on simulation results that considered trafc
conditions and network operational param-
eters, helpful benchmarking is obtained
to promote EVs among owners of public
vehicles in the city and concludes that EV
adoption for individual public transporta-
tion in Pasto (Colombia) is notably advan-
tageous from a nancial perspective. The
work of Shang et al (2024), this study, es-
tablish a comprehensive life cycle assess-
ment model for vehicles to analyze the gap
FARAJNEZHAD, et al. - Impact of Economic, Social, And Environmental Factors on Electric Vehicle Adoption: A Review. pp. 39-62 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
in air pollutant and greenhouse gas emis-
sions between electric vehicles and inter-
nal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs)
in China. Results reveal that, compared to
ICEVs, EVs reduce life cycle emissions of
CO 2 by 12%, NOx by 69%, and VOCs by
9%. Primary constraints on EVs in emission
reduction are traced to raw material and
component production, notably lithium bat-
teries. By 2025, under the low carbon EVs
policy scenario, widespread EV production
and sales could cut lifecycle emissions by
3.55 million tons of CO2, 3,6289 tons of
NOx, and 4315 tons of VOCs. During the
driving stage, these indicators contribute
495%, 124%, and 253%, respectively, to
total emission reduction throughout the
The research of de Wolf et al (2024), ex-
tend a multimodal transport model to sim-
ulate an increase of the market share of
electric vehicles in the north of France. The
study nd that the emissions of pollutant
gases decrease in comparable proportion
to the market share of the electric vehicles.
When only users with shorter trips switch
to electric vehicles, the impact is limited
and demand for charging stations is small
since most users will charge by night at
home. When the government can target
users with longer trips, the impact can be
higher by more than a factor of two. But,
in this case, our model shows that it is im-
portant to increase the number of charging
stations with an optimized deployment for
their accessibility.
2.8 A Comparative Analysis of Energy
Consumption Greenhouse Gas Emis-
sions, and Air Pollution
Electric vehicles offer a higher level of en-
ergy efciency compared to traditional fos-
sil fuel-powered vehicles. Research (Smith
et al., 2013; Hawkins et al., 2013) has indi-
cated that EVs convert a greater portion of
the energy stored in their batteries into ac-
tual propulsion, leading to reduced energy
consumption per kilometer traveled. On
the other hand, internal combustion engine
vehicles face energy losses due to factors
like heat dissipation and mechanical fric-
tion. EVs have the potential to signicantly
decrease GHG emissions in comparison
to traditional vehicles. Studies (Hawkins et
al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2018) have shown
that EVs emit fewer direct emissions dur-
ing operation as they do not burn fossil fu-
els. Nevertheless, the total GHG emissions
linked to EVs rely on the electricity genera-
tion mix in a specic region. In regions with
a high share of renewable energy sources
like wind or solar, EVs display lower life-
cycle emissions than conventional vehicles
(Ramirez-Vallejo et al., 2020). EVs play a
role in reducing localized air pollution, es-
pecially in urban areas. Conventional ve-
hicles release pollutants such as nitrogen
oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), and
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) during
combustion. In contrast, EVs produce no
tailpipe emissions, leading to enhanced air
quality and public health benets (Franco
et al., 2020). However, it is crucial to con-
sider the upstream emissions related to
electricity generation, as certain power
sources, such as coal-red power plants,
may still contribute to air pollution (Liu
et al., 2020).
2.9 Malaysia Case
Malaysia has experienced a sharp increase
in the energy demands of the transport sys-
tem from 1990 to 2012 when 36.8% of the
share of the energy demand was reported
as the highest gure compared to all other
sectors (Sang and Bekhet, 2015). Never-
theless, in developing nations, including
the Malaysian context, governments have
taken the benets of PHEVs into account,
taking actions toward the promotion of their
adoption (Adnan et al., 2018). Although the
large-scale application of EVs is accompa-
nied by different advantages including im-
provement of air quality, there is still a low
rate of EVs adoption in a signicant num-
ber of countries (Langbroek et al., 2019).
This is especially true about the Malaysian
context in which overall emissions have
exceeded those of Asia and the univer-
sal average; unfortunately, the Malaysian
population is usually unaware of the effects
FARAJNEZHAD, et al. - Impact of Economic, Social, And Environmental Factors on Electric Vehicle Adoption: A Review. pp. 39-62 ISSN:1390-5007
of greenhouse gases emissions, and this
is obviously observed in the lower rates of
EVs adoption (Al Mamun et al., 2019).
Since PHEVs are relatively novel technolo-
gies in the Malaysian context, no research
studies or analysis have been previously
performed on the drivers in Malaysia to
evaluate the public acceptance and their
consumers’ intentions to adopt this new
and recently emerging technology (Adnan
et al., 2018; Adnan et al., 2016; Sang and
Bekhet, 2015). Furthermore, even though
different research streams have concen-
trated on the effects that other alternative
vehicles may impose on the environment,
there is no sufcient research on the social
as well as economic aspects of adopting
this novel technology (Onat et al., 2015).
Consequently, one of the aims of the pres-
ent paper is to review of the effects of
economic, environmental, and social di-
mensions on the development of policy
procedures that encourage the adoption of
alternative vehicles at the national level.
The new environmentally friendly technolo-
gies can be eventually successful provided
depending on consumers’ knowledge, pri-
orities and evaluation (Axsen et al., 2013).
The importance of environmental aspects
can stimulate the utilization of other vehi-
cles which use alternative fuels (Clinton and
Steinberg, 2019). Studies have indicated
that environmental protection is usually a
critical objective in humans’ lives. Further-
more, people consider outcomes associ-
ated with the environment when they make
selections (Noppers et al., 2014). Mean-
time, EVs environmental and economic ef-
fects are dependent on the fraction of con-
sumers from whose perspective EVs have
the desired capabilities, and also on the
way these technologies are utilized (Tamor
et al., 2013). Electric vehicles or EVs are
presented in this study as an instance of
novel environmental-friendly technologies
(Axsen et al., 2013). Even though consider-
able research has been carried out on the
environmental effects of EVs, no sufcient
research can be found on the social as well
as economic aspects of these vehicles. In
addition, a considerable proportion of eco-
nomic analyses have been restricted to
analyzing life cycle costs with no consid-
eration of the economic effects. Thus, the
present study aims at promoting literature
on the adoption of EVs and research on
their sustainability which considers both
adoption antecedent and adoption conse-
quence factors. It aims to indicate support-
ing literature including economic and social
dimensions may allow for the development
of policy procedures which encourage EVs
adoption at national level.
The policy and regulatory landscape sur-
rounding Electric Vehicles (EVs) is a mul-
tifaceted domain inuenced by diverse
factors such as environmental concerns,
technological advancements, economic
considerations, and geopolitical dynamics.
Governments worldwide offer various in-
centives to promote EV adoption, including
tax credits, rebates, grants, and subsidies
for purchasing EVs (IEA, 2021). Incen-
tives may also extend to EV infrastructure
development, such as grants for installing
charging stations and funding for research
and development (Deloitte, 2020). Stricter
emission standards and regulations are
being implemented globally to curb green-
house gas emissions and air pollution,
thereby encouraging the transition to zero-
emission vehicles like EVs (EPA, 2021).
Regulatory measures, such as Zero Emis-
sion Vehicle (ZEV) mandates and emis-
sions trading schemes, aim to incentivize
automakers to produce EVs and reduce
carbon emissions (California Air Resources
Board, 2021). Governments and regulatory
bodies prioritize the development of EV
charging infrastructure to address range
anxiety and facilitate widespread adop-
tion (IEA, 2021). Regulations often include
mandates for installing charging stations in
public areas, commercial buildings, and
residential complexes, as well as stan-
FARAJNEZHAD, et al. - Impact of Economic, Social, And Environmental Factors on Electric Vehicle Adoption: A Review. pp. 39-62 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
dards for interoperability and accessibility
(IRENA, 2019).
Policies focus on integrating EV charging
infrastructure with the electricity grid to
manage peak demand, optimize charg-
ing times, and enhance grid stability (IEA,
2021). Regulatory frameworks may pro-
mote smart charging solutions, time-of-use
pricing, and demand response programs
to incentivize off-peak charging and sup-
port grid balancing (Deloitte, 2020). Gov-
ernments allocate funding for research and
development initiatives aimed at advanc-
ing EV technology, battery efciency, and
charging infrastructure innovation (IRENA,
2019). Regulatory support for public-pri-
vate partnerships, collaborative research
projects, and pilot programs accelerates
innovation and commercialization in the
EV ecosystem (EY, 2020). Global initiatives
and agreements, such as the Paris Agree-
ment and Sustainable Development Goals,
foster international cooperation to address
climate change and promote sustainable
transportation, including EV adoption (UN,
2021). International standards and harmo-
nization efforts ensure consistency in EV
regulations, vehicle performance require-
ments, and charging infrastructure proto-
cols across different regions (IEA, 2021).
The policy and regulatory landscape on
EVs are characterized by a diverse range
of measures aimed at promoting EV adop-
tion, addressing infrastructure needs, and
mitigating environmental impacts.
Addressing challenges and leveraging op-
portunities in Electric Vehicle (EV) regu-
lation is crucial for fostering sustainable
transportation. EV regulation often faces
complexity due to diverse national, region-
al, and local regulations, hindering stan-
dardization and interoperability (Ramas-
wami et al., 2017).
Harmonizing regulations across jurisdic-
tions and streamlining compliance pro-
cesses can facilitate EV market growth and
cross-border mobility (Enevoldsen et al.,
2020). Regulations must address the de-
velopment of EV charging infrastructure,
including standards for charger types,
installation requirements, and interoper-
ability (Ahrentzen et al., 2020). Ensuring
adequate and accessible charging infra-
structure is essential for overcoming range
anxiety and promoting EV adoption (Niko-
las et al., 2021). EV charging can strain
electricity grids, necessitating regulations
for grid integration, smart charging, and
demand response mechanisms (He et
al., 2018). Dynamic pricing, grid-friendly
charging protocols, and incentives for off-
peak charging can optimize grid utiliza-
tion and minimize infrastructure upgrades
(Zhang et al., 2020).
Regulations should ensure transparency
and consumer protection in EV sales, leas-
ing, and servicing, addressing issues such
as battery warranties and maintenance
costs (Tol et al., 2019). Clear guidelines on
EV performance metrics, charging costs,
and service standards can enhance con-
sumer condence and satisfaction (Ba-
nerjee et al., 2021). EV regulations must
incorporate environmental standards, in-
cluding lifecycle assessments, emissions
reductions targets, and sustainable mate-
rials sourcing (Klöckner et al., 2019). Man-
dates for eco-labeling, emissions testing,
and recycling requirements can promote
environmental stewardship throughout the
EV lifecycle (Choi et al., 2020). Regula-
tory frameworks should encourage in-
novation and research in EV technology,
including incentives for R&D investment,
technology demonstration projects, and
pilot programs (Van Koten et al., 2021).
Collaborative platforms for industry stake-
holders, academia, and policymakers can
foster knowledge exchange and acceler-
ate technological advancements (Galla-
gher et al., 2017). Addressing these chal-
lenges and capitalizing on opportunities
in EV regulation can pave the way for sus-
tainable, equitable, and resilient transpor-
tation systems.
FARAJNEZHAD, et al. - Impact of Economic, Social, And Environmental Factors on Electric Vehicle Adoption: A Review. pp. 39-62 ISSN:1390-5007
Several regions and industries have imple-
mented successful Electric Vehicle (EV)
adoption initiatives, showcasing the versatil-
ity and potential of EVs in various contexts.
Nordic countries, including Norway, Swe-
den, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland. Com-
prehensive incentive programs, such as
tax exemptions, toll discounts, free park-
ing, and access to bus lanes, coupled with
extensive charging infrastructure deploy-
ment. Norway has become a global leader
in EV adoption, with EVs accounting for
a signicant percentage of new vehicle
sales. This success demonstrates the ef-
fectiveness of holistic incentive packages
in accelerating EV uptake (IEA, 2021).
In China region, substantial government
subsidies for EV purchases, investment
in charging infrastructure, and policies
promoting domestic EV manufacturing.
China has emerged as the world's larg-
est EV market, with millions of EVs sold
annually. The country's aggressive incen-
tives and infrastructure development have
played a crucial role in driving EV adop-
tion (Reuters, 2021). European Union (EU),
Stringent emission regulations and targets,
along with investment in EV charging infra-
structure under the European Green Deal.
The EU has set ambitious targets to reduce
emissions and increase the share of EVs
on the road. The regulatory framework en-
courages automakers to produce electric
and hybrid vehicles, fostering innovation
and competition in the EV market (Euro-
pean Commission, 2021). These success-
ful EV adoption initiatives demonstrate the
importance of comprehensive strategies,
including incentives, infrastructure devel-
opment, regulatory support, and industry
collaboration, in accelerating the transition
to electric transportation.
The present study had some theoretical
implications as follows. First of all, the re-
search regarding the adoption of EVs has
been extended from an environmentally
friendly point of view. Previous research
has taken the adoption of EVs as ratio-
nal behavior, overlooking the inuence
of users’ social, as well as psychological
features, on their intention to adopt these
technologies. Accordingly, the adoption
of EVs has been regarded as both self-
interest and unselsh behavior, while the
impacts of personal norms, attitudes,
subjective norms, and perceived behav-
ioral control on the intentions to adopt
EVs are also explored. Meantime, the ef-
fects of adopting EVs on sustainability
aspects have been also dealt with. There
are signicant implications for policymak-
ers to promote the evolution toward sus-
tainability for which higher shares of EVs
seem to be the best strategy. Moreover,
the ndings of the present study are use-
ful for governmental authorities as well
as vehicle sellers. In this regard, the ef-
fects of including economic and social di-
mensions on the development of efcient
policies have been illustrated to motivate
the adoption of such technologies nation-
ally. Furthermore, signicant insights are
provided for policymakers to consider
methods for estimation of optimum vehi-
cle distribution procedures according to
different environmental, social, and eco-
nomic preferences. Although the integra-
tion of EVs with the current electric as well
as transportation infrastructures in accor-
dance with sustainability issues and in the
most appropriate way is still uncertain,
adoption of these technologies is growing
steadily. Nevertheless, insufcient power-
ful incentives along with other detrimental
effects of the market presentation have
led Malaysia to lag behind other countries
regarding the amount of EVs adoption.
Meantime, it is noteworthy that promoting
EVs with the aim of reducing greenhouse
gases emissions resulting from transpor-
tation should not result in other unfavor-
able outcomes; therefore, conducting
careful, scenario-based environmental
evaluations of the suggested technologies
seems essential prior to their large-scale
adoption (Hawkins et al., 2012).
FARAJNEZHAD, et al. - Impact of Economic, Social, And Environmental Factors on Electric Vehicle Adoption: A Review. pp. 39-62 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
Future policy directions to promote Elec-
tric Vehicle (EV) adoption and sustainabil-
ity should align with global climate goals
and prioritize the transition to clean trans-
Governments should set ambitious emis-
sion reduction targets, including phasing
out internal combustion engine vehicles
(ICEVs) and incentivizing EV adoption to
achieve net-zero emissions (Nauclér et al.,
2020). Long-term policy frameworks with
clear milestones can provide certainty for
investors and drive innovation in EV technol-
ogy and infrastructure (Klenert et al., 2018).
Continued nancial incentives, such as tax
credits, rebates, and purchase subsidies,
can lower the upfront costs of EVs and ac-
celerate market penetration (Goulder et al.,
2019). Targeted incentives for low-income
households and eet operators can en-
sure equitable access to EVs and address
socio-economic disparities (Stokes et al.,
2021). Policies should prioritize the expan-
sion of EV charging infrastructure, includ-
ing fast chargers along highways, urban
charging hubs, and workplace charging
stations (Tongia et al., 2019). Public-pri-
vate partnerships and innovative nancing
mechanisms can facilitate infrastructure
deployment and overcome investment bar-
riers (Hoicka et al., 2021).
Governments should develop supportive
regulatory frameworks, including vehicle
emissions standards, fuel economy regu-
lations, and mandates for zero-emission
vehicle sales (Dagher et al., 2020). Harmo-
nizing regulations across jurisdictions and
promoting interoperability of EV charging
networks can facilitate cross-border mobil-
ity and market growth (Rogers et al., 2019).
Increased investment in research and de-
velopment (R&D) is essential to drive in-
novation in EV technology, battery storage,
and charging infrastructure (Horbach et
al., 2020). Collaboration between govern-
ments, industry stakeholders, and research
institutions can accelerate technology ad-
vancements and address key challenges in
EV adoption (Sovacool et al., 2018). Public
education campaigns and awareness pro-
grams can dispel myths about EVs, pro-
mote their benets, and address consumer
concerns about range anxiety and charg-
ing infrastructure (Dobson et al., 2021).
Workforce training programs and vocation-
al education initiatives can prepare tech-
nicians and engineers for the growing EV
industry and support job creation (Bauer
et al., 2020). By implementing these future
policy directions, governments can foster
an enabling environment for EV adoption,
drive sustainable transportation solutions,
and mitigate climate change impacts.
Electric vehicles (EVs) represent a pivotal
solution for addressing numerous chal-
lenges related to transportation, sustain-
ability, and energy security. As highlighted
throughout this discourse, EVs offer signi-
cant environmental, social, and economic
benets compared to traditional internal
combustion engine vehicles. They con-
tribute to reducing greenhouse gas emis-
sions, improving air quality, and fostering
economic growth through job creation and
technological innovation. Despite the sub-
stantial advantages of EVs, several chal-
lenges remain, including range anxiety,
charging infrastructure limitations, and
high initial costs. However, ongoing ad-
vancements in battery technology, charg-
ing infrastructure development, and sup-
portive government policies are gradually
mitigating these barriers and accelerating
EV adoption worldwide. Looking ahead,
the widespread adoption of EVs will require
continued collaboration among policymak-
ers, industry stakeholders, and communi-
ties to address infrastructure needs, incen-
tivize consumers, and promote sustainable
transportation practices. By embracing
innovation, investing in infrastructure, and
fostering public awareness, we can realize
the full potential of EVs to create a cleaner,
healthier, and more sustainable future for
generations to come.
FARAJNEZHAD, et al. - Impact of Economic, Social, And Environmental Factors on Electric Vehicle Adoption: A Review. pp. 39-62 ISSN:1390-5007
In summary, EVs represent a transforma-
tive technology that has the potential to
revolutionize the transportation sector and
contribute signicantly to global efforts to
combat climate change and promote sus-
tainable development. The widespread
adoption of EVs has the potential to sig-
nicantly reduce carbon emissions and
improve air quality in the long term. As the
global transportation sector continues to
evolve, it is essential to prioritize the de-
velopment of sustainable EV technologies,
charging infrastructure, and energy sourc-
es to ensure a low-carbon future.
While this review aims to provide a com-
prehensive overview of the impact of eco-
nomic, social, and environmental factors on
EV adoption, there are several limitations to
consider when interpreting the ndings.
Firstly, the majority of the studies reviewed
were based on data from developed coun-
tries, which may not be representative of
the global EV market. The adoption of EVs
in developing countries may be inuenced
by different factors, such as limited access
to charging infrastructure and varying gov-
ernment policies. Future research should
aim to include a more diverse range of
countries and contexts to better understand
the global implications of EV adoption.
Secondly, the review was limited to stud-
ies published in English, which may have
excluded relevant research published in
other languages. This limitation may have
resulted in an incomplete understanding of
the global EV market and its complexities.
Thirdly, the review focused primarily on
the impact of economic, social, and envi-
ronmental factors on EV adoption, but did
not explore the reciprocal relationships be-
tween these factors. For example, the im-
pact of EV adoption on economic growth,
social norms, and environmental sustain-
ability may be signicant, but these rela-
tionships were not explored in this review.
Future research should aim to investigate
these reciprocal relationships to provide a
more comprehensive understanding of the
EV market. Fourthly, the review was based
on a snapshot of the EV market at a par-
ticular point in time, and the ndings may
not be generalizable to future scenarios.
The EV market is rapidly evolving, with new
technologies and policies emerging regu-
larly. Future research should aim to conduct
longitudinal studies to capture the dynamic
nature of the EV market. Finally, the review
relied heavily on secondary data sources,
which may have introduced biases and
limitations. Future research should aim to
collect primary data through surveys, inter-
views, or experiments to provide more ac-
curate and reliable ndings. In conclusion,
while this review provides a comprehen-
sive overview of the impact of economic,
social, and environmental factors on EV
adoption, it is essential to acknowledge the
limitations of this study and future research
should aim to address these limitations to
provide a more complete understanding of
the EV market.
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