HABIBI, et al. - Frequency Responses of a Graphene Oxide Reinforced Concrete Structure. pp. 63-79 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
Mostafa Habibi,
Mohammad Habibi,
Emad Toghroli,
Maryam Safa,
Morteza Shariati
Institute of Research and Development, Duy Tan University, Da Nang 550000, Viet Nam.
Faculty of Electrical-Electronic Engineering, Duy Tan University, Da Nang 550000, Viet Nam.
Department of Biomaterials, Saveetha Dental College and Hospital, Saveetha Institute of Medical
and Technical Sciences, Chennai, 600 077, India.
Center of Excellence in Design, Robotics, and Automation, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif
University of Technology, Azadi Avenue, P.O. Box 11365-9567, Tehran, Iran. mostafahabibi@duytan.edu.vn.
ORCID: 0000-0003-1638-0338
Department of Materials and Metallurgy, Faculty of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Shahid Beheshti
University, Tehran, Iran. Mohammad@calut.com.au. ORCID: 0009-0009-0772-5841
Department of Civil Engineering, Calut Company Holding, Melbourne, 800, Australia.
emadtoghroli@calut.com.au. ORCID: 0009-0005-3593-5345
Institute of Research and Development, Duy Tan University, Da Nang 550000, Viet Nam.
Faculty of Electrical-Electronic Engineering, Duy Tan University, Da Nang 550000, Viet Nam.
maryamsafa@duytan.edu.vn. ORCID: 0009-0003-0535-7447
Department of Civil Engineering, Calut Company Holding, Melbourne, 800, Australia.
Department of Civil Engineering Discipline, School of Engineering, Monash University, Melbourne 3800,
Australia. mortezashariati@calut.au. ORCID: 0009-0007-0258-0896
Frequency Responses of a Graphene Oxide
Reinforced Concrete Structure
Respuestas de frecuencia de una estructura de hormigón
reforzado con óxido de grafeno
Revista Cientíca de Arquitectura y Urbanismo
ISSN: 1390-5007
This paper presents a comprehensive investigation
on the vibrations of reinforced concrete structure by
graphene oxide powders (GOPs) using a polynomial
displacement eld and the Generalized Differential
Quadrature Method (GDQM). The study focuses on
analyzing the dynamic behavior of the structure and
assessing the effects of three different distribution
patterns of GOPs on its vibrations. To accurately model
the deformation of the pressure vessel, a polynomial
displacement eld is employed, taking into account
the complex geometrical and material properties
of the structure. The results highlight the signicant
inuence of the distribution pattern of GOPs on the
natural frequencies of the spherical concrete pressure
vessel. The analysis reveals that variations in the
weight fraction and arrangement of GOPs have a direct
impact on the stiffness and dynamic characteristics
of the structure. Specically, increasing the weight
fraction of GOPs generally leads to higher natural
frequencies, indicating enhanced structural rigidity.
Moreover, the polynomial displacement eld and
GDQM demonstrate their effectiveness in accurately
predicting the vibrations of the reinforced pressure
vessel. The combination of these numerical techniques
enables efcient and reliable analysis of the dynamic
response, allowing for optimization of the design and
performance of spherical concrete pressure vessels.
Keywords: Frequency, vibration; GDQM, graphene
oxide powders, GDQM, stability.
Recepción: 16, 04, 2024 - Aceptación: 15, 05, 2024 - Publicado: 01, 07, 2024
HABIBI, et al. - Frequency Responses of a Graphene Oxide Reinforced Concrete Structure. pp. 63-79 ISSN:1390-5007
Spherical structures nd various appli-
cations across different industries due
to their unique properties and benets.
Here are some notable uses of spherical
structures in different industrial sectors(L.
Lu, Liao, Habibi, Safarpour, & Ali, 2023;
S. Lu, Li, Habibi, & Safarpour, 2023; Ma,
Chen, Habibi, & Albaijan, 2023; Tang, Wu,
Habibi, Safarpour, & Ali, 2023; Y. Wang et
al., 2023). Spherical structures, such as
spherical tanks or spheres, are commonly
used for the storage of liqueed petroleum
gas (LPG) and other volatile uids (Chen &
Lin, 2008; Lee, Yoon, Park, & Yi, 2005). The
spherical shape allows for even distribution
of pressure, resulting in enhanced structur-
al integrity and reduced stress concentra-
tion. Spheres are also used in oil reneries
and petrochemical plants for storing gases
and liquids under high pressure. In addi-
tion, these structures play an important role
in aerospace applications, primarily in the
design of satellites and space exploration
vehicles (Ebrahimi, Hajilak, Habibi, & Safa-
rpour, 2019; Ebrahimi, Mohammadi, Barou-
ti, & Habibi, 2019; Ebrahimi, Supeni, Habi-
bi, & Safarpour, 2020; Habibi, Safarpour,
& Safarpour, 2020; Hashemi et al., 2019;
H Moayedi et al., 2020; Hossein Moaye-
di, Ebrahimi, Habibi, Safarpour, & Foong,
2020; H Moayedi, Habibi, Safarpour, Safa-
rpour, & Foong, 2019; Mohammadgholiha,
Shokrgozar, Habibi, & Safarpour, 2019;
Mohammadi, Lashini, Habibi, & Safarpour,
2019; Oyarhossein et al., 2020; Shariati,
Habibi, Tounsi, Safarpour, & Safa, 2020;
Shariati, Mohammad-Sedighi, Żur, Habi-
bi, & Safa, 2020; Shokrgozar, Safarpour,
& Habibi, 2020). The use of spherical fuel
tanks in spacecraft can ensure uniform fuel
distribution and stability during maneuvers.
In the structure design of the buildings,
spherical structures are used in architec-
ture and construction for their aesthetic ap-
peal and structural advantages. Moreover,
spherical reactors and vessels are utilized
in the chemical and pharmaceutical indus-
try for various processes, such as synthe-
sis, mixing, and containment of reactive
substances. Recently, spherical structures
nd application in renewable energy gen-
eration, such as solar power. Solar con-
centrators, also known as solar spheres,
are spherical reective surfaces used to
concentrate sunlight onto a receiver, which
then converts it into electricity or thermal
energy(Dai, Jiang, Zhang, & Habibi, 2021;
Guo et al., 2021; Kong et al., 2022; Z. Liu,
Su, Xi, & Habibi, 2020; Shao, Zhao, Gao,
& Habibi, 2021; Z. Wang, Yu, Xiao, & Habi-
bi, 2020; Wu & Habibi, 2021; Zhou, Zhao,
Zhang, Fang, & Habibi, 2020). In all these
applications, spherical structures are sub-
jected to the various loadings from static
Este artículo presenta una investigación exhaustiva
sobre las vibraciones de estructuras de hormigón ar-
mado mediante polvos de óxido de grafeno (GOP)
utilizando un campo de desplazamiento polinómico
y el Método de Cuadratura Diferencial Generalizada
(GDQM). El estudio se centra en analizar el comporta-
miento dinámico de la estructura y evaluar los efectos
de tres patrones diferentes de distribución de GOP so-
bre sus vibraciones. Para modelar con precisión la de-
formación del recipiente a presión, se emplea un cam-
po de desplazamiento polinómico, teniendo en cuenta
las complejas propiedades geométricas y materiales
de la estructura. Los resultados resaltan la inuencia
signicativa del patrón de distribución de GOP en las
frecuencias naturales del recipiente a presión de hor-
migón esférico. El análisis revela que las variaciones
en la fracción de peso y la disposición de los GOP tie-
nen un impacto directo en la rigidez y las característi-
cas dinámicas de la estructura. Especícamente, au-
mentar la fracción de peso de los GOP generalmente
conduce a frecuencias naturales más altas, lo que in-
dica una mayor rigidez estructural. Además, el campo
de desplazamiento polinómico y el GDQM demuestran
su ecacia para predecir con precisión las vibraciones
del recipiente a presión reforzado. La combinación de
estas técnicas numéricas permite un análisis eciente
y conable de la respuesta dinámica, lo que permite
optimizar el diseño y el rendimiento de los recipientes
a presión de hormigón esféricos.
Palabras claves: Frecuencia, vibración; GDQM, polvos
de óxido de grafeno, GDQM, estabilidad.
HABIBI, et al. - Frequency Responses of a Graphene Oxide Reinforced Concrete Structure. pp. 63-79 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
to dynamic loading and, hence, structural
integrity and strength of such structure is of
most important in the design stage.
Although, most of the spherical structures
are made from metals and composite ma-
terials, there can found examples of con-
struction of spherical vessels using con-
crete materials (Hamed, Bradford, & Ian
Gilbert, 2010; Yan, Wang, Zhai, Meng,
& Zhou, 2019; Yue et al., 2022; Zingoni,
2022). Spherical shapes are preferred as
they provide optimal volume-to-surface ra-
tio, allowing for efcient accommodation of
payloads while minimizing weight and heat
transfer. Moreover, concrete are the most
used and available materials of construc-
tion and demonstrates preferable sustain-
ability and load-carrying capacity.
Novel concretes are usually reinforces
with nano-scale materials such carbon
nanotubes (CNTs) (Shahpari, Bamonte, &
Jalali Mosallam, 2022; Siahkouhi, Razaq-
pur, Hoult, Hajmohammadian Baghban,
& Jing, 2021), graphene platelets (GPLs)
(Jaramillo & Kalfat, 2023; Sajjad, Sheikh, &
Hadi, 2022) and graphene oxide powders
(GOPs) (Cong, Cheng, Tang, & Ling, 2023;
Hwangbo et al., 2023; Zeng, Qu, Tian, Hu,
& Li, 2023). These nano-materials demon-
strated desirable improvement in the con-
crete properties.
Structural analyses of the concrete struc-
tures, as a specic type of composite ma-
terials, are widespread. However, one can
categorized these analyses in three major
categories based on the responses of the
structures: static (Godoy, 1987), dynamic
(Dong, Li, & Zheng, 2010), stability (Pan &
Cui, 2010; J. Zhang et al., 2018) analyses.
In the static analysis, the main focus is on
the state of displacement and stress dis-
tribution of the concrete under static and
semi-static loading conditions. In these
analyses, deection of the structure is im-
portant to for functionality of the structure
and stress information is used to design a
superior structure to avoid failure. Mahapa-
tra et al. investigated the large deection
vibration. In the study conducted by Ma-
hapatra et al. (Mahapatra, Kar, & Panda,
2015), the focus was on investigating the
behavior of spherical structures made from
layer-wise composite materials under large
deection vibrations. Their analysis con-
sidered various types of loading, including
thermal and moisture loadings. To math-
ematically model the composite structure,
they employed a higher-order shear de-
formation theory and a general nonlinear
form of Green strain denition. By apply-
ing Hamilton's principle, they derived the
governing equations for the system. The
results revealed the signicant inuence
of the composite pattern and geometry on
the frequency responses of the spherical
Van Do and Lee (Van Do & Lee, 2020) ex-
tended the research by evaluating both
static deection and free oscillation char-
acteristics of spherical and cylindrical com-
posite shell structures reinforced with Glass
Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP). They uti-
lized an isogeometric analysis methodology
and incorporated different congurations of
reinforcement distribution in the laminate
composite. The analyses employed Red-
dy's shell model and Non-Uniform Ratio-
nal B-Spline (NURBS) curves. The primary
focus of their study was to investigate the
impact of varying reinforcement distribu-
tions on the static and dynamic responses
of curved shell structures.
The post-buckling behavior of spherical
shells is of great importance in numer-
ous industrial applications. Hutchinson
(Hutchinson, 2016) conducted an ana-
lytical investigation to explore the post-
buckling state in spherical structures using
analytical methods. This research aimed to
provide insights into the structural behav-
ior and stability of spherical shells following
the occurrence of buckling.
Additionally, Ghavanloo et al. (Ghavanloo,
Rai-Tabar, & Fazelzadeh, 2019) intro-
duced the nonlocal theory of elasticity in
their analysis of small-size spherical struc-
tures subjected to vibrations. The study
highlighted that the dynamic response of
HABIBI, et al. - Frequency Responses of a Graphene Oxide Reinforced Concrete Structure. pp. 63-79 ISSN:1390-5007
small-scale spherical structures differs
from that of macro-scale spheres. The in-
corporation of nonlocal effects allowed for
a more comprehensive understanding of
the vibration behavior in small-sized struc-
tures. Pang et al. (Pang, Li, Chen, & Shan,
2021) examined the effects of boundary
conditions on the vibrational behavior of
a jointed cylindrical and spherical dome
using Rayleigh-Ritz method.
Overall, these studies collectively contrib-
ute to advancing our understanding of the
behavior of spherical structures made from
composite materials under various loading
conditions, including large deection vi-
brations, static deections, post-buckling,
and small-scale dynamic responses.
The study focuses on analyzing the dy-
namic behavior of the pressure vessel and
assessing the effects of three different dis-
tribution patterns of GOPs on its vibrations.
To accurately model the deformation of the
pressure vessel, a polynomial displace-
ment eld is employed, taking into account
the complex geometrical and material prop-
erties of the structure. The results highlight
the signicant inuence of the distribution
pattern of GOPs on the natural frequencies
of the spherical concrete pressure vessel.
The analysis reveals that variations in the
weight fraction and arrangement of GOPs
have a direct impact on the stiffness and
dynamic characteristics of the structure.
2.1. GOP Distribution in Thickness
Figure 1 illustrates an FG-GOPRC spheri-
cal structure along with different patterns
depicting the distribution of GOPs (Gra-
phene Oxide Polymer Reinforced Compos-
ites) in the thickness direction of the spheri-
cal shell.
Moving forward, the material properties rel-
evant to this investigation were determined
using the Halpin-Tsai homogenization
method. This method allows for the estima-
tion of the effective material properties of
composite materials, such as the Young's
modulus. By employing the Halpin-Tsai
approach, we are able to calculate the
Young's modulus, which is a key param-
eter for characterizing the stiffness of the
material (Z. Zhang et al., 2020) as follows:
in which,
Figure 1. Schematic view of various GPL distribution patterns
HABIBI, et al. - Frequency Responses of a Graphene Oxide Reinforced Concrete Structure. pp. 63-79 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
In addition to the Young's modulus, the
density and Poisson's ratio also consid-
ered as follows:
And the shear modulus of the system can
be dened as:
Lastly, the different pattern of GOPs can be
dened as followings for GOP–X (Eq. (4a)),
GOP–O (Eq. (4b)) and GOP–UD (Eq. (4c)),
(Z. Zhang et al., 2020):
changes from 1 layer to
2.2. Equation of Motion
The displacement eld of the spherical
shell is expressed by
Where strain displacement can be dened
as follows
By substituting
=rØ sin
in Eq. (6)
The unknown quantities in the above equa-
tions could be found in (Al-Furjan et al.,
2022; Al-Furjan, Oyarhossein, Habibi, Sa-
farpour, & Jung, 2020; Habibi, Moham-
madi, Safarpour, Shavalipour, & Ghadiri,
2021; H. Moayedi et al., 2020)
2.3. Hamilton’s Principle
The equations that determine motion are
derived based on Hamilton’s principle:
, and
stand for the kinetic
energy, potential energy, and work done by
the system respectively. The kinetic energy
of the moving plate is indicated as follows
HABIBI, et al. - Frequency Responses of a Graphene Oxide Reinforced Concrete Structure. pp. 63-79 ISSN:1390-5007
The potential energy of the axially moving
plate is illustrated as follows
The work done by the system:
indicates the In-plane mechani-
cal loading. Substituting Eqs. (9), (10), and
(11) into Eq. (8), the governing equations
of motion and boundary conditions are
To illustrate the approximations involved in
the Harmonic Differential Quadrature Method
(HDQM) using a one-dimensional function,
the following equation expresses the
derivative of F(Ø) in terms of Ø:
indicates the total number of dis-
crete grid nodes selected through the solu-
tion domain.
The equation establishes a relationship be-
tween the pth derivative of the function F
with respect to Ø and the variable Ø itself.
This relation serves to demonstrate how
the HDQM method approximates the de-
rivatives of a function using a discrete set
of values and their corresponding weights.
By employing this approach, the HDQM
method allows for the efcient and accu-
rate calculation of derivatives in numeri-
cal analysis and computational modeling.
The term
shows the weight coefcients
) at the
th grid-point located
in the solution domain. The weight coef-
cients related to the rst-order derivatives
would be determined through
the following relation:
The weight coefcients related to the rst-
order derivatives G_ij^((1) ) when i=j can
be acquired as below
The weight coefcients related to the
second-order derivatives
would be acquired through the subsequent
The weight coefcients related to the sec-
ond-order derivatives
be determined as
HABIBI, et al. - Frequency Responses of a Graphene Oxide Reinforced Concrete Structure. pp. 63-79 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
Also, the Chebyshev–Gauss–Lobatto grid
distribution is chosen. In this distribution,
the co-ordinates of grid points (
) are
calculated by the owing equation across
the reference surface.
The displacement eld expressions are
given as below,
Using the above equations, the following
linear set of equations are obtained:
By solving Eq. (19), the natural frequency
of the system can be achieved.
4.1. Materiel Properties
The material properties associated with
GOPs reinforcement as well as concrete
matrix, and spherical vessel are presented
in Table 1 adopted from Ref. (Z. Zhang et al.,
Table 1. The properties of GOPs, polymer, and
pressure vessel
=10 [deg]
=170 [deg]
In addition the following dimensionless pa-
rameters are dened for natural frequency
Ω and internal pressure P
4.2. Validation
The new material and method presented
in the current study need to be veried by
comparing to the results of other studies
in the similar structure and loading condi-
tions. In this regard, the problem of vibra-
tional behavior evaluation from Liu et al.
(D. Liu, Zhou, & Zhu, 2021). The results
are presented for two different parameter
variation namely the mode number of vi-
bration and the GOP distribution patterns.
It is seen that the current method provides
similar results to the selected reference
which validate our methodology. On the
other hand, different variation in pattern of
GOP results in different natural frequency
of pressure vessel shell structure which
will be discussed in next sections in details
along with several other parameters.
HABIBI, et al. - Frequency Responses of a Graphene Oxide Reinforced Concrete Structure. pp. 63-79 ISSN:1390-5007
4.3. Parametric Study
This section examines the impact of dif-
ferent parameters and congurations on a
nanocomposite shell of a pressure vessel.
The number of layers within the nanocom-
posite structure plays a signicant role in
determining the natural frequency of the
pressure vessel, as depicted in Figure 2.
The gure illustrates that an increase in the
number of layers, denoted as N
, within
the GOP-X conguration leads to a corre-
sponding increase in the natural frequen-
cy of the structure, particularly for a low
number of layers. However, for a higher
number of layers (N
> 50), an increase in
the number of layers has minimal effect on
the natural frequency, assuming all other
parameters remain constant. In contrast,
an increase in the number of layers in the
GOP-O conguration has the opposite ef-
fect on the natural frequency of the pres-
sure vessel structures. Specically, as the
number of layers in GOP-O increases, the
natural frequency decreases. On the other
hand, altering the number of layers in the
uniform conguration does not have any
inuence on the natural frequency of the
structure. Therefore, this analysis demon-
strates the signicant inuence of the num-
ber of layers and different congurations
on the natural frequency of nanocompos-
ite shell structures, with distinct behaviors
observed for different congurations.
Table 3. Effects of number of layers and
distribution pattern of GOP
on the dimensonless frequency
of concrete pressure vessel
7 0.6309 0.6309 0.6310
9 0.6311 0.6309 0.6308
11 0.6312 0.6309 0.6307
13 0.6312 0.6309 0.6307
15 0.6312 0.6309 0.6307
25 0.6313 0.6309 0.6306
35 0.6313 0.6309 0.6306
55 0.6313 0.6309 0.6306
100 0.6313 0.6309 0.6306
The natural frequency of the shell is inu-
enced by an increase in the thickness of
the structure (h) in comparison to the radi-
us of the pressure vessel (r), as illustrated
in Figure 2. This analysis considers various
weight fractions of GOP (W
). The gure
demonstrates that an increase in the thick-
ness of the pressure vessel shell leads
to a corresponding increase in the natu-
ral frequency of the structure, regardless
of the weight fraction of GOP. This effect
is expected, as increasing the thickness
while keeping the radius constant results
in a higher stiffness within the structure,
ultimately raising its natural frequency. Fur-
thermore, an increase in the weight frac-
tion of GOP contributes to an increase in
the stiffness of the structure, consequently
Table 2. Frequency parameter of the composite spherical shell
Ref. (D.
Liu et al.,
Ref. (D.
Liu et al.,
Ref. (D.
Liu et al.,
Ref. (D.
Liu et al.,
1 19.2432 19.2361 40.0892 40.0045 29.6019 29.5891 43.7133 43.6901
2 1.1613 1.1601 2.4194 2.4012 2.4203 2.4117 2.4196 2.4032
3 1.8362 1.8351 3.8253 3.8212 3.8263 3.8215 3.8251 3.8182
4 2.4635 2.4602 5.1322 5.1310 5.1324 5.1301 5.1309 5.1292
HABIBI, et al. - Frequency Responses of a Graphene Oxide Reinforced Concrete Structure. pp. 63-79 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
elevating the natural frequency. This rela-
tionship is consistent with the expectation
that higher weight fractions of GOP en-
hance the overall stiffness of the nanocom-
posite shell. Therefore, both an increase
in the thickness of the structure relative to
the pressure vessel radius and an increase
in the weight fraction of GOP lead to an
increase in the natural frequency of the
structure. These ndings align with the an-
ticipated effects of stiffness enhancement
resulting from changes in the structural
parameters and the incorporation of GOP
within the nanocomposite shell.
Figure 2. Effect of h/r aspect ratio and W
on the natural
frequency of pressure vessel
The natural frequency of the entire shell
model is also inuenced by the total mass
of the spherical vessel, as shown in Figure
3 for various thicknesses. An increase in the
mass of the pressure vessel, while keep-
ing the geometrical parameters constant,
corresponds to a decrease in the material
density. This decrease in density results
in a reduction in the natural frequency of
the structure, as can be observed from the
curves in Figure 4. Similarly, the effect of
the h/r aspect ratio (the ratio of thickness
to radius) on the natural frequency follows
a similar trend to that depicted in Figure 2.
As the h/r aspect ratio increases, there is a
corresponding increase in the natural fre-
quency of the shell structure.
Therefore, the total mass of the spherical
vessel and the h/r aspect ratio play signi-
cant roles in determining the natural fre-
quency of the entire shell model. Increas-
ing the mass, which decreases the material
density, results in a decrease in the natural
frequency. Additionally, an increase in the
h/r aspect ratio leads to an increase in the
natural frequency, highlighting the inu-
ence of structural dimensions on the dy-
namic characteristics of the shell.
Figure 3. Effect of total mass of the pressure vessel m
h/r on the natural frequency of pressure vessel
An increase in the angle
generally leads
to a decrease in the natural frequency of
the structure for all thickness values, as il-
lustrated in Figure 4. However, the extent of
this decrease varies depending on the spe-
cic thickness and the value of the angle
In cases with low angles, it is observed that
the natural frequency experiences a more
signicant increase compared to other an-
gle values. The gradient of increase in the
natural frequency is higher for lower angle
values. This implies that small changes in
the angle
at lower angles have a more
pronounced effect on reducing the natu-
ral frequency of the structure. Conversely,
as the angle
increases, the decrease in
the natural frequency becomes less pro-
nounced. The inuence of the angle
the natural frequency is still present, but
the effect is relatively milder compared to
lower angle values.
HABIBI, et al. - Frequency Responses of a Graphene Oxide Reinforced Concrete Structure. pp. 63-79 ISSN:1390-5007
Figure 4. Effect of angle
and h/r on the natural frequency
of pressure vessel
The boundary condition plays a crucial role
in determining the natural frequency of the
structure, as shown in Table 4. By altering
the boundary condition, the natural frequen-
cy of the structure varies across different
values of the h/r (thickness to radius) ratio.
Among the different boundary conditions
considered, the simply supported bound-
ary condition results in the smallest natural
frequency for a constant value of the h/r ra-
tio. This indicates that the structure exhibits
a lower frequency response when it is sup-
ported at the ends, allowing for some de-
gree of freedom in terms of displacement.
On the other hand, the clamped bound-
ary condition corresponds to the highest
frequency values. This boundary condition
restricts the structure from experiencing
any displacement at the ends, leading to a
higher stiffness and consequently a higher
natural frequency.
These ndings demonstrate that the state
of the boundary condition is a determining
factor in calculating the natural frequency of
the structure. Different boundary conditions
result in varying natural frequency values,
with the simply supported condition yield-
ing the lowest frequency and the clamped
condition producing the highest frequency.
In the previous parametric studies, it was
assumed that the internal pressure of the
pressure vessel is equal to the ambient
pressure. However, in reality, the pres-
sure inside the pressure vessel is positive.
The variation in the internal pressure of the
pressure vessel has a signicant impact on
the natural frequency of the structure, as
illustrated in Figure 5.
Table 4. Effects of \h/r and type of boundary
condition on the dimensonless frequency of
concrete pressure vessel
h/r S-S C-S C-C
0 0.55942 0.57244 0.59619
0.05 0.57459 0.58809 0.61280
0.1 0.58263 0.59646 0.62015
0.15 0.58848 0.60291 0.62601
0.2 0.59315 0.60840 0.63128
The gure reveals that changing the pa-
rameter P
from positive values to negative
values substantially alters the behavior of
the frequency curves. When the parameter
has positive or zero values, the natural
frequency monotonically increases for all
values of the h/r ratio. This implies that as
the internal pressure increases, the natural
frequency of the structure also increases.
However, in the case of negative values of
parameter P
, the behavior of the natural
frequency changes. For lower values of the
h/r ratio, the natural frequency decreases
as the h/r ratio increases. This implies that
the internal pressure has a counterintuitive
effect on the natural frequency for certain
values of the h/r ratio.
In each value of parameter P
, there is a
turning point in the curves where the natu-
ral frequency begins to rise. This indicates
that there is a critical value of the h/r ratio at
which the inuence of the internal pressure
on the natural frequency changes. Interest-
ingly, all the curves converge and coincide
at a high value of the h/r ratio. This sug-
gests that at sufciently large values of the
h/r ratio, the inuence of the internal pres-
sure becomes negligible, and the natural
frequency reaches a steady state. The vari-
HABIBI, et al. - Frequency Responses of a Graphene Oxide Reinforced Concrete Structure. pp. 63-79 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
ation in the internal pressure of the pres-
sure vessel has a profound impact on the
natural frequency of the structure. Positive
and zero values of the internal pressure
lead to a monotonic increase in the natural
frequency, while negative values introduce
complex behavior, with a turning point and
counterintuitive effects for certain h/r ratios.
The curves ultimately converge and coin-
cide at high h/r ratios, indicating the dimin-
ishing inuence of the internal pressure.
Figure 5. Effect of parameter P and h/r on the natural
frequency of pressure vessel
Figure 6 illustrates the simultaneous effects
of the h/r aspect ratio and the weight frac-
tion of GOP on the natural frequency of the
structure. Similar to Figure 2, an increase
in both of these parameters leads to an in-
crease in the natural frequency of the struc-
ture. However, one notable feature of the
present graph is the semi-linear change in
the natural frequency due to variations in
the weight fraction of the GOP, which was
not apparent from Figure 2.
The graph demonstrates that as the h/r
aspect ratio increases, there is a corre-
sponding increase in the natural frequency
for various weight fractions of GOP. This
relationship is consistent with the under-
standing that a larger h/r ratio results in a
stiffer structure, leading to higher natural
Furthermore, the weight fraction of the
GOP has a distinct effect on the natural
frequency. In Figure 6, it is observed that
as the weight fraction of GOP increases,
the natural frequency also increases.
However, unlike in Figure 2, where the
relationship between weight fraction and
natural frequency appeared to be linear,
Figure 6 reveals a semi-linear change in
the natural frequency. This suggests that
the inuence of the weight fraction of GOP
on the natural frequency is more nuanced
and exhibits a gradual change as the
weight fraction varies.
Figure 6. Effect of W
and h/r on the natural frequency of
pressure vessel
In Figure 7, the linear increase of the natu-
ral frequency with an increase in the weight
fraction of GOP is observed, similar to the
previous ndings. This indicates that as
the weight fraction of GOP increases, the
natural frequency of the structure also in-
creases in a linear fashion. Additionally,
the effect of pressure vessel mass on the
natural frequency is evident in Figure 7.
Higher values of pressure vessel mass
correspond to lower values of the natural
frequency. This means that as the mass of
the pressure vessel increases, the natural
frequency of the structure decreases. The
relationship between pressure vessel mass
and natural frequency can be attributed
to the increased inertia of the structure
caused by the higher mass. The higher
mass contributes to a greater resistance
against displacement and thus results in a
lower natural frequency.
HABIBI, et al. - Frequency Responses of a Graphene Oxide Reinforced Concrete Structure. pp. 63-79 ISSN:1390-5007
Figure 7. Effect of total mass of the pressure vessel m
on the natural frequency of pressure vessel
Figure 8 illustrates the simultaneous ef-
fects of the angle
and the weight frac-
tion of GOP (Graphene Oxide Polymer) on
the natural frequency of the structure. As
observed in Figure 2, an increase in the
weight fraction (W
) leads to an increase
in the natural frequency of the structure.
Figure 8. Effect of angle
and W
on the natural
frequency of pressure vessel
However, an important feature depicted in
Figure 8 is the decrease in the natural fre-
quency of the structure with an increase
in the angle
from 140° to 170°. This ob-
servation contrasts with the general trend
seen in the previous gures. The decrease
in the natural frequency with an increase
in the angle
suggests that certain angu-
lar congurations have a dampening ef-
fect on the dynamic response of the struc-
ture. This behavior may be attributed to
the specic geometry and material prop-
erties associated with the angle
of 140° to 170°. It is worth noting that this
unique feature was not evident in Figure
2, indicating that the interaction between
the angle
and the weight fraction of GOP
introduces additional complexities to the
natural frequency response.
This paper presents a comprehensive
investigation on the vibrations of spheri-
cal concrete pressure vessels reinforced
by graphene oxide powders (GOPs) us-
ing a polynomial displacement eld and
the Generalized Differential Quadrature
Method (GDQM). This research contrib-
utes to advancing the understanding of the
vibrational behavior of graphene oxide-re-
inforced spherical concrete pressure ves-
sels, particularly focusing on the inuence
of different distribution patterns of GOPs.
The ndings offer valuable insights for en-
gineers and researchers involved in the
design and analysis of pressure vessels,
contributing to improved structural integrity
and performance. The main results could
be given in the following items:
Firstly, it is observed that higher pres-
sure vessel masses result in lower
natural frequencies. This is due to the
increased mass, which contributes to
higher inertia and stiffness, thus re-
ducing the natural frequency of the
Secondly, variations in the internal
pressure of the pressure vessel have
a signicant inuence on its natural
frequency. Changes in internal pres-
sure directly affect the structural dy-
namics, leading to variations in the
natural frequency.
Additionally, an increase in the thick-
ness of the pressure vessel shell is
found to cause an increase in the
natural frequency. This is attributed
to the higher stiffness resulting from
HABIBI, et al. - Frequency Responses of a Graphene Oxide Reinforced Concrete Structure. pp. 63-79 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
the thicker shell, leading to a higher
natural frequency of vibration.
Furthermore, the weight fraction of
GO P demonstrates a linear rela-
tionship with the natural frequency.
Increasing the weight fraction pro-
portionally increases the natural fre-
quency, indicating that the addition
of GO P enhances the overall stiff-
ness and dynamic characteristics of
the pressure vessel.
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