KAIWAAN, et al. - Fibers Pavement Concrete Proposed for Salang Road-Afghanistan-A review. pp. 129-144 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
En este artículo se realizó una revisión intensiva para
proponer concreto de pavimento de bras (FPC) para
Salang-Road, Afganistán. Además, también se evalua-
ron las propiedades estructurales del FPC y se com-
pararon con las de la carretera asfáltica. Existen varios
benecios en la aplicación de bra dentro de pavimen-
to rígido. Por ejemplo, el FPC tiene una vida más larga
y un menor costo de mantenimiento en comparación
con el pavimento exible. En el diseño de pavimento
rígido, la temperatura y el espesor son dos parámetros
efectivos que podrían afectar ampliamente la inclusión
de bra en el costo total del Proyecto de Carretera
Salang. Se introducen diferentes tipos de bras con
optimización de la fracción volumétrica, económicas
y seguras. Se adoptó un concepto para cuanticar los
benecios de agregar bra en términos de extensión
de la vida útil del pavimento y también en términos de
reducción del espesor del concreto para la misma vida
útil de secciones de pavimento de concreto reforzado
y no reforzado, pues el uso de bras reduce el espesor
del pavimento de la carretera, mejora la durabilidad y
posteriormente disminuye el costo total de la construc-
ción de carreteras con pavimento rígido de Salang.
Palabras claves: bras, propiedades estructurales, pa-
vimentos rígidos, temperatura, Salang-Road.
Abdulhai Kaiwaan,
Sayed Javid Azimi,
Muhammad Aref Naimzad
Afghan international islamic University, Structural Engineering Faculty, Afghanistan.
abdulhai.kaiwaan@aiiu.edu.af. ORCID: 0009-0008-2427-5902
Afghan international islamic University, Structural Engineering Faculty, Afghanistan.
sayed.javid.azimi@aiiu.edu.af. ORCID: 0000-0003-2149-7768
Kabul University, Structural Engineering Faculty, Afghanistan. naimzad@ku.edu.af. 0000-0002-3123-7911
In this paper, an intensive review was made to propose
Fibers Pavement Concrete (FPC) for Salang-Road
Afghanistan. Moreover, structural properties of FPC
were also evaluated and compared with those of
Asphalt road. There are various benets in application
of Fiber within rigid pavement. For instance, FPC has
longer life and lower maintenance cost in compare
with the exible pavement. In rigid pavement
design temperature and thickness are two effective
parameters that could widely affect by inclusion of ber
to the total cost of the Salang Road-Project. Different
types of bers with volume fraction optimization which
economical and safe are introduced. A concept was
adopted to quantify the benets of adding ber in
terms of extension of the pavement service life and also
in terms of reduction in the concrete thickness for the
same service life of both reinforced and unreinforced
concrete pavement sections. that the use of bers
reduces the thickness of road pavement, enhance the
durability and subsequently decreases the overall cost
of road construction of Salang rigid pavement.
Keywords: bers, structural properties, rigid
pavements, temperature, Salang-Road.
Fibers Pavement Concrete Proposed for Salang
Road-Afghanistan-A review
Propuesta de pavimento de hormigón con bras para la carretera
de Salang, Afganistán: una revisión
Revista Cientíca de Arquitectura y Urbanismo
ISSN: 1390-5007
Recepción: 23, 04, 2024 - Aceptación: 20, 05, 2024 - Publicado: 01, 07, 2024
KAIWAAN, et al. - Fibers Pavement Concrete Proposed for Salang Road-Afghanistan-A review. pp. 129-144 ISSN:1390-5007
Salang Road (SR) is currently the primary
mountain pass which is the most direct con-
nections betwyeen the Kabul regions with
northern Afghanistan. The pass crosses
the Hindu Kush mountains but is now by-
passed through the Salang Tunnel, which
runs underneath it at a height of about
3,400 m. At least 10,000 vehicles, including
cars, buses and trucks cross the SR Pass
daily, which serves as lifeline between Ka-
bul and the northern provinces, have been
repaired many times over the past decade,
but the conditions remain severe as us-
ing asphalt and poor maintenance are the
main reasons for the degradation of the SR
(Malistani & Nejabi, 2019). On the other
hand, Asphalts road does not have suf-
cient durability against snow and humid-
ity. Hence, most of the time Salnang-Road
(SR) is under the snow fall and Tempera-
ture is under 0 C0. Salang Road several
times constructed but due to low tempera-
ture and humidity and high rapid load of
vehicles destructed and damaged. Thus,
many times reconstructed SR by govern-
ment of Afghanistan but not withstand till
design life and damaged in short period of
time. To tackle these problems, rigid pave-
ments (FRC) can be constructed.
A country can achieve sustainable and rap-
id growth in all elds by improving its con-
nectivity and transit systems which connec-
tivity of people to resources by improved
transit mechanism results in improved liv-
ing standards. Thus, the major part of con-
nectivity of any country is through road
systems (Achilleos et al, 2011; AL-Kaissi,
Daib & Abdull-Hussain, 2016; Hassouna &
Jung, 2020; Cervantes & Roesler, 2009).
In Afghanistan, all the major road systems
are designed as exible pavements only,
because of their ease of construction and
less time it takes to be opened to trafc op-
erations. Pavement plays a signicant role
to improve cost effective and efcient high
way and road networks. In structural point
of view pavement is categorized in two
main group namely exible (Asphalts) and
rigid pavement (Concrete) The major prob-
lem with exible pavements is their design
life and high maintenance costs (Fuente-
Alonso et al., 2017).
Although the cost of construction of rigid
pavements is high, its long life, high load
carrying capabilities and low maintenance
cost will balance the initial cost aspect
(Azimi, 2015; 2017). Recently, many stud-
ies are being conducted on different types
of bers which can be used in rigid pave-
ments, thereby reducing its cost and en-
hancing properties and durability of the
mix (Mohsin, Azimi & Namdar, 2014; Azi-
mi et al., 2014). In transportation sector,
rigid pavement is an important applica-
tion of concrete, since using concrete as
a surface pavement is more durable than
asphalt pavement, requiring less mainte-
nance and having longer life (Malistani &
Nejabi, 2019; Lakshmayya & Aditya, 2017;
Nobili, Lanzoni & Tarantino, 2013; Celis &
Mendoza, 2020). Conventional concrete
usually experiences failure caused by the
breakdown of the bond between paste and
aggregate, and this reduces the exural
strength which is one of the principal fac-
tors in concrete pavement design (Ho et al.,
2012; Prathipati & Rao, 2020; Chi & Zhang,
2014; Shagh, Mahmud & Jumaat, 2011;
Rana, 2013). Therefore, the enhancement in
exural can be used to improve the perfor-
mance sections and to reduce the required
thickness of the pavement (Guo et al.,
2019; Ali, Qureshi & Kurda, 2020; Moham-
med, Bakar & Bunnori, 2016).
On the other hand, concrete pavements may
undergo rapid deterioration, in the form of
micro and macro cracks, fractures and fail-
ures, which can cause loss of serviceability
and unsafe driving condition (Safdar, Mat-
sumoto & Kakuma, 2016; Jamwal & Singh,
2018; Shakir, Al-Tameemi & Al-Azzawi,
2021). This occurrence is mainly due to the
brittle behavior of cement concrete together
with its low resistance to fatigue phenom-
ena and its small toughness (Perkins et al.;
Ali, Qureshi & Khan, 2020; Bordelon, 2007).
However, these detrimental aspects can be
mitigated through the adoption of bers.
Indeed, dispersed structural bers can be
KAIWAAN, et al. - Fibers Pavement Concrete Proposed for Salang Road-Afghanistan-A review. pp. 129-144 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
added at the mixing stage of concrete in the
so-called ber reinforced concrete (FRC).
Many studies have been performed in the
last decades concerning the mechanical
performance of FRC (Choi, Park & Jung,
2011, Bywalski et al., 2015; Kamel, 2016). It
appears that bers can signicantly improve
durability, tensile strength and toughness
of the cement matrix, preventing the crack
opening and growth in concrete members
(Akil et al., 2011; Alengaram, Muhit & Ju-
maat, 2013) and cementitious composites,
like cement-treated road materials (Almou-
sawi, 2011). Asphalt pavement has been
widely used in express highway for its mer-
its of smooth, comfortable travel, low-noise
and so on.
However, early damage of asphalt pave-
ment becomes more and more serious with
the continued increasing of axle load and
trafc; therefore, asphalt concrete should
be modied in some way to promote its
pavement performance (Carmona, Aguado
& Molins, 2013; Chaallal, Nollet & Perraton,
1998). Among those modiers of asphalt
concrete, bers have obtained more and
more attention for their excellent improve-
ment effects and its merits of simple con-
struction and economic cost. Cement con-
crete pavement provides durable service
life and remarkable applicability for heavy
trafc (Deka, Misra & Mohanty, 2013; Has-
sanpour, Shagh & Mahmud, 2012). Its
purchase being easier than asphalt, ce-
ment concrete pavement offers excellent
advantages in terms of durability and eco-
nomic efciency (Mannan & Ganapathy,
2002; Shagh, Mahmud & Jumaat, 2011).
However, adequate repair of this pavement
is harder than asphalt concrete in case of
degradation or damage. Different types of
bers, especially steel and synthetic bers,
are commonly used to strengthen the me-
chanical behavior of concrete, producing
good results with numerous properties. In
general, tensile, exural, impact, fatigue
and wear strength, deformation capabil-
ity, load-bearing capacity after cracking,
and toughness are signicantly improved
with the use of bers in concrete mixes
(Teo, Mannan & Kurian, 2006; Zhang,
Stang & Li, 2001; Gorkem & Sengoz, 2009;
Ramsamooj, 2001; Chen & Huang, 2008;
Fitzgerald, 2000; Rahnama, 2009). The
main aim is to review the studies which
focused on the inuence of utilizing bers
in rigid pavement. Also, a comparison of
Figure 1. Salang-Road, Afghanistan
KAIWAAN, et al. - Fibers Pavement Concrete Proposed for Salang Road-Afghanistan-A review. pp. 129-144 ISSN:1390-5007
the conventional concrete with the ber
reinforced concrete based on previous
researches will be made. This research
investigated to quantied advantages of
different types of bers into pavement con-
crete, in order to consider Fiber Pavement
Concrete (FPC) as a replacement of As-
phatls road concrete for SR Afghanistan.
Here, an attempt is made to reduce the
construction cost of rigid pavements by
incorporating ber in rigid pavement con-
crete of Salang-road of Afghanistan.
The pavement may be dened as a rela-
tively stable layer constructed above the
natural soil for suitable distribution of wheel
load and provides support to the wearing
surface (Chen & Huang, 2008; Fitzgerald,
2000). In history, the pavements have been
divided into two types; exible and rigid
pavements depending on the way of trans-
ferring load to the foundation soil. For ex-
ible pavements, there is a gradual stiffness
that increases from the foundation soil to
the wearing way, which leads to high stress
on the soil because the load is decadent
over a relatively small area. On the con-
trary, in rigid pavements, the stresses on
the soil are smaller because the stiffness of
the road base is bigger than that of the soil
(Rahnama, 2009; Maurer & Gerald, 1989).
The main advantages of using Portland
Cement Concrete pavement has the du-
rability and the ability to hold the required
shape. The durability and serviceability of
concrete pavement structures rely on the
rate of pavement deterioration. The dete-
rioration of pavement relies on features
such as climatic effects, properties of a
material, and Vehicular loads characteris-
tics. Cracks in concrete pavements can be
seen as a tensile failure (Mahrez, Karim &
Katman, 2005; Mahrez, Karim & Katman,
2003). Cracks are developed at different
positions in the pavement, in cases where
higher tensile stresses are developed in it
which is greater than the concrete bending
strength (Mahrez, Karim & Katman, 2003;
Peltonen, 1991). The PCC is a brittle mate-
rial that possesses lesser tensile or bending
strength and lower induced strain at failure.
To solve such a problem, steel reinforce-
ment or bars are incorporated in the con-
crete structures. Delaying and controlling
tensile cracking is the main impact of ber
reinforced concrete. Reinforcing concrete
with ber signicantly affects the costs of
pavement construction due to decreased
thickness requirements, reduced main-
tenance costs and effort, and therefore
longer service life (Huang & White, 1996;
Putman & Amirkhanian, 2004; Chen et al.,
2004; Echols, 1989). The main purpose of
adding steel ber to the concrete ooring
is to modify the cracking mechanism. The
cracking system is revised, and ultimately,
there is an enhancement in its static and
dynamic properties as well as performance
at various applications of load. During the
previous researches, there have been ad-
vances to use discontinuous, randomly ori-
Figure 2. Flexible Pavement Vs Rigid Payment Layers
KAIWAAN, et al. - Fibers Pavement Concrete Proposed for Salang Road-Afghanistan-A review. pp. 129-144 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
ented, discrete bers to overcome these
weaknesses (Maurer, Malasheskie, 1989;
Abtahi et al., 2008). This is recognized as
concrete reinforced with ber. The adding
of bers into the stiff concrete can enhance
the control of growth and propagation of
micro cracks as the tensile strain in the
concrete increases. The type and percent-
age of improvement are based on type,
size, shape, amount, and strength of ber
(Hejazi et al., 2008; Tapkın et al., 2009; El-
Sheikh, Sudol & Daniel, 1990).
Amongst the many benets of bre inclu-
sion in concrete mixture are increased
bond between the matrixes, increased
shear, moment and punching resistance,
increased dowel effect, reduced crack
spacing and crack widths, increased ex-
ural stiffness and ductility (Achilleos et al,
2011,Lakshmayya & Aditya, 2017; Nobili,
Lanzoni & Tarantino, 2013; Safdar, Matsu-
moto & Kakuma, 2016). Different types of
bres have been used in concrete mixture
such as glass ber, steel ber, synthetic
bre and natural bre (AL-Kaissi, Daib
& Abdull-Hussain, 2016; Ho et al., 2012;
Prathipati & Rao, 2020).
i. Glass bre is available in either conti-
nuous or chopped lengths. Fiber len-
gths between 25 to 35-mm lengths
are used in concrete mixture. Glass
bre has high tensile strength up to
4 GPa and elastic modulus up to 80
GPa but it has brittle stress-strain
characteristics, and it has an elonga-
tion up to 4.8 %.
Figure 3. Glass Fiber
ii. Steel bres are commonly used wi-
thin concrete structures. The earlier
version of bres used were round
and smooth, and the wire was cut or
chopped into the required lengths
but modern bres have either rough
surfaces, hooked ends or are crim-
ped. Typically steel bres have the
equivalent diameter ranging from
0.15 mm to 2 mm and lengths from
7 to 75 mm. Aspect ratio is dened
as the ratio between bre length and
its equivalent diameter, and it varies
from 20 to 100. Steel bres have high
tensile strength up to 2 GPa and mo-
dulus of elasticity 200 GPa.
Figure 4. Types of Steel Fibers
iii. Synthetic bres are man-made bres
resulting from development in the
petrochemical and textile industries.
Fiber types that have been used in
concrete mixtures include acrylic,
aramid, carbon, nylon, polyester,
polyethylene and polypropylene. Ta-
ble1 summarises the range of phy-
sical properties of commonly used
synthetic bres.
Figure 5. Synthetic bre (Azimi et al., 2014)
KAIWAAN, et al. - Fibers Pavement Concrete Proposed for Salang Road-Afghanistan-A review. pp. 129-144 ISSN:1390-5007
Table 2. Literature Survey
Author Year Study Topic Result
Achilleos et al
Proportioning of Steel
Fiber Reinforced
Concrete Mixes for
Pavement Construction
and Their Impact on
Environment and Cost
SFRC Pavement design is a good sustainable
alternative instead of asphalts for the road
construction industry, both in the economic and
environmental aspect. Steel bers signicantly
improve the impact resistance of concrete making
it a suitable material for structures subjected to
impact loads.
Zainab Kaissi
et all
Comparison between horizontal tensile stress and
strain at bottom of concrete pavement for (0.0, 0.4,
and 0.8) % volume fraction of steel ber content
show that as steel ber content increase the
ability of concrete pavement to withstand higher
magnitudes of stress and strain without deterioration
Fady M. A.
Hassouna and
Yeon Woo Jung
Developing a Higher
Performance and Less
Thickness Concrete
Pavement: Using
a Nonconventional
Concrete Mixture
The results showed that the new concrete mixture
could achieve an increase in exural strength
between 48.9% and 50.5% compared to normal
concrete mixture without steel bers and steel
slag, with minimum acceptable workability, and
therefore, the required pavement thickness could be
decreased by more than 24 %.
Cervantes, V., &
Roesler, J.
Concrete slabs on an asphalt base withstand much
more ESAL than concrete of the same thickness on
a granular base. The breaking capacity of 3.5-inch
concrete slabs varied with the hardness of the soil.
In all cases, for the 3.5-inch slab, structural bers
provided longer fatigue life, increased durability,
and higher transverse load transfer capability than
conventional concrete slabs.
Fuente-Alonso 2017
Performance of ber-
reinforced EAF slag
concrete for use in
Fiber-reinforced concrete pavement gave
satisfactory results in terms of strength as measured
by energy absorption at break in compression
and tensile tests on normal and FRC specimens.
Resistance to impact and abrasion showed better
results in mixtures containing EAFS as aggregate
than in mixtures with natural aggregates.
Table 1. Synthetic bre types and properties [10]
Fibre type Diameter (μm) Density
Tensile Strength
Elastic Modulus
Elongation (%)
Acrylic 13-104 1.16-1.18 270-1000 14-19 7.5-50
Aramid 12 1.44 2900 60-115 4.4
Carbon 8-18 1.6-1.7 2500-3000 380-480 0.5-0.7
Nylon 23 1.14 970 5 20
Polyester 20 1.34-1.39 230-1100 17 12-150
Polyethylene 25-1000 0.92-0.96 75-590 5 3-80
Polypropylene - 0.9-0.91 140-700 3.5-4.8 15
KAIWAAN, et al. - Fibers Pavement Concrete Proposed for Salang Road-Afghanistan-A review. pp. 129-144 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
Lakshmayya 2017
It was found that the optimum value for adding
VPW to the M40 construction mix is 15 %, at which
point the compressive, bending and splitting
tensile strengths reach their maximum values. At
15 degrees from VPW to M40, the compressive,
bending and splitting tensile strengths increased
within 28 days by 11.54 %, 36.92 % and 14.41 %
respectively compared to conventional mixing.
Oliver C. Celis1
and Catalino N.
Experimental investigation
and monitoring of a
ber reinforced concrete
road pavement
In this work, basic design guidelines for a
polypropylene-based ber reinforced concrete road
pavement are presented. Monitoring was carried
out under actual trafc conditions, as the test
section was opened to the public long before the
full project was developed, taking advantage of the
pre-existing road network.
Oliver C. Celis1
and Catalino N.
It was found that maximum compressive strength of
Ramie ber reinforced concrete for stiff pavement
is 34.93 MPa with a maximum ber content of 1 %,
and for tensile and exural stresses, the maximum
values are 2.98, MPa and 5.99 MPa respectively.
The slab thickness reduced by 23 %.
Turatsinze, A.,
Effects of rubber
aggregates from grinded
used tyres on the
concrete resistance to
Brittleness of the concrete composite is decreased
by the addition of rubber aggregates. it is almost
zero for a concrete composite containing 40 %
rubber aggregate content. Results obtained by
applying AE technique showed that before the peak
load, there is a micro-cracking zone at the tip of the
notch while from the peak load. The Elastic Quality
Index of rubberized composite decreases with the
increase of temperature.
Bentur and
Effect of hybrid steel
bers (short and long
ber) on the toughness
and ductility of the
The results showed an improved toughness and
ductility of the pavement because short bers tie
the micro-cracks this resulted in enhancing the
exural strength and the long bers minimized the
propagating of macro cracks.
Eswari S. et al 2008
Studied the ductility
performance of HFRC
The bers enhanced the ductility of HFRC
compared with non-brous RC
Thanon and
Discussed the use of
steel ber with a different
percent of volume in
concrete as a hybrid steel
and palm bers on the
mechanical properties of
The mechanical properties of concrete improved
with the increase of volume percent of the ber
and the optimal proportion of steel ber is 1.5 %.
The increase in toughness indicates high strength
concrete when the usage of the hybrid ber of 1.5 %
steel and 0.5 % palm bers
Rana 2013
Explore the effect of steel
ber on the concrete
exural strength and
compared it with M25
grade concrete
The rise in steel ber amount in the mix led to a
signicant rise in exural strength. Consequently,
exural strength was increased by about 1.1 %
compared with M25 grade concrete.
Mehul and Patel 2013
The impact of using
different ratios of
polypropylene bers
on the high strength
concrete properties
The result showed that the exural, tensile, and
shear strength were notably increased. the ber
impact on plastic shrinkage cracking is considered
KAIWAAN, et al. - Fibers Pavement Concrete Proposed for Salang Road-Afghanistan-A review. pp. 129-144 ISSN:1390-5007
Sinha 2014
To calculate the optimal
amount of steel ber
added to the mixture for
economic construction
of pavement compare
to normal concrete
Compared to traditional concrete, SFRC is a
signicant indication of composite material as the
pavement thickness is reduced without affecting
load-carrying capability and cost-effective
Jamwal and Sing 2018
Effect of different
percentage of glass
ber to design the slab
thickness of (PQC) using
achieved exural strength
of the concrete mixture
The study showed that the high split tensile and
exural strength values of the concrete lead to
enhance the load-carrying capability and produce
greater predictable life. The addition of glass ber to
concrete lead to reduce the slab thickness
Hadeel M. Shakir 2021
A review on hybrid ber
reinforced concrete
pavements technology
The use of various kinds of bers in reinforced
concrete pavements is essential to improve
performance-related properties. Fibers are used
individually or simultaneously (hybrid) in concrete
pavements and are obtainable in a variety of
shapes, lengths, sizes, and depths. It is obvious
from past ndings that ber hybridization improves
the properties of concrete better than mono bers.
It can be concluded that using hybridization in
reinforced concrete pavement allows to reduce
the thickness up to 30% by the improvement of
compressive and tensile strengths.
Dr. Steven W.
Development of Design
Methods for Geosynthetic
Reinforced Flexible
Signicant improvement in terms of the number
of trafc passes needed to reach a specied
pavement surface deformation was observed
for pavements constructed over relatively weak
subgrades. The method has been formulated to be
generic such that properties of the reinforcement
established from different test methods are used as
Babar Ali 2020
Flexural behavior of glass
ber-reinforced recycled
aggregate concrete and
its impact on the cost
and carbon footprint of
concrete pavement
The results show that the application of glass
ber-concrete in highway concrete pavements
is economical and environmentally feasible than
choosing the plain concrete for the provision of
a same service facility. Cost of pavement (CP)
per square meter (USD/m²) was evaluated and
compared for different mixes. Compared to control
concrete, 100 %CWA concrete yields 7% lesser CP
value. Whereas 0.25 % GF incorporation leads to
minimum CP values at all levels of CWA. Despite a
high cost per unit volume, GFreinforced concretes
at 0.25% ber volume yield 21 % cheaper pavement
than that of the control concrete.
Urbana, Illinois 2005
Specically, functionally graded concrete materials
(FGCM) for two lift rigid pavement construction,
UTW composite material behavior, and ber-
reinforced concrete (FRC) pavements and the
evaluation of mixture design selection to assist
engineers in optimizing eld performance.
KAIWAAN, et al. - Fibers Pavement Concrete Proposed for Salang Road-Afghanistan-A review. pp. 129-144 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
The type of ber and its volume fraction has
a considerable effect on the properties of
FRC. The amount of bre can be classied
as a function of their ber volume fraction,
low bre volume fraction 1 %, reasonable
bre volume fraction between 1 % and 2 %
whilst high bre volume fraction greater
than 2 %. Fibre contents in excess of 2 %
by volume fraction results in poor workabil-
ity. Figure 2.3 illustrates the behaviour of
ber into the matrix (Azimi, 2017; Mohsin,
Azimi & Namdar, 2014). Martin et al. (2008)
observed that the behaviour of plain con-
crete is brittle, concrete with insufcient
S. Y. CHOI et al 2011
A Study on the Shrinkage
Control of Fiber
Reinforced Concrete
Three types of macro bers with length longer than
30 mm and small aspect ratio together with micro
nylon bers with length of 12 mm and aspect ratio
larger than 1000 are selected for the tests. Both
reinforcement with a single type of ber and hybrid
reinforcement involving micro and macro bers
were executed, and the ber volume ratio was set to
0.2 to 0.3 % of the concrete pavement mix.
Bywalski et al 2014
Inuence of steel bers
addition on mechanical
and selected rheological
properties of steel bre
high-strength reinforced
The percentage of total shrinkage distortion
depends on the content of bers and reduced,
since the content has been increased. For each
type of bers, depending on their shape, a length
and a slender ratio, there is an optimal level of
structural gain, which may not be exceeded due to
the process ability of the concrete mix.
M. A. Kame 2016
Quantication of
Benets of Steel Fiber
Reinforcement for Rigid
The incorporation of steel bers to PCC results in an
appreciable increase in compressive strength for
different curing times, the increase has ranged from
10 % to 45 %. Flexural strength has improved up to
60 % as compared to PCC. The dynamic modulus
of elasticity determined through ultrasonic testing
on different concrete specimens has also got an
increase of 25 % with a steel ber content of 8 % by
cement weight.
Yating Zhang
et al
Research on the behavior
of rigid pavement of
basalt ber reinforced
dowel bar under the
condition of variable
The range ability of temperature decreases with
the enhancement of depth, and the temperature
of pavement surface will be less than that of
the road interior while heat release arises at the
surface with a weakness of solar radiation. Impact
analysis according to cement concrete pavement
temperature stress containing basalt ber reinforced
dowel bar under different surface thickness shows
that dowel bar has not occurred plastic deformation
and bending strength meet the requirements.
Chih-Ta Tsai
et al
Use of high performance
concrete on rigid
pavement construction for
exclusive bus lanes
This study incorporated the densied mixture
design algorithm (DMDA) into the mixture design
of HPC and HPSFRC in light of the critical
requirements of constructing the rigid pavement
in the bus stops of the exclusive bus lanes. The
properties of HPC and HPSFRC designed can meet
the design requirements, including the compressive
strength at 3, 28, and 56 days, the exural strength
at 28 and 56 days, the workability including slump,
slump ow, ow time, durability in terms of resistivity
and charge passed.
KAIWAAN, et al. - Fibers Pavement Concrete Proposed for Salang Road-Afghanistan-A review. pp. 129-144 ISSN:1390-5007
Figure 6. Typical stress-strain curves for concrete, concrete with insufcient amount of
ber and concrete with sufcient amount of bres (Fuente-Alonso et al., 2017)
amount of ber behaves quasi-brittle and
concrete with sufcient amount of bres be-
haves multiple cracking (strain-hardening).
i. Brittle behaviour of concrete is obser-
ved when there is no bres and steel
inside the concrete. This is because,
the concrete loses its tensile streng-
th immediately after formation of rst
ii. The quasi-brittle behaviour of con-
crete describes concrete that starts
softening immediately after rst crac-
king load. However, quasi-brittle be-
haviour of concrete still capable of
transferring some reduced amount
of stress which gradually decreases
with increasing crack opening.
iii. Multiple cracks (strain-hardening)
occur when bres within the matrix
are capable of arresting the further
opening of cracks by ber bridging
mechanism and inhibiting cracks
growth. These mechanisms in turn
cause the increase in the number of
cracks whilst decreasing the spacing
Plain concrete pavements have low ten-
sile strength and strain capacity, however
these structural characteristics are im-
proved by bre addition, allowing reduction
of the pavement layer thickness. This im-
provement can be signicant and depends
on bre characteristics and volume fraction
and ber inuence to delay and control the
tensile cracking of concrete (Munn, 1989;
Echols, 1989). Therefore, it is found to have
signicant impact on the pavement cost
due to reduced thickness requirements,
less maintenance costs and longer useful
life and comparing with the life cycle of an
asphalt road, SFRC pavements have been
reported to last twice as long. The largest
volume application of SFRC has been in
airport pavements due to high and dam-
aging loads (Maurer & Arellano, 1987;
Putman, 2004). Steel bers signicantly
improve the impact resistance of concrete
making it a suitable material for structures
subjected to impact loads. SFRC pavement
eliminates spring load restrictions. It does
not rut, washboard or shove as in asphalt
roadways; and it provides fuel savings for
heavy vehicles versus asphalt pavements
[New Jersey Division of Highways, 1976;
Serfass & Samanos, 1996). All the above
factors suggest that SFRC pavements are
the most benecial pavement type from an
engineering and economical prospective.
On the other hand, the current high cost of
steel bres in many regions may not justify
their use, despite the lower life cycle costs
achieved due to reduced maintenance re-
quirements (Jenq, Liaw, C & Lieu, 1993;
Simpson & Mahboub, 1994).
KAIWAAN, et al. - Fibers Pavement Concrete Proposed for Salang Road-Afghanistan-A review. pp. 129-144 ISSN:1390-5007 EÍDOS 24
Cracking in the concrete pavement is the
major cause of such disadvantages and the
demand of repair on road sites is growing
every day. This emphasizes the urgency to
secure technologies for the control of early
and long-term cracking. Rigid Pavements
are made of Portland Cement Concrete
(PCC). It serves out two aims, to maintain
a durable surface with comfortable driving
for vehicles. The second purpose is to de-
crease the stresses on the layers of pave-
ment beneath the surface such as subbase
and subgrade (Chen, Chung & Fu; Song,
Hwang & Sheu, 2005). Concrete is con-
sidered a weak material in resisting ten-
sile stresses. Therefore, when low tensile
stresses are applied, rigid pavement be-
gins to crack effortlessly. In concrete pave-
ment, the usage of different kinds of ber
reinforcement could be an effective tech-
nique to improve these properties. Numer-
ous kinds of bers are utilized in the con-
crete pavement to behave as an alternative
to ordinary reinforcement. They may differ
in material like steel or plastic and could be
in many shapes, and dimensions (Choi &
Yuan, 2005,Alhozaimy, Soroushian & Mir-
za, 1996). The addition of bers is during
the mixing when the concrete is still fresh.
The incorporation of different sorts of bers
could be a signicant step in diminishing
the cracks and achieving a higher perfor-
mance of concrete. Two kinds of bers or
even more than two can be combined to
achieve a mixture that produces prots for
each type of ber in this composite as hy-
brid ber (Noumowe, 2005; Singh, Shukla
& Brown, 2004). The reinforcement of con-
crete pavements with steel bers may be
considered as a good economical alterna-
tive. Not only, is the reduction of the con-
struction costs expected but also, in terms
of saving of natural resources (Einsfeld &
Velasco, 2006).
It can be concluded; different types of ber
showed good compatibility in order to im-
prove the structure properties of Concrete-
Road pavement. In addition, bres were
efcient for improving the tensile strength
of PC to prevent from diagonal-tension
cracking and caused to enhance the du-
rability and service life of Road pavement
structure. The concrete rigid pavement has
low resisting the tensile stress and, cracks
occur simply under the effect of Vehicles
load. The use of various kinds of bers in
reinforced concrete pavements is more
effective to improve road structure prop-
erties. The main conclusions observed
based on previously studied are:
1. It is highly recommended to use bre
with an adequate amount into RPC of
Salang for producing economical RP
structure. Thus it was indicated that
the use of ber-concrete in highway
concrete pavements is economical
and environmentally feasible than
choosing the Asphalts-Road for the
provision of a same service facility, the
required pavement thickness could be
decreased by more than 24 %.
2. It is obvious from past ndings that
ber hybridization improves the pro-
perties of concrete, the incorporation
of bers into the concrete led to an
increase in the cost of the structure,
but this cost increase is not an actual
problem because the use of bers in
a mixture improves the durability of
rigid pavement concrete.
3. Polymeric bers such as polyes-
ter or polypropylene have proven
cost-effective and corrosion resistant
but they gave lower mechanical be-
havior than steel bers in concrete
and hybridization in reinforced con-
crete pavement allows to reduce the
thickness up to 30 % by the impro-
vement of compressive and tensile
4. An increase in the mechanical pro-
perties of concrete such as compres-
sive strength, split tensile strength
and exural strength was caused by
the addition of bers to the concrete
mixes but compressive strength of
normal strength brous concrete is
KAIWAAN, et al. - Fibers Pavement Concrete Proposed for Salang Road-Afghanistan-A review. pp. 129-144 ISSN:1390-5007
comparatively scarcely affected by
the presence of bers compared to
the tensile strength.
5. The novel concept behind this study
is to prevent from shrinkage and
expansion of concrete against tem-
perature changes, which causes to
increases the design life road pave-
ment concrete.
This study is recommended by the Min-
istry of Public Work in order to consider
for rehabilitation of Salang-Road Afghani-
stan. Abdulhai Kaiwaan and Sayed Javid
Azimi wishes to thank Ministry of Higher
education of Afghanistan for support by
this research.
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