Las mujeres sirias y el conflicto bélico en la ciudad de Damasco (Una propuesta de modelo asistencial de rehabilitación del trauma y refuerzo de la resiliencia)

Syrian Women and the Armed Conflict in the City of Damascus (A Proposed Model for Trauma Rehabilitation and Resilience Building)


  • Mercedes Pitaluga Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana de México



humanitarian crisis, syrian women, syrian crisis, post-traumatic stress, resilience


Based on qualitative research conducted in Damascus, Syria, a personal vision of this reality is presented. From a psycho-social and cultural point of view, the intention is to reflect on some aspects of the daily life and reality of Syrian women, who have witnessed the civil war that Syria entered in 2011, as well as the devastating consequences of the post-war period until today. The aim was to evidence the way in which war and post-war trauma manifested itself in 20 women in Damascus, intuiting that these manifestations would be related to cultural aspects associated - among other things - with gender. It is assumed that trauma would be expressed in the way Syrian women, from their feminine condition, construct and reconstruct their daily world. Research on gender in the Middle East by Rizkalla and collaborators, as well as Boris Cyrulnik's conceptualizations of resilience, were studied in depth. The researcher, living in Syria, also relates her own experience as a source of understanding and analysis.

This study is based on the ideal of equal gender rights admitted by Western culture, this ideal could be in direct conflict with the value system (historically constructed) regarding the role or social and cultural role of women in Syria. This does not preclude, from a respectful position, challenging this value system as it does not correspond to the rights that are universally accepted in the global society of the 21st century.


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How to Cite

Pitaluga, M. (2024). Las mujeres sirias y el conflicto bélico en la ciudad de Damasco (Una propuesta de modelo asistencial de rehabilitación del trauma y refuerzo de la resiliencia): Syrian Women and the Armed Conflict in the City of Damascus (A Proposed Model for Trauma Rehabilitation and Resilience Building). Derecho Y Sociedad UTE, 1(3), 1–24.