Emprendimiento Digital y Micro y Pequeñas Empresas en Tiempos del Covid-19 en México


  • Cesaire Chiatchoua National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico
  • Rita Ávila-Romero National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico



Palabras clave:

Pandemia, Tecnología, Generación Z, Regulación, Organización, México, Desempleo


COVID-19 has affected the development of economic activities and increased unemployment around the world. The most viable alternative is to promote entrepreneurship. Digital entrepreneurship took on greater importance in the face of the confinement imposed to curb the spread of COVID-19. The objective of this research is to analyze some work areas for the development of digital entrepreneurship with the aim of promoting self-employment of young people. A qualitative methodology with cross-sectional and descriptive scope was used using secondary sources. The results of this study show that technological tools are the new source for business development as Content Marketing and Social Networks, Artificial Intelligence, 3D Printing, Virtual Reality, Big Data, Devices through the Voice, Robotization, automation and digital transformation of companies, Electronic Commerce and Digital Leisure just to mention these. Although Mexico is prepared for the implementation of businesses via the Internet, it should be noted that there are still barriers such as bureaucracy, training, greater investment, ignorance and resistance to change. Then, it is urgent to develop collaborative public-private-academy strategies to strengthen institutions, infrastructure and human skills focused on new technologies to guarantee decent employment for generation Z, also known as the Centennials generation, those born between 1995 and 2010.


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Biografía del autor/a

Cesaire Chiatchoua, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico

Professor and researcher at the National Polytechnic Institute, Higher School of Economics. Mexico City, Mexico.

Rita Ávila-Romero, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico

Professor and researcher at the National Polytechnic Institute, Higher School of Economics. Mexico City, Mexico.


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Cómo citar

Chiatchoua, C., & Ávila-Romero, R. (2023). Emprendimiento Digital y Micro y Pequeñas Empresas en Tiempos del Covid-19 en México. Economía Y Negocios, 14(2), 39–53. https://doi.org/10.29019/eyn.v14i2.1158