Arbitration System


Economía y Negocios performs an external, double-blind and open arbitration. Taking into account the recommendations of the reviewers, the Editorial Board of the journal will be the body responsible for the final decision for publication.

The journal Economía y Negocios acknowledges receipt of the works sent by the authors and informs on the platform of the process of estimation/rejection and acceptance/rejection, as well as, in case of acceptance, of the editing process. The official website offers the complete publication regulations (Authors' Regulations and Author's Guidelines), the check prior to submission, the structure format of the manuscripts, the fillable cover, the guide for the OJS submission of the manuscript (manager), as well as the evaluation protocol for external reviewers.

Within a maximum period of 30 days, from the receipt of each work, the authors will receive notification of receipt, indicating whether the work is rejected or preliminarily estimated for evaluation by the scientific reviewers. In the event that the manuscript presents formal deficiencies or is not included in the thematic focus of the publication, the Editorial Board will formally or thematically reject the work without the option of returning it. No further correspondence will be maintained with authors of rejected articles. On the contrary, if it presents superficial formal deficiencies, it will be returned to the author for correction before the start of the evaluation process. The date of entry of the work will not compute until the correct reception of the manuscript. It is strongly recommended that the manuscript be self-checked prior to submission.

The manuscripts will be scientifically evaluated, anonymously, by an average of two experts (external evaluators to the UTE University) on the subject. In view of the external reports (see annex to the evaluation protocol for scientific reviewers), the acceptance/rejection of the articles for publication will be decided, as well as the introduction, if appropriate, of the appropriate modifications in terms of length, structure or style, respecting the content of the original. The protocol used by the reviewers of the journal is public. To neutralize differing judgments among reviewers, Economía y Negocios employs multi-reviewer review. The period for scientific evaluation of works, once the previous estimation procedures have been passed by the Editorial Board, is a maximum of 120 days. The average time for scientific review is 60 days and for final acceptance is 60 days.

The works that are positively evaluated and that require modifications (both minor and major), will be returned within a maximum period of 15 days. All authors will receive the scientific evaluation reports anonymously, so that they can make (where appropriate) the appropriate improvements or replications.

The authors of accepted articles, before the final edition, will receive the proofs of style for review by email in PDF format, for ortho-typographical correction in a maximum of three days. Only minor corrections can be made on the content of the original manuscript already evaluated.

Prior to the publication of the issue of the journal, the articles will be available with their corresponding DOI in the section on the official website of the journal. In general, once the external scientific reviews have been distinguished, the criteria that justify the decision on the acceptance or rejection of the works by the Editorial Board are the following:

  1. Current and innovations.
  2. Relevance and significance: advancement of scientific knowledge.
  3. Reliability and scientific validity: proven methodological quality.
  4. Organization (logical coherence and formal presentation).
  5. External support and public / private financing.
  6. Co-authorship and degree of internationalization of the proposal and the team.
  7. Presentation: good writing.

Authors will be able to access the publication online. The authors agree to be members of the International Council of Scientific Reviewers, once their manuscript is published, for the next three years after its publication.


Each author will present a responsible declaration of authorship and originality, as well as the ethical responsibilities contracted and, if necessary, a declaration of conflict of interest. Optionally, the justification for the choice of the journal will be presented.

  • Previously published material is not accepted. Authors are responsible for obtaining the appropriate permissions to partially reproduce material (text, tables or figures) from other publications and for citing their origin correctly. Opinions expressed in published articles are the responsibility of the authors. Economía y Negocios will analyze the manuscripts with the Urkund tool, which will make it possible to determine the similarity with works by other authors, as well as by the same author.
  • Only those people who have contributed intellectually to the development of the work should appear on the list of signing authors. Economía y Negocios declines any responsibility for possible conflicts derived from the authorship of the published works.
  • Informed consent. The authors must mention, in the case of research with people, especially minors, that they have been carried out with informed consent.