The Closure of Manufacturing Companies with the Going Concern Assumption. Analysis of Audit Reports


  • Evelyn Johanna Guiñansaca-Alvarrazín Universidad del Azuay, Ecuador
  • Juan Carlos Aguirre-Quezada Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador
  • Jonnathan Andrés Jiménez-Yumbla



Going Concern Assumption, Audit Report, Settlement, Survival Model, Qualified Opinion


Financial bankruptcy is an aspect of great relevance for various economic actors because it entails serious consequences for owners, shareholders, creditors, as well as employees and public institutions involved. Anticipating these situations is crucial, which is why predictive models and techniques are used to detect risks. In this regard, companies with qualified audit reports face greater financial difficulties that endanger their business continuity. Therefore, this article aims to determine whether the audit reports of companies in the manufacturing sector —that ceased their activities in the period 2014-2019— are related to the continuity of the going concern hypothesis. The study is made up of a retrospective review of the audit reports issued to companies in the sector, this audit reports are stored in the database of the Superintendency of Companies, Securities and Insurance. Finally, applied the Kaplan-Meier adjusted survival model to calculate the time elapsed between the appearance of the first caveat and the liquidation of the companies in accordance with the national context. The results determined that the companies that were issued a report with a qualified opinion had multiple problems with their liquidity, performance and solvency ratios, which in turn led to their liquidation in the same period.


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Author Biographies

Evelyn Johanna Guiñansaca-Alvarrazín, Universidad del Azuay, Ecuador

Professor and researcher at the Faculty of Science of Administration of the University of Azuay. Cuenca, Ecuador.

Juan Carlos Aguirre-Quezada, Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador

Professor and researcher at the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences of the University of Cuenca. Cuenca, Ecuador.

Jonnathan Andrés Jiménez-Yumbla

Professor and researcher at the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences of the University of Cuenca. Cuenca, Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Guiñansaca-Alvarrazín, E. J., Aguirre-Quezada, J. C., & Jiménez-Yumbla, J. A. (2024). The Closure of Manufacturing Companies with the Going Concern Assumption. Analysis of Audit Reports. Economía Y Negocios, 15(1), 64–85.

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