La Innovación en la Auditoría, Nuevas tendencias y alcance: Una revisión




Auditoría, innovación, alcances, nuevas tendencias


The constant change in the organizational and functional structure of companies has forced the audit to seek new alternatives that guarantee the correct development of the executed processes, which is why auditing is considered important to mitigate risks in organizations. Due to this, this review article aims to investigate the evolution, new trends in auditing, its innovative current and current characteristics to meet the needs of organizations. The review for the article was systemic. 54 articles were searched from databases and search engines such as: Scielo, Redalyc, Dialnet, Scopus y ResearchGate. It was determined that the dynamics of the relationship between the auditor and the company will experience a notable evolution thanks to the application of advanced technological tools such as Big Data, with advantages not only for the company's managers and the auditors themselves, but also for the different interest groups that operate in the market. Also, new trends have emerged such as: cultural audits, virtual audits, continuous auditing and data protection.


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How to Cite

AGUIRRE QUEZADA, J. C., PESÁNTEZ ESPINOZA, J. M., & JIMÉNEZ YUMBLA, J. A. (2024). La Innovación en la Auditoría, Nuevas tendencias y alcance: Una revisión. Economía Y Negocios, 15(2).