The ethical dimension in local development


  • Julio Castellanos-Rodríguez Universidad de Matanzas “Camilo Cienfuegos”
  • Juan R. Pentón-López Universidad de Matanzas “Camilo Cienfuegos”
  • Roberto A. Frías-Jiménez Universidad de Matanzas “Camilo Cienfuegos”



ethics, community development, morals and ethics education, risk factors, Cuban thinking


The nowadays conceptions about the community development, have a certain technocratic focus when conceiving just the economic, scientific, technic and environmental dimension bound to the knowledge management. This criteria doesn't recognize the central role that means the moral athics dimension in the social life. The aim of this research is to perform a critic analisis of the problem itself as it is showed in the nowadays Cuban society, beginning with Marti's and Marx's conception of the cultural development in the Cuban Revolution.


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How to Cite

Castellanos-Rodríguez, J., Pentón-López, J. R., & Frías-Jiménez, R. A. (2014). The ethical dimension in local development. Economía Y Negocios, 5(2), 85–90.