Journal Policies


The articles and research published by the UTE University are carried out under Open Access in electronic format. By submitting an article to any of the scientific journals of the UTE University, among which is the  Economía y Negocios Journal, the author or authors accept these conditions.

UTE University applies the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license to articles in its scientific journals. Under this open access license, as an author you agree that anyone can reuse your article in whole or in part for any purpose, free of charge, including commercial purposes. Anyone can copy, distribute or reuse the content as long as the author and original source are correctly cited. This facilitates freedom of reuse and also ensures that content can be extracted without barriers for research needs.

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Ecuador License

The journal Economía y Negocios is distributed under one
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Ecuador License.

In addition, the journal Economía y Negocios guarantees and declares that authors always retain all copyrights to the original published works without restrictions [© The Author(s)]. 

Acknowledgment (by) implies that any exploitation of the work is allowed, including a commercial purpose, as well as the creation of derivative works, the distribution of which is also allowed without any restriction.

Can I use someone else's content in my article?

If you have written permission to do so, yes. If your manuscript contains content such as photos, images, figures, tables, audio files, videos, etc., which you or your co-authors do not own, we will require you to prove to us that the owner of that content: a) has given you written permission to use it, and (b) you have approved the CC BY license to apply to your content.

If you do not have owner permission, we will ask you to remove that content and / or replace it with other content that you own or have permission to use. Do not assume that you can use any content you find on the Internet or that the use of content is fair because it is not clear who owns it or what license applies. It is up to you to find out what rights you have, if any, to use that content.

Can I use the content of the article that I previously published in another journal?

Many authors assume that if they previously published an article through another publisher, they own the rights to that content and can freely use that content in their article for UTE scientific journals, but that is not necessarily the case. Reusing the content of a previous article depends on the license that covers it. Some publishers allow the free and unrestricted reuse of article content they own, as is the case under the CC-BY license. Other publishers use licenses that allow reuse only if the same license is applied by the person or publisher reusing the content.

If the document was published under a CC-BY license or another license that allows free and unrestricted use, you can use the content in your UTE article as long as you grant the appropriate attribution, as explained above.

If the content was released under a more restrictive license, you must determine what rights you have under that license. At a minimum, check the license to make sure you can use the content. Contact the publisher if you have any questions about the license terms. UTE staff cannot provide you with legal advice on your rights to use third-party content. If the license does not allow you to use the content in a document that will be covered by an unrestricted license, you must obtain the publisher's written permission to use the content in the article that you submit for consideration by UTE scientific journals. Please do not include any content in your article that you have no use rights to and always provide proper attribution.

What licenses are acceptable for data repositories?

If any relevant accompanying data is submitted to repositories with established use licenses, the policies should not be more restrictive than CC-BY.

Removal of content used without clear rights

The UTE reserves the right to remove any photo, capture, image, figure, table, illustration, audio and video files, and the like, from any article, either before or after publication, if it has reason to believe that the content was included in the article without the permission of the content owner.


Economía y Negocios is an Open Access scientific journal that offers all its production entirely online and open to the entire scientific community. Likewise, it does not establish charges or publication fees during any of the stages of the editorial process for the publication of the articles, including the scientific review, the editing of styles and the layout and final publication of the same. Publishing in Economía y Negocios is completely free. Therefore, there are no associated article processing fees (APCs), filing fees, page fees, color fees, etc. There is no instance where money is required to complete the publishing process.


The journal Economía y Negocios is published twice a year. The first number of each volume is published in June and covers the months of January to June of each year, and the second number is published in December and covers the months of July to December of each year. In each issue, 10 articles are published, making 20 articles a year per volume, distributed in the different sections of the journal.


All the publications of the journal Economía y Negocios incorporate interoperability protocols that allow their contents to be collected by other distribution systems, such as digital repositories and harvesters. Journals published using OJS (Open Journals System incorporate the OAI-PMH (Open Archive Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interoperability protocol with the possibility of obtaining different formats for metadata.

Therefore, the magazine Economía y Negocios uses the OAI-PMH Version 2.0 protocol.Metadata formats: Dublin Core; MARC; MARC21; RFC1807

Route for harvesters:


UTE University, sponsor of the Journal Economía y Negocios, through digital preservation methods of the LOCKSS digital preservation system (, of Stanford University, secures the intellectual content of electronic file documents, for long periods of time, maintaining their attributes such as integrity, authenticity, inalterability, originality, reliability and accessibility.

The computerization process that is followed continuously and uninterruptedly in the UTE University in general and in the Journal Economía y Negocios in particular, seeks, for digital preservation, to guarantee access both in the present and in the future to the archives and assets digital, regardless of whether they are digital or digitized versions. It is a process of managing digital assets and ensuring that they can be used in the long term. This process ensures usage even as file formats and technologies evolve.

All the content of the Journal Economía y Negocios is preserved not only in the digital repositories of the University of UTE, but also stored in the cloud through the Daily Backup System of the Hosting Provider of the company CEDIA.

The Journal Economía y Negocios uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed file system among collaborating libraries, which allows them to create permanent files of the magazine for conservation and restoration purposes.

Economía y Negocios uses a digital preservation system that ensures that all intellectual content, as well as electronic files and documents uploaded to the platform, remain for a long period of time, ensuring accessibility, integrity, originality and authenticity, reliability.

The Journal provides backup and digital preservation services. In both cases, redundancy algorithms are used and check what data and information is kept, as well as the format in which they have been recorded.

In the first case, it is a mechanism that protects against unforeseen disruptions of digital assets (disk crash, damage to prepositioned servers, loss of material due to exceptional or unpredictable situations, among others) and basically supports all kinds of of information present in the servers guaranteeing the integrity in a systematic way.

On the other hand, digital preservation controls and supports high-quality digital resources that may be needed in the future. Economía y Negocios establishes a digital preservation policy based on the principles of commitment and responsibility towards all profiles involved in the management of the editorial process. Therefore, the Journal defines the following policy points:

Economía y Negocios carefully stores digital resources, from:

  • Apply preservation strategies (data migration, preservation of technology and digital archaeology, periodic and systematic control of technology efficiency).
  • Carry out data coding and preserved information (without reference to external documentation) and relative self-documentation.
  • Strongly limit reliance on data, systems, or documentation.
  • Carry out encapsulation processes of preserved data and descriptive metadata.

Finally, Economía y Negocios participates in different international databases, such as: ERIHPLUS, Google Académico, OpenAire, Index Copernicus, BASE, EuroPub, Scientific Indexing Services,, and selective directories, such as: Latindex, LatinRev, ResearchBib, WorldCat, among others.

The Economía y Negocios journal reserves the right to modify at any time the presentation, configuration, location and update of the web page, as well as the contents and the conditions required to use them through the Open Journal System (OJS). The User acknowledges and accepts that the access and use of the website and the contents included therein take place freely and consciously, under their sole responsibility.


The authors undertake to participate in the maximum dissemination of their manuscript once published, as well as of the entire journal. They also commit to actively participate in the magazine's social networks in the preprint phase, as well as in the one after the final edition. Articles should be promoted using the link on the official website ( with their DOI, to increase reading, citation and impact.

Before final publication, authors are recommended to archive their preprint version on their personal and institutional websites, on scientific social networks, in repositories, in bibliographic managers, among others. The preprint must necessarily include the following mention: “This is the electronic version of an article accepted for editing in Economía y Negocios [number / year], already available online on the official website through its DOI”. Once published, the authors must specify: “This is the electronic version of an article published in Economía y Negocios [number / year]. The final version is available on the official website, on the date indicated in the preprint, through its DOI”. Economía y Negocios encourages the authors and the scientific community to promote and disseminate the works in their final version through:

  1. Your list of contacts (emails) and social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn...).
  2. Institutional repository of your University and public repositories (Mendeley, Cosis…).
  3. Scientific social networks (ResearchGate,, Kudos ...).
  4. Personal or institutional website, blog, etc.
  5. Google Scholar, ORCID, ResearchID, ScopusID, Dimensions, PlumX ...

For the application of future articles by authors of Economía y Negocios UTE, the impact of previous works will be taken into account, so that those with citation higher than the annual average of the Scopus database will be preferred.


The names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.

By "open access" to peer-reviewed scientific literature, we mean its free availability on the public Internet, which allows any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or add a link to the full text of those articles, track them for indexing, incorporate them as data in software, or use them for any other purpose that is legal, without financial, legal or technical barriers, apart from those that are inseparable from access to the Internet itself. The only limitation regarding reproduction and distribution, and the only role of copyright (property rights) in this area, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their works and the right to be adequately recognized and cited (Budapest Open Access Initiative (2001).