Análisis mediante elementos finitos de cargas de impacto sobre el irradiador de Cobalto 60 de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional del Ecuador.


  • Juan Pablo Defaz Chulde Escuela Politécnia Nacional
  • Nicolay Bernardo Yanchapanta Gómez Escuela Politécnia Nacional
  • William Estuardo Villacis Oñate Escuela Politécnia Nacional
  • Edgar David Mora Martinez Escuela Politécnia Nacional


Palabras clave:

irradiador, impacto, deformaciones, requisitos de resistencia, tasa de dosis


The present work determines the possible cracking in the structural walls and effects on the operation of the Category IV Panoramic Gamma Irradiator with Cobalt 60 Source, which is located inside Building No. 7 of the National Polytechnic School (EPN) in Quito. The analysis consisted of an alleged (supposed) impact of a roof section that is on the irradiator in the facility called “CASAMATA”, since a previous study of this structure showed that it is vulnerable due to its characteristics, construction, and deterioration throughout the time. The study was carried out based on the requirements of analysis and evaluation standards of existing structures by using the software called SAP2000 for modeling the irradiator. Six models with different characteristics in terms of concrete and reinforcing steel were made to determine the behavior of the structure under the assumed cases. From the results obtained through SAP2000, it was observed that in some places of the irradiator there are values greater than the maximum allowed in the American Concrete Institute 349 (ACI

349) corresponding to the unitary deformation of the concrete, which is 0.003 m/m. In addition, the resistance requirements indicated in the same standard did not meet the established parameters, which causes a radiological hazard because the radiation chamber would not comply with the shielding for which it was designed and would release a minimum dose rate of

1.13x106 [mSv/year].


Los datos de descargas todavía no están disponibles.

Biografía del autor/a

Juan Pablo Defaz Chulde, Escuela Politécnia Nacional

Facultad de Ingeniería Civil y Ambiental.

Nicolay Bernardo Yanchapanta Gómez, Escuela Politécnia Nacional

Facultad de Ingeniería Civil y Ambiental

William Estuardo Villacis Oñate, Escuela Politécnia Nacional

Facultad de Ingeniería Química y Agroindustria

Edgar David Mora Martinez, Escuela Politécnia Nacional

Facultad de Ingeniería Civil y Ambiental


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Cómo citar

Defaz Chulde, J. P. ., Yanchapanta Gómez, N. B., Villacis Oñate, W. E., & Mora Martinez, E. D. . (2022). Análisis mediante elementos finitos de cargas de impacto sobre el irradiador de Cobalto 60 de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional del Ecuador. Eídos, 14(19), 65–75.