Economic and Political Stability for Latin America


  • Roberto Xavier Manciati-Alarcón Universidad UTE, Ecuador
  • Efraín Armando Flores-Batallas Universidad UTE, Ecuador



Economic growth, Social instability, Political instability, Development, Ecuador


The dawn of the 21st century has generated several crossroads in the political, economic, social, technological and even academic spheres; Hence, in Latin America there is a power struggle based on partisan interests and its consequent departure from an objective vision of the future for the development and consolidation of a society that aspires to boost its employment situation and the precepts of strengthening a generation of entrepreneurs, who for obvious reasons, they could open the path necessary for the entrepreneurial drive. The strategies proposed in the government plans of the countries of the region have been reconsidered after the presence of Covid-19, seeking to repower their political and economic processes in the face of high levels of external indebtedness, inflationary pressures, and an increase in organized crime, and the possibility of establishing links with first world economies.
Part of the analysis reflects that by 2023 the outlook for the region is not very encouraging; however, each country has its own political-economic management based on a reality that is similar in high levels of inflation, accelerated migratory crisis, increase in violence, political disarticulation and increase in extreme poverty; all this, in the face of limited social development plans that in the short or medium term could provide the minimum guidelines necessary for the complex moment they are going through, to allow the establishment of plans based on strategies of social and political maturity.


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Author Biographies

Roberto Xavier Manciati-Alarcón, Universidad UTE, Ecuador

Professor and researcher at the UTE University, Faculty of Law, Administrative and Social Sciences. quit. Ecuador.

Efraín Armando Flores-Batallas, Universidad UTE, Ecuador

Professor and researcher at the UTE University, Faculty of Law, Administrative and Social Sciences. quit. Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Manciati-Alarcón, R. X., & Flores-Batallas, E. A. (2023). Economic and Political Stability for Latin America. Economía Y Negocios, 14(2), 148–160.