Occupational Health and Safety Professional Profiles in Construction and Metalworking Companies of Quito - Ecuador


  • Héctor López-Paredes Universidad Tecnologica Equinoccial




work accident, working conditions, position profile, prevention, risk, safety, occupational health


The main objective of this article is analyze the work environment of workers in construction and metalworking companies in Quito – Ecuador, in order to understand the occupational risks to which they are exposed; And by designing their job profiles to prevent accidents and occupational diseases from their attachment to work to retirement, defining the minimum intellectual, physical, liability and other elements that are presented in the performance of the activities of nature Of their positions. This study presents the methodologies used in the management of human talent in relation to the description and analysis of positions and incorporates the identification and evaluation of the risks that these activities and tasks imply in each job according to the methodology NTP 330 of the INSHT (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health of Spain) and the risk factors defined by the Ministry of Labor of Ecuador. As a result of the present investigation, professional profiles were obtained based on the risks specific to each job of the two companies studied


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How to Cite

López-Paredes, H. (2017). Occupational Health and Safety Professional Profiles in Construction and Metalworking Companies of Quito - Ecuador. Economía Y Negocios, 8(1), 65–72. https://doi.org/10.29019/eyn.v8i1.322