
  • Journal Economía y Negocios (July - December)
    Vol. 15 No. 2 (2024)

    With great enthusiasm, we present Volume 15, Number 2 of the Scientific Journal of Economics and Business of UTE University, Ecuador. This issue reflects our commitment to academic excel- lence and the dissemination of relevant and high-quality research.

    In this edition, readers will find:

    A deep analysis of experiential marketing and its influence on purchasing decisions in the gastronomic sector. The dynamics that create memorable experiences for consumers and how these can foster loyalty and consumption are explored.

    An exhaustive review of new trends in auditing is also included, highlighting how innovation is transforming this discipline. The most recent advances and their practical implications in the modern business environment are addressed.

    The relationship between supervisory boards and the disclosure of corporate social responsibility is examined through a meta-analysis. This research sheds light on best practices in corporate governance and the challenges companies face in being transparent and responsible.

    Another topic covered is the implementation of government strategies based on ethics to improve the performance of public institutions. This study offers a practical model for institutional improvement and effective public management.

    The importance of ethics in business growth and development in VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) environments is discussed, emphasizing the need for solid prin- ciples to navigate times of uncertainty and promote business sustainability.

    Additionally, the nexus between water, energy, and food in the context of post-pandemic investment is analyzed. The study provides a detailed evaluation of the profitability and risks associated with these crucial interconnections, offering perspectives for strategic decision- making in investments.

    In the field of economic theory, new contributions to the rationality of the economic agent are presented, offering innovative perspectives that enrich the understanding of economic behavior and decision-making.

    An analysis of territorial economic vulnerability using a neutrosophic approach provides a novel framework to evaluate and mitigate economic risks in different territories, addressing critical factors affecting regional economic stability.

    The accounting and tax implications of IAS 19 in industrial companies are examined in depth, offering a practical guide for the implementation and compliance with this accounting standard, crucial for business financial management.

    Finally, the role of the stock exchange in the growth of capitalism is explored, providing a historical and contemporary view of its impact on the global economy and its influence on economic development.

    Each of these topics represents a significant contribution. This volume will be a valuable source of information and reference for academics, professionals, and students.

    We thank all the authors for their contributions and the reviewers for their dedication in ensuring the excellence of our contents. We invite our readers to explore these studies and to continue supporting our mission to promote research and development in economics and business.


    Dr. Alexis Garzón Paredes

    Editor in Chief

    Scientific Journal of Economics and Business

    UTE University Ecuador

  • Journal Economía y Negocios (January - June)
    Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024)

    In this first 2024 issue of the journal Economía y Negocios, articles on foreign trade, economics and international finance predominate. We begin with an investigation into the behavior of exports in the Mexican aerospace industry based on a multiple econometric regression with Dummy variables, taking a look at cross-border trade between Ecuador and Peru and its commercial development. An analysis of the effects of international monetary flows on the ecuadorian economy from 2001 to 2021 stands out, followed by a study of the financial risks of large Spanish companies in the context of Covid-19. Another topic discussed centers on the conflict between quality of service and expansion of coverage. Furthermore, an interesting investigation is presented on the psychological profiles of good and bad credit payers, which serves as a basis for making banking decisions. Finally, a review article is included to prepare a detailed and useful map of scientific investigations on the circular economy originating in Ecuador.

  • Journal Economía y Negocios (July - December)
    Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023)

    The Journal Economía y Negocios presents the second issue of volume 14, year 2023. With the publication of this issue we remember the change in our usual publication dates, the first (January-June) will be available on January 1 of each year and the second (July-December), will be released every July 1. In this second issue, review articles on various topics associated with SMEs in Mexico and Colombia predominate. The research articles included address various topics within administrative sciences in the context of countries such as Spain, Cuba and Ecuador. Finally, reflection on economic and political stability for Latin America and an academic report on the quality of learning in business economics are offered.

  • Journal Economía y Negocios (January - June 2023)
    Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023)

    The Journal Economía y Negocios presents its readers and authors with the first number of volume 14 of the year 2023. With the edition of this issue we are changing our usual publication dates, the first number corresponding to the January-June period will be released on January 1 of each year and the second issue, which will cover the months of July-December, will come out every July 1. In this first issue, research associated with micro and small businesses in Latin America predominates. Electronic commerce constitutes the second thematic axis. Research framed in the themes of foreign trade and other issues of business management and public administration in Ecuador are also proposed.

  • Journal Economía y Negocios (July - December 2022)
    Vol. 13 No. 2 (2022)

    We present to our readers the second issue of volume 13 of Economía y Negocios, with which the UTE University continues to promote research in administrative sciences. In this number, studies related to foreign trade and international relations predominate, including a selection method of markets for exports in the context of SMEs, a quantitative analysis of the competitiveness of Ecuadorian taro exports to the United States and a proposal for supervised learning algorithms for forecasting sales of Ecuadorian shrimp; In addition, an analysis of the Russia-Ukraine war and its impact on Ecuadorian foreign trade and a study on the international container crisis in banana exports from Ecuador during 2021. Human talent management is another of the topics discussed, as well as production management, marketing and financial management.

  • Micro y Pequeñas Empresas

    Journal Economía y Negocios (January - June 2022)
    Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022)

    The journal Economía y Negocios, from the UTE University, presents its first issue of volume 13 of 2022; with which we continue to bet on disseminating the results of the investigation in the sciences of the administration. In this issue, studies related to different areas of business management applied to micro and small companies predominate, as a central theme. We begin by discovering the determinant variables of logistical management in Latin American MSMEs; This is followed by a research to identify and weight the variables that allow the construction of an econometric model to measure the quality of employment in micro and small companies in Ecuador; Another investigation in a small catering services company is proposed as an academic report, this time on management in safety and health in work. In addition, there is a discussion about the climate change in the decision-making process of small and medium-sized Argentine organizations.

  • Journal Economía y Negocios (July - December 2021)
    Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021)

    The Journal Economía y Negocios, presents its second issue of volume 12 of 2021; with this we continue to publish results of scientific research in the area of ​​economic and business sciences. In this issue, studies related to the human talent management (HTM) predominate as the central thematic line. We begin by showing the results of a model to identify and quantify the hidden costs of HTM to increase business management effectiveness; This is followed by an analysis of the variables that intervene in HTM practices in Ecuadorian MSMEs; Organizational culture is another of the variables included, analyzing its relationship with teaching performance in public institutions of higher education; The essential skills required for the success of Ecuadorian entrepreneurs and the most effective styles to deal with work stress in public sector employees are also analyzed. Other thematic lines are business management and economic development.

  • Journal Economía y Negocios (January - June 2021)
    Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021)

    Volume 12, issue 1 (2021) of the Journal Economía y Negocios includes 10 articles on different topics, such as: The variation in FOB income from banana exports; Corruption in Peru and its increase in the framework of the health emergency of COVID 19; The proper use of talent management; The brand value, a perspective focused on the accommodation consumer; Digital governance and development of technopolitics in Latin American countries; Control as an alternative to corruption; Role of Ecuadorian women in scientific writing; Job placement for graduates of business engineering and business administration; Development of strategies through a balanced scorecard for the management of human talent and administrative performance in hotel companies; and Market influencing elements in textile production associations.

  • Journal Economía y Negocios (July - December 2020)
    Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020)

    The Journal Economía y Negocios, of the UTE University, presents relevant results in this issue, such as: the difference in the evaluation that postgraduate students make of their teachers when they report different levels of labor involvement; training on fair trade to avoid the state of non-compliance with regulations; real alternatives for investment and financing of municipal public works in the current economic situation; the digital tax aimed at large companies whose operations are carried out mainly through the internet; employability in students of the Central University of Ecuador. Other articles focus on the importance of control and evaluation in Ecuadorian public management and its contribution to the formulation of public policies and the democratization of management; the impact of management and leadership in a university in Yucatán; the opportunities for the implementation of the circular economy in micro-enterprises; and, finally, the optimization of logistics costs.

  • Journal Economía y Negocios (January - June 2020)
    Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020)

    Issue 1 of volume 11 (2020) of the Journal Economía y Negocios collects 10 articles on different topics, such as: the great recession and heterodox economic thought; market failures and public intervention in Ecuador; application of the multilevel governance framework; case analysis of the associative management model at the rural level; analysis of repetition and its incidence in the approval of the pensum of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Industries; comprehensive risk analysis in ventures in times of crisis; changes in public administration and their impact on the control system in Ecuador; financing of SMEs; study of strategic direction in organizational development in Latin America; and, statistical analysis of the social program for the inclusion of people with special abilities in Guayaquil.

  • Journal Economía y Negocios (July - December 2019)
    Vol. 10 No. 2 (2019)

    Issue 2 of volume 10 (2019) of the Journal Economía y Negocios collects 10 articles on different topics such as: cultural characteristics between an Ecuadorian savings and credit cooperative and the national cooperative sector; challenges for leadership in a private university in a context of poverty; Burnout? a study of a group of finance and auditing professors; institutional commitments and challenges to achieve a sustainable and inclusive development strategy; innovation and the structure of organizations; impact evaluation of the project to link with the community in the financial accounting training program for women entrepreneurs; design thinking traits of teachers immersed in the orange economy; the repetition in the culmination of the curriculum of the undergraduate careers of the UTE University; the authorized economic operator in the countries of the Andean community; and, advertising on public transport buses and its influence on consumer behavior.

  • Journal Economía y Negocios (January - June 2019)
    Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019)

    Number 1 of volume 10 (2019) of the Economy and Business Magazine collects 8 articles on different topics such as: education and innovation; social responsability; control in cooperative government and investigation of fraud in organizations; controversy between state and market; political marketing and, finally, football as a product.

  • Journal Economía y Negocios (July - December 2018)
    Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018)

    In this edition of the Journal Economía y Negocios, various articles have been compiled, with topics especially related to the economy, business and entrepreneurship. This is an academic and research space that welcomes the work of teachers and researchers from Ecuador and other countries, respecting the rights of authorship and the regulations of the international catalog, of which it is a part.

  • Journal Economía y Negocios (January - June 2018)
    Vol. 9 No. 1 (2018)

    For this edition of the Journal Economía y Negocios, research works carried out in various areas of economic and business activity in the public and private sectors are presented. The Journal Economía y Negocios has been the academic and research space for teachers and researchers from Ecuador and the world to present their work, which has been welcomed in a framework of professionalism and good disposition, receiving support throughout the publishing process.

  • Portada Economía y Negocios volumen 8 número 1

    Journal Economía y Negocios (January - December 2017)
    Vol. 8 No. 1 (2017)

    This new issue of Economía y Negocios has compiled research material that addresses different topics of interest to various groups, maintaining rigorous processes. Thus, a study is presented about the economic impact of safeguards in Ecuador in the food sector; a brief analysis of the 2017 electoral campaign in Ecuador, from the sensory marketing perspective; an evaluation of the entrepreneurial behavioral competencies in young students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the UTE; the analysis of the main organizational factors that influence student satisfaction in universities; a study about the decisions of purchase and consumption of non-alcoholic light beverages; a study on the growth of companies with an entrepreneurial spirit; An investigation of job profiles in occupational health and safety in construction companies. In the field of economics, a study on the vision of the new international order in the 21st century, and an investigation on social responsibility in the local economy.

  • Journal Economía y Negocios (July - December 2016)
    Vol. 7 No. 2 (2016)

    Our country experiences social, economic and natural changes that have generated diverse behaviors in people, and, therefore, in decision-making in institutions, which now seek to offer various alternatives that contribute and benefit individuals, and that at the once they allow meeting the organizational objectives. In this publication, research material from different contexts has been compiled with the aim of achieving a better understanding of the needs of both individuals and institutions. Topics such as: the incidence of corporate governance in savings and credit cooperatives are included; the main sources of budget financing and the macroeconomic situation of Ecuador; labor relations in public and private companies; smart work and the importance of free time in the economy as a generator of higher domestic consumption.

  • Journal Economía y Negocios (January - June 2016)
    Vol. 7 No. 1 (2016)

    Issue 1 of volume 7 (2016) of the Journal Economía y Negocios, presents the results of several relevant investigations in the field of economics and business management. Among them, the determining factors of happiness and subjective well-being are analyzed; the dangers in business management due to discretion in the application of managerial techniques in change processes; “blogs”, “wikis” and social networks and their impact on higher education; the Burnout syndrome in the performance of the work activities of the teachers of the face-to-face education modality; customs fraud in the Ecuadorian textile industry; the relationship between strategic plan and organizational learning as an element of knowledge management in higher education institutions; and, culture, change and learning in project-based organizations.

  • Portada Economía y Negocios volumen 6 número 2

    Journal Economía y Negocios (July - December 2015)
    Vol. 6 No. 2 (2015)

    The country (Ecuador) has experienced interesting changes in various sectors of the economy, which is why it is necessary to have studies and analysis of situations that can be a significant contribution to academic work. That is why this edition has compiled research papers on various topics and areas of knowledge based on administration and economics. For this reason, they present, among others, an analysis of the slowdown in the Ecuadorian economy; a study on the behavior of the consumer of video games; an analysis of organizational climate and occupational health; A complex issue is addressed regarding taxes in Ecuador, with emphasis on the redistribution of wealth and income in society; and an assessment of the 2007 global financial crisis and its aftermath.

  • Journal Economía y Negocios (January - June 2015)
    Vol. 6 No. 1 (2015)

    In issue 1 of volume 6 (2015) of the Journal Economía y Negocios, the results of several relevant investigations in the field of economics and business sciences are presented. Among them, a study is carried out on the bonds of trust between entrepreneurs and state organisms; the work environment as a catalyst for organizational efficiency; indicators of social responsibility for SMEs in the Salinas canton and their impact on human development; psychosocial effects of work shifts on productivity; analysis of the causes of corruption around the world; study on the improvement of the enterprises of the simple economy in a parish; and the incidence of active breaks on the quality of working life.

  • Portada Economía y Negocios volumen 5 número 2

    Journal Economía y Negocios (July - December 2014)
    Vol. 5 No. 2 (2014)

    The effort to build a serious academic space, where the debate and confrontation of ideas are constant and permanent, is reflected in this new edition of the Journal Economía y Negocios. We are pleased to incorporate valuable contributions from national and international teachers who provide innovative views on different topics in economics. Among other topics, the macroeconomic evolution of Ecuador is analyzed, from an analysis of the sensitivity of the external sector; study of oil policy in the regime of President Rafael Correa; the economic and commercial relations between Ecuador and Iran are deepened in the context of world geopolitical; violence against women from a reading of the economy of gender and micro-entrepreneurship in Ecuador; and the ethical dimension of local development. On the other hand, a proposal to improve the quality management of support processes in a higher education institution and a study on knowledge management as a contribution to university management.

  • Journal Economía y Negocios (January - June 2014)
    Vol. 5 No. 1 (2014)

    In issuer 1 of volume 5 (2014) of the Journal Economía y Negocios, of the UTE University, it puts the results of relevant research in the field of economics and business sciences for the consideration of its readers. Among them, an analysis is presented on the effectiveness of public policies in Ecuador towards the social-solidarity economic sector; productive efficiency as an indicator of business performance; experiences in involving student scientific groups in research projects; analysis of the means of complementary payments in Ecuador; economic-financial analysis within management control; ergonomic applications of indoor lighting systems; research as a means of citizen participatory planning; and risk measured through the CAPM model adjusted for emerging markets.

  • Journal Economía y Negocios (January - December 2013)
    Vol. 4 No. 1 (2013)

    The  Journal Economía y Negocios, of the UTE University, offers its readers the number 1 of volume 4 (2013), with the most relevant research results received in the field of economics and business sciences. Among them, an analysis is presented on the financial crisis in Ecuador between 1998 and 2000; a study of the behavior of the balance of payments in the different monetary regimes; reflections on how to start the path of innovation; analysis of research needs on productive processes of goods and services in companies; a preliminary proposal for the construction of a technology and innovation management model in Ecuadorian Higher Education Institutions; an approach to the contribution of marketing to commercial management in an urban center from a sustainable development approach; and an analysis of the development of the person in the context of human talent management.

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