Formación y Gestión de Desempeño del Docente- Investigador en la Educación Superior: Modelo Teórico Basado en Competencias


  • Guillermo Terán Acosta, MsC Universidad Tecnologica Equinoccial



education, performance management, researcher, professor, skills, higher education


The fundamental aim of this work is to generate a theoretical model of the formation and management of the performance of the professor – investigator in the higher education.

This model will be based on competitions, which will allow to orientate the quality management in the learning process, investigation and University teaching. In order to reach that purpose, it was decided to diagnose, between other aspects, the competences that must have a professor in the academic development, which must be theoretical founded in conceptions about top education based on learning acquired through life. Also, they are able to mobilize resources – knowledge to know to be and do, in a context joining knowledge, capacities and behaviors. 

The used methodology rested on a qualitative interpretative investigation. The results allow to generate a theoretical model orientated to strengthening the development of investigative competitions. In order to promote the profile and professional performance of the professor – investigator, directed to the achievement of deep and significant changes that contribute to the improvement of the quality of the Higher Education.





How to Cite

Formación y Gestión de Desempeño del Docente- Investigador en la Educación Superior: Modelo Teórico Basado en Competencias. (2010). Eidos, 2(3), 51-57.