Simulator to recreate urban dynamics of Tena with Netlogo, before to public space intervention


  • Angel Fabián Chicaiza Ortiz Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam, Urban Planning and Amazon Cities (UCA-URAI), Tena, Ecuador, 150101
  • Karina Alexandra Chérrez Rodas Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam, Urban Planning and Amazon Cities (UCA-URAI), Tena, Ecuador, 150101
  • Andrea Pamela Carrillo Pineda Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam, Urban Planning and Amazon Cities (UCA-URAI), Tena, Ecuador, 150101
  • Javier Sandoval UrbanLab, Ensenada22750, México, Tena
  • Dario Javier Vargas Amaguaya Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam, Urban Planning and Amazon Cities (UCA-URAI), Tena, Ecuador, 150101
  • Andrés David Villacrés Gallo Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam, Facultad de Ciencias Socio Ambientales, Arquitectura Sostenible, Tena, Ecuador, 150101
  • Odhalis Dayanna Mejía Rosero Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam, Facultad de Ciencias Socio Ambientales, Arquitectura Sostenible, Tena, Ecuador, 150101
  • Ariel Fernando Maigua Bustamante Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam, Facultad de Ciencias Socio Ambientales, Arquitectura Sostenible, Tena, Ecuador, 150101



Geovisualisation, Geosimulation of urban dynamics, Planning of cities, Public space, Urban Innovation, Urbanism


Public space interventions in the Amazonian cities of Ecuador are carried out without a planning process that previously evaluates the impact on urban dynamics and its incidence on the indicators of the quality of public space. This work seeks to recreate the impact of urban interventions on the dynamics of the city of Tena, specifically in Avenida 15 de Noviembre in the sector with the most commerce, and its impact on the quality of public space, prior to the intervention of this space. The data of the different elements that are part of the city (shade, furniture, first floor uses, crosswalks, bus stops, green areas, formal and informal commerce, sidewalk and road widths), their links and influence on the urban dynamics are loaded into the Netlogo program. In order to have results closer to reality, the model is calibrated based on the specificities of the locality, for example, the climatic conditions in the city of Tena. Among the most outstanding results, the structure of a Netlogo model of the main avenue of Tena was obtained, which will describe the urban dynamics, which will constitute a tool to define the best alternatives before intervening in the public space. This research is a pioneer in the Ecuadorian Amazon context and sets a precedent for future projects in the región.


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How to Cite

Chicaiza Ortiz, A. F., Chérrez Rodas, K. A., Carrillo Pineda, A. P., Sandoval, J., Vargas Amaguaya, D. J., Villacrés Gallo, A. D., Mejía Rosero, O. D., & Maigua Bustamante, A. F. (2022). Simulator to recreate urban dynamics of Tena with Netlogo, before to public space intervention. Eidos, 14(20), 39–44.