Proposal for a baler machine to make construction material from agro-industrial waste


  • Luisa Paulina Viera Arroba Universidad Central del Ecuador / Universitat Politècnica de València
  • Henry Anderson Ramos Rodriguez Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE


Construction, Ecuador, Baler, Bales, Straw, Rural


Due to the climate and energy crisis that the planet is going through, there is currently a trend to build with sustainable materials that are low in toxicity and efficient in terms of thermo-acoustic properties. Straw is one of these materials that comes from the cultivation of cereals and is obtained as waste from this agro-industrial process. In order to use straw in buildings, it is necessary to bale it using mechanical machines that are not always available in rural areas of Ecuador, either due to geographic or economic difficulties. This study proposes the design of a manual machine with which bales of domestically produced rice straw have been made. These bales meet the technical requirements of the American International Standard IRC 2018. This is intended to contribute to the fulfillment of the SDGs and to provide alternatives to cover the housing deficit in the rural sector where cereals such as rice and wheat are produced.


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How to Cite

Viera Arroba, L. P., & Ramos Rodriguez, H. A. (2022). Proposal for a baler machine to make construction material from agro-industrial waste. Eidos, 14(20), 45–54. Retrieved from