The historic center of Quito, A historical vision of its Architecture and Urbanism


  • Mentor Eduardo Torres Cunalata Universidad Central del Ecuador (Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo)



Historical Center, urban evolution, Quito, population, architecture


This This document contains the results of research into the urban development of Quito's historic center. We present the urban plans that demonstrate the alteration in the original morphology of the land, and we see how the city is growing in a non-homogeneous way towards the peripheries. Where we find that society is the main engine that generated these changes with the social, political and economic factors that greatly influenced the development of the productive force, starting a growth in population density and this gives rise to an exponential growth of the same. This also reflects the architectural changes where we face a new modernity caused by various architectural trends, the construction of high-rise buildings, new trends that could represent a threat to the essence of the historic center, since they cause distortion in the image presented by the colonial quarter.


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How to Cite

Torres Cunalata, M. E. (2023). The historic center of Quito, A historical vision of its Architecture and Urbanism. Eidos, 16(22), 21–38.