Production of urban environment: an empiric approach toward the concept of adequate space in Quito


  • Riccardo Porreca Institut für Regionalwissenschaft – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Emilia Brito Consejo Metropolitano de Quito, Pichincha
  • Sebastian Narvaez-Purchert Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Universidad UTE, Quito, Ecuador.



production of urban environment, public space, adequate space, human scale, urban design


The production of urban environments in Latin America is a topic common to many disciplines and the core subject of several ongoing research projects. Academic publications on urban space have revealed a rich and solid understanding of the frequently disputed and contentious processes of the mechanisms that create urban environments.  Nevertheless, despite a rich and robust theoretical production on the Latin American spatial system, much research and debate remain regarding the physical effects that such mechanisms generate in the region, what spatial transformations are produced, and how much these generate spaces that are appropriate for inhabitants and coherent with their genius loci.  The paper analyzes a case study in the city of Quito and seeks to understand to what extent the urban-architectural elements contribute to producing an adequate urban environment or, conversely, generate weak spaces that are inadequate to the local socio-spatial dynamism. This empirical research presents a mixed methodological approach, using first and second-hand quantitative and spatial data, and further qualitative methods for processing and interpreting the information. The results reveal an urban scenario with discontinuous quality, and with evident spatial weakness on the human scale.




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How to Cite

Porreca, R., Brito, E., & Narvaez-Purchert, S. (2023). Production of urban environment: an empiric approach toward the concept of adequate space in Quito. Eidos, 16(22), 3–20.