Living in the city: A reflection on the perception of insecurity in public space


  • Daniele Rocchio LL LiminalLab - Intermediate Spaces (Research group), Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, UTE University.
  • Fernando Xavier Bustamante Ponce Laboratorio de Estudios Sociales Multidisciplinarios, Universidad UTE
  • María Carolina Baca Calderón Independent researcher



City, Insecurity, public space, coexistence, perception, Ecuador


This article reflects on the perception of insecurity in public space in Ecuador, whether physical or virtual, with a focus on the city of Quito. The objective is to speculate on the impact that the city has as a space for coexistence and interpersonal interaction, on the forms of behavior linked to crime. Thus, new reflections are provided on the importance of thinking about the theoretical premises that must be considered for the formation of public space. The research is carried out reflexively, through observation of the Ecuadorian context. The case study takes place in Quito, in Ecuador, after the increase in the perception of insecurity and the increase in crime that the country is experiencing. This situation has been conducive to the application of qualitative methods to understand the phenomenon and the subsequent reflection on what space represents in a context of insecurity. The outcome of the research shows the importance of the materialization of the concepts of appropriation of space and how these should be selected based on the real and objective needs of socialization among users. It is also noted how, for the definition of a space perceived as safe, monitoring should not be understood as control but as an analysis tool for improving the spatial context. Thus, this research contributes to identifying the variables and characteristics of a safe space and provides new reflections on the understanding of insecurity from its perception.


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2024-01-01 — Updated on 2024-01-02


How to Cite

Rocchio, D., Bustamante Ponce, F. X., & Baca Calderón, M. C. (2024). Living in the city: A reflection on the perception of insecurity in public space. Eidos, 17(23), 3–13. (Original work published January 1, 2024)