The Automated graphic design: a critical analysis behind artificial intelligence


  • Fausto Daniel Santos Tapia Universidad UTE, Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Departamento de Diseño Gráfico, Calle Rumipamba S/N y Bourgeois, Quito, Ecuador.



Graphic design, analysis, Artificial intelligence, Automation, production, creativity


In today's digital age, automated graphic design has become a disruptive force that challenges traditional conceptions of creativity and visual production. This phenomenon, driven by advances in artificial intelligence (AI), has generated a mix of excitement and apprehension within the field of graphic design as well as in broader areas. This debate has given rise to the need to investigate and critically analyze the myths and realities behind automated graphic design, exploring its impact, scope and limitations.

The objective of this research is to delve into automated graphic design from a critical perspective, focusing on the fundamentals of artificial intelligence that support it. It will examine how AI algorithms have transformed the design process, facilitating access to creative tools and resources, but also raising questions about authenticity, originality and ethics in design practice.

The purpose of demystifying automated graphic design is to promote an informed and thoughtful dialogue about the role of artificial intelligence in designer creativity. It is hoped that this research will provide a solid foundation for the understanding and ethical development of innovative and sustainable design practices in an increasingly digitalized and automated world.


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How to Cite

Santos Tapia, F. D. (2024). The Automated graphic design: a critical analysis behind artificial intelligence. Eidos, 17(24), 81–93.