Fear as contemporary space building element


  • Edisson Fernando Guerra Navarro Institución Universitaria Esumer


Biopower, Biopolitics, Fear, Insecurity, Urban space


Modern State ideal is to protect the social body and this protection signs up the social agreement against raw nature status. This paper rises from an hypothesis where fear is a key emotion to understand power relationships between subjects, State -as abstract machine-, economical flows and geopolitics. All of the previous as an excuse from above to organize bodies and, therefore, population. In this way, security perception used by capture devices forces urban space reconfiguration under the spell of fear into a insecurity scenario. Now, this dangerous environment creates a specific type of subjectivation: citizens which move between  mistrust and anxiety are produced by reconfiguring signs like those bodies marked as dangerous: stranger, indigenous, poor, displaced, afro, latino and infected (Covid 19 as ongoing example). In sum, space and subjectivity are products of an insecurity rhetoric used as an excuse to carry out control and domain devices of governmental biopower, all of the previous ruled by ideas in which some bodies can be disposed and others should be protected.


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How to Cite

Guerra Navarro, E. F. (2020). Fear as contemporary space building element. Eidos, 11(16), 59–69. Retrieved from https://revistas.ute.edu.ec/index.php/eidos/article/view/743