Space and graphic representation experience as tools for the architecture learning process


  • Martín Javier Durán Hermida Universidad del Azuay


Academic experience, architectural drawing, architectural routes, graphic representation, site visits on architecture, spatial experience


This article reflects on the relationship between an architectural space and who experiences it and the interpretation of this space, explained from an academic experience. What do the drawings of an architectural journey like the one Le Corbusier did to the East, the book “Invisible cities” of Italo Calvino relates and the sketches made by a student during an architectural visit? The answer is that all of them are architectural interpretations through graphic or narrated images, and they result from a journey through, whether physical or imagined, spaces. Based on these premises, the elective subject Cuenca 4D was planned at the School of Architecture, Faculty of Design, Art and Architecture of the University of Azuay. As part of the course, site visits to projects designed by renowned local architects are organized. The visits give special importance to the student’s individual spatial perception, and how can it be represented in drawings. The objective is to demonstrate that the same object and space can be understood and interpreted from different points of view. This article synthesizes the history of this initiative, exposes the way in which the program is run, as well as it highlights the results obtained to date.


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How to Cite

Durán Hermida, M. J. (2020). Space and graphic representation experience as tools for the architecture learning process. Eidos, 11(16), 103–113. Retrieved from