City, street and house for a post-pandemic scenario



programa urbano, higiene urbana, urbanismo post pandemia


This article is an essay about some of the future challenges for the urbanism raised from a sanitary pandemic, the one produced by the COVID-19, and the new dynamics and needs emerged from it. The reflection is the result on urban research experience that allows to understand the situation and the usual practices, that can be reinterpreted in the light of the new scenarios, opening new working lines.

The text addresses three questions. The first one, try to place in the temporary context the present moment, to show the urban innovations that are behind the pressure of sanitary situation of the population and which has been the urbanistic answer.  A situation that is not new but it has been formulated in a different way. The second analyse the effects in short and middle term on the contemporary urban program, that inspires the urban project, and the dissonance that exists between environment, economy and society, showing the most affected, from the urban point of view, by the pandemic and where to focus the corrective measures. Finally, we point out five themes where to orientate the research, the decisions to take and the model changes for the future.


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How to Cite

Peremiquel Lluch, F. (2020). City, street and house for a post-pandemic scenario. Eidos, 11(16), 3–12. Retrieved from