Cotidianity in the Quito’s Popular Housing


  • Rosa Mishell Echeverria Bucheli Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Daniel Gonzalez Romero Universidad de Guadalajara


cotidianity, popular housing


Access to housing is a problem that concern especially in Latin America, the deficit is not only quantitative, it also includes qualitative aspects, and the presence of informality in housing is increasing, this shows that housing programs should be concerned more for poor or less favored sectors, sectors that cannot access a home, and in the case that they obtain it, they do not cover the needs of their users.

The house must be conceived as a complex whole that has multiple simultaneous dynamics according to the relationships of the individuals inside and outside, considering that individuals by nature must appropriate or personalize their space, to satisfy their needs, and the imposition of architectural models is an obstacle that must be overcome.

In recent decades there have been paradigm changes that include new criteria, new philosophical thinking, the society is conceived as more diverse and less hierarchical, persons in the future are reconsidered within the criteria of sustainability. In this context, housing design cannot respond only to economic, political, technological, and aesthetic aspects; leaving aside the social aspects; the intention of this article is to make a methodological proposal that denotes the needs of individuals and reflects the particularities of the current reality.


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How to Cite

Echeverria Bucheli, R. M., & Gonzalez Romero, D. (2021). Cotidianity in the Quito’s Popular Housing. Eidos, 12(17), 101–111. Retrieved from