Characteristics of the Construction Process of the Segments for the Quito Metro tunnel


  • Edwin Rubén Morales Díaz


Quito Metro, segments, concrete, process, quality


The ‘Metro de Quito’ project is a reference for underground construction worldwide, this project signifies the highest subway train around the world with reference to sea level (2 900 meters above sea level) the most important construction site of ‘Distrito Metropolitano de Quito’. In this important construction it was possible to count on technological development and the safest method of tunnel construction through (EBP). This article describes the characteristics of the construction process of the segments or segments of reinforced concrete with steel, polypropylene or mixed fiber that cover the tunnel of the ‘Metro de Quito’ line. In this project, it will be used in 3 EBPs called ‘La Carolina’, ‘Luz de América’ and ‘La Guaragua’. This article presents the construction process, physical, geometric, complementary and special characteristics. The segment manufacturing process consists of a production line with waiting or stop points that add up to a total of 18, several work at stops is essential to have a good quality in the segments, at each stop the care and neatness to comply with the construction process since if there is a failure in the process, this has a direct impact on the final product, the mistake in one of the points of the procedure will bring with it losses in all resources, since you must perform the diagnosis, evaluation, repair or rejection of a segment. 


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How to Cite

Morales Díaz, E. R. . (2022). Characteristics of the Construction Process of the Segments for the Quito Metro tunnel. Eidos, 13(18), 117–125. Retrieved from