Código ético

EIDOS, as an internationally recognized journal, draws inspiration from the ethical code of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which applies to editors, reviewers, and authors.


Originality and plagiarism: Authors submitting manuscripts to EIDOS ensure that the work is original, does not contain parts from other authors or previously published works by the authors. They also affirm the accuracy of the data, meaning that empirical data has not been altered to fit hypotheses.

Multiple and repetitive publications: Authors should not publish articles that repeat the same results in more than one scientific journal. Simultaneously submitting the same contribution to multiple scientific journals is considered ethically incorrect and reprehensible.

Source list: Authors must always provide accurate citations for the sources and references mentioned in the article.

Authorship: Regarding manuscript authorship, authors guarantee the inclusion of those individuals who have made a significant scientific and intellectual contribution to the conceptualization, planning, interpretation of results, and writing of the work. The authors should be listed in order of their level of responsibility and involvement.

Access and retention: If deemed appropriate by the editors, authors of articles should make the sources or data on which the research is based available. This data should be retained for a reasonable period of time after publication and possibly made accessible.

Conflict of interest and disclosure: All authors are obligated to explicitly declare that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the obtained results or proposed interpretations. Authors should also indicate any funding from agencies and/or projects from which the research article originates.

Errors in published articles: If an author identifies a significant error or inaccuracy in their article, they should immediately inform the journal editors and provide them with all the necessary information to list the relevant corrections at the bottom of the same article.

Responsibility: All authors accept responsibility for what has been written. Authors also commit to conducting a review of the most current and relevant scientific literature on the analyzed topic, taking into account different knowledge streams.


Contribution to editorial decisions: Peer review is a procedure that helps editors make decisions about the proposed articles and also allows authors to improve their submitted contributions. Reviewers commit to conducting a critical, honest, constructive, and unbiased review of the scientific quality and literary quality of the manuscript within their field of knowledge and expertise.

Respecting deadlines: Reviewers who do not feel competent in the subject matter to be reviewed or are unable to complete the evaluation within the scheduled time should immediately notify the editors. Reviewers commit to evaluating the works as quickly as possible to respect delivery deadlines since EIDOS has limited and inflexible manuscript custody limits to respect authors and their works.

Confidentiality: Each assigned manuscript should be considered confidential, and as such, these texts should not be discussed with others without the express consent of the editors.

Objectivity: Peer review should be conducted objectively. No personal judgment of the authors of the contributions is deemed appropriate. Reviewers are obliged to provide sufficient reasons for their evaluations. Reviewers should provide a comprehensive critical report with appropriate references following EIDOS's review protocol and public regulations for reviewers, especially if recommending rejection of the work. They should inform the editors if substantial parts of the work have already been published or are under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Text display: Reviewers commit to accurately indicating the bibliographic references of essential works that may have been overlooked by the author. The reviewer should also inform the editors of any similarities or overlaps between the manuscript and other published works.

Conflict of interest and disclosure: Confidential or information obtained during the peer review process should be treated as confidential and not used for personal purposes. Reviewers should only review a manuscript if there are no conflicts of interest.


Publication Decision: The editors ensure the selection of the most qualified and scientifically specialized reviewers to provide a critical and expert evaluation of the work, with the least possible bias. "EIDOS" chooses to select 2 to 3 reviewers for each paper to ensure greater objectivity in the review process.

Honesty: The editors evaluate the submitted articles solely based on the scientific merit of the content, without discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, or political opinion of the authors.

Confidentiality: The editors and the working group members commit to not disclose the information related to the articles submitted for publication to anyone other than the authors, reviewers, and editors. The editors and the Editorial Committee are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of manuscripts, their authors, and reviewers, ensuring that anonymity preserves the intellectual integrity of the entire process.

Conflict of Interest and Disclosure: The editors commit to not using the content of the articles submitted for publication in their own research without the written consent of the author.

Respect for Timelines: The editors have the ultimate responsibility for adhering to the time limits for reviews and publication of accepted works to ensure a timely dissemination of results. They are committed to meeting the published deadlines (maximum of 30 days for estimation/rejection from the receipt of the manuscript in the Review Platform) and a maximum of 150 days from the start of the expert scientific review process. Additionally, accepted works will not be kept unpublished in endless waiting lists beyond the appropriate time for editing in the next issue. "EIDOS" avoids accumulating a backlog of works in waiting lists.

The journal "EIDOS" adheres to the ethical standards of COPE

Commitée on Publication Ethics