Human mobility: “Risks and protection responses for the population in a situation of human mobility and refuge in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ecuador”


  • Andrea Verónica Armijos Navarro HIAS
  • Joseph Rodrigo Mejía Ama HIAS



human rights, mobility, pandemic, Venezuelan migration, Migration


Through this article, the authors, as members of the HIAS Ecuador organization[1] and from their academic and professional experience, expose the main protection risks to which the population in a situation of human mobility is exposed in the context of the pandemic. of COVID -19, which began in 2020 and whose effects at the socioeconomic level have been experienced for more than two years. Along with this, the article shows response actions that have been proposed and based on them and tries to characterize other needs that are still not being implemented or where there are still several challenges to respond in terms of protection and well-being to families and people on the move. human. For this, priority has been given, on the one hand, to the psychosocial impact of the pandemic on people in situations of human mobility and, on the other, the protection risks against gender-based violence and how it has increased under COVID-19. 19. Based on this analysis, the response actions are also presented on each of these axes. Finally, the article outlines some key conclusions and recommendations, which seek to contribute to reflection on the necessary actions for the protection and well-being of people in human mobility and refuge.  


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2023-01-10 — Updated on 2023-04-26


How to Cite

Armijos Navarro, A. V., & Mejía Ama, J. R. (2023). Human mobility: “Risks and protection responses for the population in a situation of human mobility and refuge in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ecuador”. Tsafiqui, 13(1). (Original work published January 10, 2023)