Twitter as a diffuse curatorial space. The case of OpenGlam


  • Bianca Racioppe UNLP-UNA-UNQ



communication, art, curatorship, internet, social networks, open access


This article is part of a broader research whose main objective is to identify and analyze the curatorial logics in Internet spaces for artistic exhibition. Specifically, it addresses the case of the Twitter profile of OpenGlam, a global network that promotes open access to the cultural-artistic. Between 2018 and 2021 the account functioned as a rotating curatorial space as it was managed by different people linked to digitization projects of materials that are part of the heritage collection of different countries. In order to carry out the analysis, tweets from that period and articles published in the initiative's blog were retrieved; in addition, interviews were conducted with people who participated in the experience. Among the main findings we can mention the decolonial perspective of the proposal, since it sought to make visible collections from regions not considered central. Also, the relationship between the architecture of the platform and the ways of presenting the materials, the ways they found to hack the structures of Twitter to build a collaborative network and the ludic uses they made of some visual resources, such as memes and gifs. The analysis of this experience evidences the tension between the design logics of concentrated digital platforms and the attempts to use them in alternative ways.


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How to Cite

Racioppe, B. (2023). Twitter as a diffuse curatorial space. The case of OpenGlam. Tsafiqui, 13(2).