Newsroom ethnography: methodologies, general contributions and relevant shifts for the study of journalism


  • Abel Somohano Fernández Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



journalism, journalists, news production, newsrooms, ethnography, research


The article is based of the objective of analyzing methodologies and contributions of the ethnography of journalistic newsrooms. The attention to this topic is justified by the need to recognize contributions in this area of study and at the same time to assume a critical position on them in view of the current conditions of professional journalistic practice. The research that supports this work adopted a bibliographic-documentary research method to explore relevant investigations, texts that systematize trends within the field, materials that propose criticisms of the latter and supplementary texts. The article highlights the influence of interpretative sociological theories, among others, on the authors in this field of inquiry. It refers to the use of specific methods and techniques such as ethnography, grounded theory, observation, interviews, and content analysis. Findings from relevant research are presented, including the understanding of journalistic messages as constructions of reality and reproductions of certain values and ideologies. Additionally, the definition of production processes as characterized by negotiation dynamics, routines, and specific bureaucratic requirements is discussed. However, it is concluded that although the approaches to journalistic newsrooms developed since the 1960s can provide valuable insights into the typicalities of professional practice and the agents and processes involved, it is necessary to emphasize new aspects to understand journalistic practice, such as its decentralized, active, and heterogeneous nature.


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How to Cite

Somohano Fernández, A. (2024). Newsroom ethnography: methodologies, general contributions and relevant shifts for the study of journalism. Tsafiqui, 14(1).