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The Collective Labor Agreement and its Iplications in the Venezuelan Labor Field





Palabras Clave: Convención Colectiva, Intangibilidad, Convención Blindada, Régimen Modificatorio.



Different relations of the labor activity arise in the existing regulations and these allow, in accordance with the recognition of the Constitutional Law, the conduction of collective labor agreement in which workers, employers and public officials participate. Therefore, the aim of this article is to analyze the theoretical framework of the collective labor agreement and its adaptation to the reality in Venezuela by taking the constitutional and legal norms that govern the Labor Law under a historical route, using approaches of various authors on the collective agreement, intangible agreement, amending agreement, and the regulations governing the matter. The problematic situation is identified by the effects of the agreements in their different phases, both in the preparation and in the implementation, as well as in the conciliation. A descriptive, non-experimental, documentary research design has been applied. The results of the investigation showed that in Venezuela, in the framework of Labor Law, there is a regulation related to collective agreements to which both the public and private sectors are subjected to, and this has been applied since the promulgation of the Labor Law (1936), that is subjected to modifications that have allowed the use of legal instruments in regards to the contemporary reality. It is therefore stated that the collective convention is the most appropriate instrument for the establishment of balanced working relations.

Keywords: Collective Labor Agreement, Intangibility, Armored Convention, Amending Agreement.


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2021-06-01 — Updated on 2022-03-17


How to Cite

AVILA URDANETA, J. (2022). The Collective Labor Agreement and its Iplications in the Venezuelan Labor Field. Tsafiqui, 12(16), 19–28. (Original work published June 1, 2021)