Transcendence and leadership of women in Ecuadorian politics. Sectional elections 2019


  • Ana Cecilia Vaca Tapia Universidad UTE



Transcendence, leadership, participation, gender, discrimination, political violence


This study analyzes the presence of women in politics in Ecuador, their importance and leadership, starting with the 2019 sectional elections, contrasting the official data presented by the National Electoral Council (CNE) and the in-depth interviews carried out. policies that participated in this process, plus the contributions of experts on the subject, such as official sources. For this purpose, the legal bodies with which their equal participation is allowed, but not equal, in the country are summarized. As well as the advances and setbacks that have been had on the participation of women in the different governmental scenarios. For this, a content analysis is developed based on the concepts of the authors Prieto and Mendizábal, to know the regularities in the messages of the experiences of the politicians, candidates, academics and recognized experts in gender studies related to this practice. With the contributions collected during the investigation, it is concluded that, in Ecuador, despite legal efforts to promote women's political participation, sociocultural patterns of discrimination, accepted political violence and absurd communicational perceptions still persist, which do not allow women can transcend and mark a leadership in the political arena.


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2021-12-01 — Updated on 2022-03-10


How to Cite

Vaca Tapia, A. C. (2022). Transcendence and leadership of women in Ecuadorian politics. Sectional elections 2019 . Tsafiqui, 12(1). (Original work published December 1, 2021)