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Digital Consumption and Citizen Participation: the Perspective of the Brazilian Youth Party


  • Aline Cristina Camargo Universidade Estadual Paulista Unesp
  • Antonio Francisco Magnoni Universidade Estadual Paulista Unesp



Collective Action, Brazil, Youth, Participation, Digital Technologies, Social Media


The Brazilian youth has been a protagonist in terms of political mobilization, starting from, for example, the emergence and expansion of protest movements and new forms of political action, especially with the use of digital technologies. The objective of this article is to evaluate the political trajectory of representatives of the national youth of 10 Brazilian parties. To do this, in-depth interviews were conducted between November and December 2019. From the material collected, the data are presented in three items: i) profile of the young people interviewed, ii) consumption of information on politics; and iii) trajectory and political culture. The results obtained point to the discussion of four main themes: a) digital and participatory exclusion; b) access to information and quality of democracy; c) variables of the political culture and d) communicative and potential dimension of the internet as a public sphere. In the current scenario, information and communication technologies can be important facilitating instruments of social mobilization, as a means or tool of collective citizen action. Just as information and communication technologies allow greater access to information, they also allow online practices of citizen participation, potentially becoming a virtual public sphere, as well as the uses and appropriations developed by the Brazilian party youth indicate.


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How to Cite

Camargo, A. C., & Magnoni, A. F. (2020). Digital Consumption and Citizen Participation: the Perspective of the Brazilian Youth Party. Tsafiqui, 11(15), 26–44.