Transmedia narratives and journalism: The connectivity of photographs and images in the social network of the newspaper El Espectador in Colombia


  • Éverton De Oliveira Cabral Universidad Estatal de Ponta Grossa
  • Bruno José Fiorini Universidad Do Vale dos Sinos
  • Larissa Bortoluzzi Rigo Pontificia Universidad Católica de Rio Grande do Sul



Social networks, transmedia journalism, connectivity, photographs


Transmedia narratives on Instagram digital social networks reconfigure production practices of news and, at the same time, consumption is reformulated within the “us” in social networks digital. Reconfiguration occurs from interconnected narratives that cross-links and hyperlinks that diversify the way of news consumption. To understand this context of the digitization of journalistic processes, it is observed from the context of narratives and hypertext and, it is possible to identify the characteristics of transmedia journalism on the platform thanks to the dissemination of news in the environment digital and the potentialities linked to digital social networks (RSD) This research has as an objective to understand transmedia narratives from the images and photographs published in Instagram of the newspaper El Espectador located in Medellín, Colombia. Therefore, we have the following specific objectives. identify the concept of transmedia narratives of images and photographs in Instagram, to describe the communicational and periodic processes through the thematization of the transmitted narratives. With the tools of digital social technologies, we observe that the Flow constant in the production of journalism in social networks and in the consumption of transitory narratives. They adopt characteristics with readers. In this way, the proposed results include that each language supported and presumably on the web, serves as a generator of journalism that configures the set of these narratives that generate new and profound experiences after their publication, expressing photojournalist genres with their themes and transmedia characteristics.


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2020-12-01 — Updated on 2022-03-17


How to Cite

De Oliveira Cabral, Éverton, Fiorini, B. J., & Bortoluzzi Rigo, L. (2022). Transmedia narratives and journalism: The connectivity of photographs and images in the social network of the newspaper El Espectador in Colombia. Tsafiqui, 11(15), 89–105. (Original work published December 1, 2020)