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the Migration and communication: Participation of Radio El Tambo Stereo in the cultural strengthening of the Cañari people in migration (July 2020)


  • Raúl Clemente Muñoz Municipio de Cañar



Comunication, migration, quichuan radio, cultural identiti, cultural identity, cañari peoples


This research analyses the role played by the Quichua radio station, Radio El Tambo Stereo - United States, in the cultural strengthening of the indigenous population of the Quichua Cañari ethnic group that migrated to the United States during the last four decades. The qualitative research methodology was applied, from the approach of Phenomenology and Ethnography, for the analysis of the content of in-depth interviews with the manager, announcers, and listeners of the station. The study concludes that the station is very close to the Cañari people; it implemented actions that motivated and accompanied the recovery and revitalization of cultural elements such as language, identity, music, and traditional festivals of the Cañari people located in the northeast of the United States.


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How to Cite

Muñoz, R. C. (2020). the Migration and communication: Participation of Radio El Tambo Stereo in the cultural strengthening of the Cañari people in migration (July 2020). Tsafiqui, 11(15), 118–132.