Code of Ethics

Tsafiqui Scientific Journal in Social Sciences is inspired by the Code of Ethics of the Publications Ethics Committee (COPE), aimed at both editors, reviewers and authors.

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) GUIDELINES ON GOOD PUBLICATION  PRACTICE | Farname Inc.

Commitments of the Authors

Originality and plagiarism: By submitting an academic paper to the journal, the authors assure that the manuscript is original, that it does not contain parts of other authors or other fragments of already published works. Besides, they confirm the veracity of the data, that is, that the information collected in their investigation has not been altered.

Multiple and/or repetitive publications: The simultaneous proposal of the same contribution to multiple scientific journals is considered an unfavorable behavior in the scientific field. Authors who submit papers in Tsafiqui Scientific Journal in Social Sciences, guarantee that their academic work has not been sent to another scientific journal and that its content is not based on the work or publications of other authors.

List of sources: The authors are responsible for supporting their manuscript with scientific solvency, always providing a correct indication of the sources and contributions mentioned in the article.

Authorship: In the papers submitted to the journal, the authors guarantee the inclusion of people who have made a significant scientific and intellectual contribution in the conceptualization and planning of the work. The order or hierarchy of the authors will be placed according to their level of responsibility and involvement in the work.

Access and retention: It is responsibility of the author to maintain the files, documents, and evidence that support their investigative process. The Editors, if deemed necessary, could request this evidence to confirm the scientific validity in the collection of information. Authors are recommended to keep these documents for a reasonable period before and after the publication of a manuscript.

Conflict of interest and disclosure: All authors are required to explicitly declare that there are no conflicts of interest or biases that may have influenced the results or interpretations contained in their manuscript. The authors must also be committed to the socialization and disclosure of their sponsors (institutions or organizations that have contributed to the financing of the project or research).

Errors in published articles: Tsafiqui Scientific Journal in Social Sciences carries out a thorough editorial process to guarantee that there are no errors in published works. If an author identifies a major error or inaccuracy in her manuscript, she must inform the Editors of the journal and provide them with all the information necessary to list the relevant corrections at the bottom of the same article. Tsafiqui will be in charge of the corrections if these are pertinent, in order not to harm the authors.

Responsibility: The authors whose works are published in the journal accept responsibility for what they have written. Furthermore, they are committed to carrying out a review of the most current and relevant scientific literature on the topic raised, keeping in mind in plural and equitable way the different currents of knowledge.

Commitments of external Reviewers / Evaluators

Contribution to Editorial Decision: Blind Peer Review is a procedure that assists Editors in making decisions about proposed articles. This contribution also means continuous improvement in the manuscripts and their scientific quality. External evaluators guarantee a thorough, complete, and responsible process when reviewing.

Respect of time: The reviewer who cannot finish the evaluation in the scheduled time (15 days maximum from the sending of the invitation) will immediately notify the editors. The reviewers undertake to evaluate the works in the shortest possible time to respect the deadlines of the journal.

Confidentiality: All manuscripts evaluated by blind peers at Tsafiqui are reviewed confidentially. These texts should not be discussed with other people without the consent of the editors.

Objectivity: The peer review will be done objectively. Personal judgments about contributions are not considered adequate and reviewers are required to give sufficient reasons for their valuations.

Citation and references: The reviewers undertake to evaluate the bibliographic references of fundamental works possibly forgotten by the author, as well as the detailed fulfillment of the citation forms (APA 7th Edition).

Conflict of interest and disclosure: The information processed during the review process should be considered confidential and cannot be used for personal purposes. Falling into this is considered a serious breach of scientific ethics for which you will be penalized. Tsafiqui is committed to protecting both its authors and reviewers throughout the process, based on international ethical standards. Reviewers may not review a manuscript if there are conflicts of interest with the author.

Publishers' commitments

Publication decision: Editors will guarantee the selection of specialized reviewers on topics related to the manuscript and with a long history in the scientific community. Tsafiqui chooses to select between 2 and 3 reviewers for each work to guarantee the greatest possible objectivity.

Honesty: Editors evaluate articles submitted for publication based on the scientific merit of the content. Tsafiqui does not discriminate against the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, or political opinion.

Confidentiality: Editors and the staff of the magazine undertake not to disclose to other people than authors, reviewers, and editors, the information related to the articles sent for publication. Tsafiqui guarantees anonymity throughout the process.

Conflict of interest and disclosure: The Editors agree not to use the articles submitted for publication in their research.

Respect of the times: Editors are the maximum responsible for the fulfillment of the time limits for the reviews and the publication of the accepted works. They undertake to comply with the times (maximum of 30 days in the estimation/dismissal from the reception of the manuscript on the journal's OJS platform) and a maximum of 100 days from the start of the scientific review process by experts). Also, the works will not remain accepted without being published on waiting lists. Tsafiqui will only put an item on hold until the next number. The magazine does not archive works due to the need to disclose current and relevant scientific content.


Tsafiqui is an Open Access journal that firmly believes in the free dissemination of scientific knowledge, which is why it guarantees that its contents and services in general will be completely free for readers (without subscription fees), authors (without APC) and the public. . in general. Under this consideration, the authors recognize and commit to the Open Access policy, also agreeing that the journal will not issue any royalty payments.

The authors retain all copyright of the original published work without restrictions [© The Authors]. Publication will be subject to the terms of the CC BY 3.0 EC license (


Code of Ethics of the Publications Ethics Committee (COPE)

Commitée on Publication Ethics