Critical Review of The Social and Ethical Fields During the Period of Business Growth of Companies with Entrepreneurial Spirit "Were Born-Global"


  • Guido Romero-Larco Universidad Tecnologica Equinoccial
  • Javier Benalcázar-Ordóñez Universidad Tecnologica Equinoccial



ethical, were born-global, business entrepreneurs, social


Companies that “Born Globals”, are the key to economic growth in different countries. The authors investigate the social concept and ethical issues that theses entrepreneurial companies have during the period of growth of their business. The lack of social responsibility has begun to mark economic losses for companies, while the permanent vigilance of the society rewards with greater income to the companies committed with an adequate social responsibility. This paper provides a critical review and assessment of how companies base on their social responsibility and ethical principles have contributed not only to the development of the organization but also to society.   


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How to Cite

Romero-Larco, G., & Benalcázar-Ordóñez, J. (2017). Critical Review of The Social and Ethical Fields During the Period of Business Growth of Companies with Entrepreneurial Spirit "Were Born-Global". Economía Y Negocios, 8(1), 52–64.