Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020): Journal Economía y Negocios (July - December 2020)

					View Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020): Journal Economía y Negocios (July - December 2020)

The Journal Economía y Negocios, of the UTE University, presents relevant results in this issue, such as: the difference in the evaluation that postgraduate students make of their teachers when they report different levels of labor involvement; training on fair trade to avoid the state of non-compliance with regulations; real alternatives for investment and financing of municipal public works in the current economic situation; the digital tax aimed at large companies whose operations are carried out mainly through the internet; employability in students of the Central University of Ecuador. Other articles focus on the importance of control and evaluation in Ecuadorian public management and its contribution to the formulation of public policies and the democratization of management; the impact of management and leadership in a university in Yucatán; the opportunities for the implementation of the circular economy in micro-enterprises; and, finally, the optimization of logistics costs.

Published: 2020-12-01

Original Articles

  • Graduate Lecturer’s Work Engagement and the Evaluation Carried Out by their Students in an Ecuadorian University

    Diego Fabián Raza-Carrillo
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29019/eyn.v11i2.820
  • Training Experience on Fair Trade and Agricultural Standards in Santa Elena, Ecuador

    René Faruk Garzozi-Pincay, Yamel Sofía Garzozi-Pincay, Víctor Manuel Solórzano-Méndez
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29019/eyn.v11i2.821
  • Public-Private Partnerships: An Alternative for the Co-Financing of Public Works in the Urban Water and Sanitation Sector in Ecuador

    Pablo Ramiro Chafla-Martínez
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29019/eyn.v11i2.822
  • Digital Income - Analog Taxes

    Javier Mauricio Merino-González
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29019/eyn.v11i2.823
  • Analysis of Employability in Students of the Central University of Ecuador Faculty of Administrative Sciences Face-To-Face Modality in Comparison with the Distance Modality

    Diego Marcelo Mantilla-Garcés, Pedro David Rodríguez-Salazar, Jaime Cristóbal Subía-Guerra
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29019/eyn.v11i2.824
  • The Tax Evasion of Income Tax in SMEs of the Hardware Stores of the Province of Sullana, Piura

    Adolfo Antenor Jurado-Rosas
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29019/eyn.v11i2.825
  • Importance of Control and Evaluation in Ecuadorian Public Management

    Liliana del Carmen Morillo-Acosta, Nancy del Rocío Flores-Hinojosa
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29019/eyn.v11i2.826
  • Impact of Management and Leadership in a Private University in the South of Yucatan, Mexico

    Juan Carlos Ortiz-Navarro, Edith Juliana Cisneros-Cohemour
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29019/eyn.v11i2.827
  • Environment or Survival: The Challenges and Opportunities of Microenterprises in the Circular Economy

    Eric Alfonso Castro-Góngora, Jennifer Mul-Encalada
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29019/eyn.v11i2.828
  • Logistics Costs Optimization to the LPG Commercialists in Azuay-Ecuador

    Katherine Tatiana Coronel-Pangol, Arturo Campoverde-Campoverde, Carlos Armando Romero-Galarza, Jonnathan Andrés Jiménez-Yumbla
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.29019/eyn.v11i2.829