The african diaspora in Ecuador: memories, connections, and forgotten histories




Afroecuatoriano, Esclavitud, Museo, Patrimonio, Diáspora


The article highlights the importance of promoting the study of the African diaspora in Ecuador and the region. By reviewing literature from different parts of the world, it seeks to serve as a trigger for undergraduate and graduate students interested in the comprehensive and multidisciplinary inclusion of the topic of slavery.

Building upon Lucio Ferreira's studies in Brazil (2009), a critical review and deductive bibliographic discussion are conducted, linking ideas, theoretical conceptions, and concepts with the aim of constructing sustained empirical evidence (Sautu 2006, 87). Authors from different continents gather diverse research experiences from museums and heritage sites related to the African diaspora. This work addresses the limited number of long-term, extensive, and impactful studies available on Ecuador.

The present study maps possibilities for contribution in this line of research, seeking to shed light on those excluded from official history without real representation in the memory of their country. The review and analysis of scientific production databases conclude that the state and research criteria tied to the official version have hindered and allowed the loss of crucial time and evidence for understanding the past and its impact on contemporary society.


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Author Biography

Fernando Guerrero Maruri, Universidad Federal de Pelotas, Brasil

Becario CAPES en el programa de posgraduación en Memoria Social y Patrimonio Cultural de la Universidad Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), Brasil


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How to Cite

Guerrero Maruri, F. (2024). The african diaspora in Ecuador: memories, connections, and forgotten histories. Tsafiqui, 14(2), 7–17.