This is an outdated version published on 2021-12-01. Read the most recent version.



  • Hilda Pamela Pasmay Colcha Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
  • Ramiro Geovanny Ruales Parreño Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo



Contenidos interculturales, interculturalidad en pandemia, televisión comunitaria, análisis según Bardin


This article investigates and affirms how Puruwa TV through the programs Dialogando con Elvis Maldonado and Rimanakuy, broadcast intercultural content during 2020 in the midst of the health, social and economic crisis of Ecuador, through the transversality that characterizes interculturality in culture, health, politics, education and environment. To this end, a mixed quantitative and qualitative methodology was used, through the application of television archive review, content analysis and interviews. We analyzed 435 television archives, of which 193 interviews of an intercultural nature are identified, material necessary to apply the components and methodological criteria proposed by Bardin. The data collected were coupled to matrices of own creation, developing the 5 elements of bardin's content analysis, 4 tables contain the results of the research which house the identification of the topic of analysis, the intensity, direction and greater coverage of the content, plus 2 graphic representations that determined the quality of the content emitted by the community medium,  which are part of the inferential process. The research required the application of interviews, for this we interviewed 3 communication experts who work and have obtained experience in areas where interculturality is linked to communication or vice versa, creating a table of similarities found in the answers of the interviewees. The results obtained reflect social responsibility, open dialogue and the intersection of Kichwa and Spanish in times of crisis.


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La obtención de información subjetiva que denote posturas críticas, valores, sentimientos, etc., concibiendo resultados en base a apreciaciones abstractas, para (Behar, 2008) se hace llamar cualitativo. Desde otra perspectiva lo cuantitativo implicó el desarrollo de matrices de análisis que permitan obtener datos y porcentajes del contenido evaluado para precisar los resultados extraídos. Lo que según (Hernández, Fernández, & Baptista, 2014), se origina como la realidad válida y objetiva de la investigación.

Para Bardin (1996) desarrolla una agrupación de herramientas metodológicas que se mantienen en continua evolución, proveyendo la creación de estruturas para la contabilización de datos, bajo el análisis e interpretación que pueda arrojar un proceso inferencial.

Colle, Frutos, Galán, Burdach, & Vega (2011, p. 40) consideran que “el análisis de contenido será más eficiente si se detalla el objetivo de la investigación de manera explícita”.




How to Cite

Pasmay Colcha, H. P., & Ruales Parreño , R. G. (2021). PURUWA TV- CONTENIDOS INTERCULTURALES EN PANDEMIA. Tsafiqui, 12(1).