Controlled Imperfections: Integrating the Natural into Architectural Digital Graphics


  • Adrián Beltrán Montalvo Universidad UTE, Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Departamento de Arquitectura, Grupo de investigación: LL LiminalLab, Calle Rumipamba S/N y Bourgeois, Quito, Ecuador.
  • Sebastian Narvaez-Purtschert Universidad UTE, Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Departamento de Arquitectura, Grupo de investigación: LL LiminalLab, Calle Rumipamba S/N y Bourgeois, Quito, Ecuador.
  • Daniele Rocchio Universidad UTE, Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Departamento de Arquitectura, Grupo de investigación: LL LiminalLab, Calle Rumipamba S/N y Bourgeois, Quito, Ecuador.



Representación gráfica, imperfección controlada, dibujo arquitectónico, narrativa visual


The digitization in architectural graphic representation has led to a quest for perfection that often overlooks the authenticity and irregularity of the real world. This article addresses how the deliberate inclusion of "controlled imperfections" can reintroduce humanity and authenticity into these forms of representation, enhancing the aesthetic experience and the emotional connection of the viewer.

The study aims to explore the role of imperfections in digital architectural graphic representation, arguing that they can enrich the visual narrative and aesthetic perception. The methodology is based on a phenomenological and hermeneutic analysis of the proposal "Rustic Whispers: Corten Dreams in Italy's Countryside" for the competition “Rural Housing: The Adaptive Reuse of an Italian Cascina”, in which compositional elements that lead to the integration of irregular and natural elements in the graphic representation are identified, as it unfolds in the discursive scenario of architectural competitions.

The main results of the analysis show that the integration of these imperfections not only increases the realism of the representations but also promotes a greater connection between the viewer and the work. Representations enriched with imperfections invite deeper exploration and offer a more immersive and sensory visual narrative. In conclusion, the adoption of this concept in digital architectural representations challenges the homogeneity and sterility of digital perfection, promoting a more human architecture connected with its environment.


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How to Cite

Beltrán Montalvo, A., Narvaez-Purtschert, S., & Rocchio, D. (2024). Controlled Imperfections: Integrating the Natural into Architectural Digital Graphics. Eidos, 17(24), 3–15.