The Hybrid teaching of Law as lesson learned from the post-pandemic period


  • Daniel del Valle-Inclán Profesor Doctor UCJC



lessons learned, education, methodologies, innovation, law, students, lessons learned, education, methodologies, innovation, law, students


Experience is not what has happened to us but what we are able to learn from those situations we have lived, hence the importance of lessons learned after the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The knowledge acquired after analysing and thinking about the consequences it has had for education must be recorded, and being available to all, with the sole purpose to be reviewed, consulted, and used on future occasions.
New teaching methodologies, different from the traditional ones based on the face-to-face class, such as remote teaching or hybrid models focused on blended learning, they have come to remain and, in some way, to promote the redesign of university teaching. Values, transversal education, the importance of the students in their learning and more active methodologies to ensure the acquisition of competences and soft and hard skills, have become milestones of a new system in which, both teachers and students, coexist in a collaborative environment capable of adapting the curricula to the new circumstances and mutations that the abovementioned SARS-CoV-2 brings.
Those lessons learned become a fundamental instrument to promote continuous improvement and innovation, and provide the necessary information to face processes, methodology and techniques with which to guarantee a quality education.
In this way, an experience lived in university education is shared, through activities inside and outside the classroom, where the student is the centre of the entire learning process.


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How to Cite

del Valle-Inclán, D. (2022). The Hybrid teaching of Law as lesson learned from the post-pandemic period. Tsafiqui, 12(2).