
  • Societal transformation
    Vol. 14 No. 2 (2024)

    La presente edición de Tsafiqui - Revista Científica en Ciencias Sociales está dedicada a la idea de transformación social, entendida como aquellos procesos que parten de la sociedad con la premisa de mejorar o potenciar el contexto actual y futuro, con la vista puesta en el planeta que dejaremos a nuestros descendientes. El abordaje se plantea desde diferentes ámbitos, incluyendo la tolerancia y el respeto interétnico, la igualdad de género, la interseccionalidad, la justicia social, las relaciones interpersonales, la convivencia intergeneracional, así como el cuidado de la naturaleza desde una perspectiva necesariamente global.

    Invitamos a la lectura atenta del volumen completo con la finalidad de favorecer el debate público en torno a la necesidad de la transformación social en Ecuador y América Latina. La revista explora problemáticas urgentes y complejas, reconociendo las interconexiones profundas que definen nuestras sociedades contemporáneas. Este conjunto de reflexiones desafía a imaginar y construir un futuro más justo, equitativo y consciente de las complejidades de nuestra era global, especialmente desde un contexto ecuatoriano de aumento de la desigualdad, inseguridad creciente, aumento de la pobreza y pobreza extrema, limitación de derechos humanos, dificultad de acceso a servicios básicos y una ineficacia estatal e institucional para dar respuesta a dichos desafíos. En este momento, la academia y las Ciencias Sociales deben participar del debate político en el análisis exhaustivo de las causas para la propuesta de cambios sociales, políticos y económicos que posibiliten la necesaria transformación social en el país y la región.

    Antonio J. Canela-Ruano. Editor General.

  • Educomunicación: otras formas de enseñar y aprender
    Vol. 14 No. 1 (2024)


    Educommunication had its peak between the 60s and 70s as a form of transformation and
    contrast to the dominant models, where a vision of indoctrination of subjects based
    on responding to the production system and the need for labor prevailed. This is how
    this proposal promotes a comprehensive approach that emphasizes the need for interaction
    dialogue and sharing as a basis for learning and critical thinking, taking into account
    that education is the cornerstone for social transformation. For this reason, communication is seen more than as an instrument to transmit information
    as a process that allows generating links between actors and therefore taking into account
    experiences and interests through the integration of various media tools as a complement
    to the spaces of teaching-learning, becoming a valuable means to promote analysis,
    reflection and participation in society.
  • Hyperconnected society
    Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023)

    In the vertiginous development that the Internet has experienced, it has changed the way in which we relate, learn, work and in general communicate, all the content that is generated has triggered a huge range of connections that a person can have in their life, going through the family, the educational, social, academic, investigative, technological system, even the workplace. All this has also generated an immense capacity to store and process data, these become increasingly important. The hyperconnected society represents a world in which people remain in a state of permanent connection. This panorama requires discussion on the ways in which society faces this phenomenon in all areas of human activity.  
  • communication and society
    Vol. 13 No. 1 (2023)

    El desarrollo de las tecnologías digitales, la expansión de Internet y el crecimiento de las redes de telefonía móvil han generado profundos cambios en la sociedad a nivel global. Las arquitecturas abiertas, libres y de producción colaborativa —entre pares— han permitido que, como nunca antes en la historia de la humanidad, millones y millones de personas (usuarios finales, ciudadanos) puedan informarse, comunicarse, expresar sus preferencias, gestionar parte de sus derechos ciudadanos y colaborar para producir, disponer y compartir todo tipo de bienes y obras intelectuales. Estas tecnologías están cambiando la manera de hacer política: desde las campañas y sus diferentes formas de financiamiento, hasta las mismas bases de la participación política ciudadana.

  • Communication and society
    Vol. 12 No. 3 (2022)

    The development of digital technologies, the expansion of the Internet and the growth of mobile telephone networks have generated profound changes in society at a global level. Open, free and collaborative production architectures —among peers— have allowed, like never before in the history of humanity, millions and millions of people (end users, citizens) to be informed, communicate, express their preferences, manage part of their civil rights and collaborate to produce, dispose of and share all kinds of goods and intellectual works. These technologies are changing the way of doing politics: from campaigns and their different forms of financing, to the very bases of citizen political participation.
  • Digital transformation in the post-pandemic era
    Vol. 12 No. 2 (2022)

    The SARS-CoV-2 (Covid 19) pandemic has caused significant changes on a personal and social level regarding our principles, values ​​and priorities; changes in the way we meet our needs, work, and interact. Organizations of all kinds have adapted to new requirements from communication, education to health care, through retail, financial and professional services, all have made a "digital transformation in the post-pandemic era." The analysis of researchers in the area of ​​social sciences is necessary to have a prospective on the subject.
  • New Forms of Communication
    Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021)

    This dossier aims to analyze the communication model in which the interlocutors are not physically present, in the same place and / or time, which makes the communication process change substantially. We cannot ignore the advantages that these new ways of communicating offer us, however we must safeguard humanity from this act. Technological advances in the area of ​​communications have accelerated the development of new media and the migration from traditional ones to the internet. These give rise to cybermedia that constitute a communicative situation different from that of traditional systems by incorporating interactivity. The expansion of social networks and mobile technology in which users reach all the prominence of both producers and consumers, generates dialogues and exchanges within civil society outside of large media companies. These cybermedia generate new professional profiles that have raised the alert in the field of legislation and taxation, but they have also widened social gaps, especially in less developed countries. Finally, it is expected that this academic space can collect, recognize, and disseminate the best investigative, analytical and reflective works of researchers on communication at the local, regional and international levels.
  • Portada16

    Estado de derechos, salud, educación y justicia. Una mirada crítica desde el enfoque de los derechos humanos.
    No. 16 (2021)

    The Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the UTE University is pleased to present the 16th edition of Tsafiqui, Scientific Journal in Social Sciences. In this issue the "Central Theme" deals with "State of rights, health, education and justice. A critical look from a human rights approach". This dossier aims to analyze human rights as inherent and universal attributes of human dignity itself, in light of the new Constitutionalism of 2008 in Ecuador, in times of pandemic. This is a regional political, economic, social and cultural context that extends throughout Latin America, where important social inequalities are exposed and deepened around various categories articulated on vulnerable subjects such as race/ethnicity, class, gender, migration status, among others. In this issue we have the participation of the Ombudsman's Office of Ecuador as institutional co-publisher.

  • Tsafiqui Portada N15

    Social Networks, Consumption and Connectivity: Communication in the new virtual scenarios
    No. 15 (2020)

    The Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the UTE University is pleased to present Edition No. 15 of Tsafiqui, Scientific Journal in Social Sciences. In this issue, the "Central Theme" deals with "Social Networks, Consumption, and Connectivity: Communication in the new virtual settings". In this edition, Tsafiqui Revista Científica en Ciencias Sociales was part of the official publications of the V International Congress of Media Competencies: Social Networks and Citizenship: Towards a cyber-connected and empowered world, which held in virtual mode on October 14, 15, and 16, 2020 and whose face-to-face version will hold on May 5, 6 and 7, 2021 in Quito-Ecuador. This scientific event organized by the ALFAMED Euro-American Interuniversity Network and sponsored by CIESPAL, Gapmil - UNESCO, OEI - Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (Ecuador), AUIP Ibero-American Postgraduate University Association, Rábida Group, Ministry of Economy, the European Regional Development Fund and more than ten local and international universities. The number also links in its scientific dissemination strategy the Research Group in Communication, Media, Advertising and Digital Culture, (INCOM) of the UTE University, the Ágora Group of the University of Huelva, Mentinno - Innovation and Lifetime Value Partners and Management Training as part of the Formageren Group and the Center for advanced studies of internet and information society of the University of the Hemispheres

  • Portada Tsafiqui Nº 14

    Territories: planning perspectives and development
    No. 14 (2020)

    The Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the UTE University is pleased to present Issue No. 14 of Tsafiqui, Scientific Journal of Social Sciences. In this issue, the “Central Theme” deals with “Territories: planning and development perspectives”. The object, to evaluate, discuss, and analyze the future of territorial planning in the country, from a deep, critical, and scientific perspective.

    This number has called for an inter-institutional effort between the School of Strategic Perspective of the Institute of High National Studies (IAEN), the Department of Development, Environment and Territory of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences FLACSO-Ecuador, the School of Geographical Sciences of the Pontificia Catholic University of Ecuador (PUCE) and the Geographical Association of Ecuador, to promote reflection on the links between the territories and changes in the national planning system of Ecuador. The articles that are part of this section show a renewal of interests in the study of the territorial, which, at the same time, opens new debates on the relations between territory and development.

  • Portada Tsafiqui Nº 13

    Innovation and Communication Strategy
    No. 13 (2019)

    The Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the UTE University is pleased to present Issue No. 13 of Tsafiqui, Journal of Scientific Research. In this issue, the "Central Theme" deals with "Innovation and Communication Strategy", providing a space for scientific debate on the various innovation processes related to communication sciences and strategic decision-making in organizations.

    In this edition, we thank the scientific and organizing committee of the Congress of Innovation and Communication Strategy (IECOM) of the Strategic Communication Research group of the Technical Private University of Loja and all the researchers and collaborators who have made this contribution possible.

  • Portada Tsafiqui Nº 12

    Culture and scientific dissemination
    No. 12 (2019)

    We present Edition 12 of Tsafiqui, Scientific Research Journal of the UTE University School of Law and Social Sciences. The "central theme" of this issue, called "Culture and scientific dissemination", constitutes a space for the analysis of the ecosystem of construction of scientific knowledge and the role of science in culture. In this edition, we are grateful to the scientific and organizing committee of the I Congress of Scientific Dissemination in Ecuador, with which the delivery of contributions for this section was coordinated.

  • Portada Tsafiqui Nº 11

    Cybersecurity and Development
    No. 11 (2018)

    La Edición N°11 (2018) de Revista Tsafiqui, de la Facultad de Comunicación, Artes y Humanidades de la Universidad UTE, recoge en esta ocasión cinco artículos especializados en Educación en la sección "Tema Central". Los artículos abordan enfoques educativos esenciales para el desarrollo del área: la innovación y el emprendimiento, pedagogías y ambientes de aprendizaje, el estudio de las emociones, entre otros. Por su parte, la sección "Mosaico", con dos artículos, trata temas sobre el ámbito digital del periodismo y de los periodistas. Este número es un espacio de reflexión de temas nacionales que a partir de estudio de caso nos permiten conocer diferentes realidades.

  • Portada Tsafiqui Nº 10

    Digital literacy: key to inclusion, development and social participation?
    No. 10 (2018)

    Issue No. 10 of Tsafiqui embodies the commitment of our institution to research and a decade of scientific contribution to the community and the region. In this anniversary edition we present eight articles, two of them included in "Tema Central" and six in the "Mosaico" section. The main topic, named Digital Literacy: key for inclusion, development and social participation?, is a space for the analysis of education in technology and the use of them.

  • Cover Tsafiqui Number 9

    Contemporary approaches and management of cultural heritage
    No. 9 (2017)

    We present Edition No. 9 of Tsafiqui, Scientific Research Journal of the Faculty of Communication, Arts and Humanities of the Equinoctial Technological University. It is the first issue in the digital version, indexed in Latindex with e-ISSN 2602-8069.

    On this occasion, we present six articles, of which four are part of the "Central Topic" and two correspond to the "Mosaic" section. The "central theme" of this edition called "Contemporary approaches and management of cultural heritage" constitutes a space for debate and analysis on the current status of cultural legacies.

  • Portada Tsafiqui Nº 8

    Perspectives of applied research for the humanities and social sciences: where do the research agendas of the region point?
    No. 8 (2016)

    Tsafiqui from its number 8 presents its first edition of the Central Theme, creating a thematic axis for each future number to be published. In this edition, this section of the publication is dedicated to the perspectives of applied research for the humanities and social sciences: where do the research agendas of the region point to? The invitation to reflect on this type of research, understood as a challenge and an opportunity for higher education centers to link theory with specific social realities were made considering that social actors, such as the national state, have significant roles. in the construction of the research agendas of the region.

  • Portada Tsafiqui Nº 7

    TSAFIQUI Journal of Scientific Research VII
    No. 7 (2015)

    TSÁFIQUI, Scientific Journal disseminates the results of the research carried out at the UTE to the national and international scientific community, presents its Seventh Volume. The hard work of its editorial team is recognized given its position in the most important Universities, Libraries and Research Centers that have received this publication, thus strengthening the principles under which it was conceived: Developing a free, innovative scientific-academic space, rigorous and cooperative and ratify the valuation of ancient wisdom, showing that science contributes to the development, identity and quality of life in the country.

  • Portada Tsafiqui Nº 6

    TSAFIQUI Journal of Scientific Research VI
    No. 6 (2014)

    TSÁFIQUI - True Word- in the Tsá-chila language, is consolidated as a Scientific Journal that promotes and disseminates with high rigor in the national and international scientific community, quality results in the research carried out inside and outside the Equinoctial Technological University. Its position has been recognized by the most important Universities, Libraries and Research Centers that have received this publication. This sixth issue of TSÁFIQUI strengthens its orientation to constitute a free, innovative, rigorous, and cooperative scientific-academic space that values the ancestral wisdom of peoples and nationalities so that Science becomes true Wisdom that contributes to development, identity, and quality of life of our country.

  • Portada Tsafiqui Nº 5

    TSAFIQUI Journal of Scientific Research V
    No. 5 (2014)

    The University, in a sustained and incremental way, seeks to strengthen its strategy in Science and Technology, generating forms of coordination, information flows, and training initiatives under new formats, and within this strategy, TSAFIQUI positions itself as a Scientific Magazine that disseminates in the university community. national and international, the scientific-technological results generated in the UTE. The quality and rigor of scientific production have been recognized by the most important Universities, Libraries and Research Centers that receive this publication. This time the fifth issue of TSAFIQUI.

  • Portada Tsafiqui Nº 4

    TSAFIQUI Journal of Scientific Research IV
    No. 4 (2013)

    The UTE University, in a sustained and incremental way, seeks to strengthen its strategy in Science and Technology, generating forms of coordination, information flows, and training initiatives under new formats, and within this strategy, TSAFIQUI positions itself as a Scientific Journal that disseminates in the university community, national and international, the scientific-technological results generated in the UTE. The quality and rigor of scientific production have been recognized by the most important Universities, Libraries and Research Centers that receive this publication. This time the fourth issue of TSAFIQUI is presented.

  • Portada Tsafiqui Nº 3

    TSAFIQUI Journal of Scientific Research III
    No. 3 (2012)

    The UTE University, in a sustained and incremental way, seeks to strengthen its strategy in Science and Technology, generating forms of coordination, information flows, and training initiatives under new formats, and within this strategy, TSAFIQUI positions itself as a Scientific Journal that disseminates in the university community, national and international, the scientific-technological results generated in the UTE. The quality and rigor of scientific production have been recognized by the most important Universities, Libraries and Research Centers that receive this publication. This time the third issue of TSAFIQUI is presented.

  • Portada Tsafiqui Nº 2

    TSAFIQUI Journal of Scientific Research II
    No. 2 (2011)

    The UTE University, in a sustained and incremental way, seeks to strengthen its strategy in Science and Technology, generating forms of coordination, information flows, and training initiatives under new formats, and within this strategy, TSAFIQUI positions itself as a Scientific Journal that disseminates in the university community, national and international, the scientific-technological results generated in the UTE. The quality and rigor of scientific production have been recognized by the most important Universities, Libraries and Research Centers that receive this publication. This time the second issue of TSAFIQUI is presented.

  • Portada Tsafiqui Nº 1

    TSAFIQUI Journal of Scientific Research I
    No. 1 (2009)

    Today we can say: "... Research at the UTE ceased to be a myth to become a reality ...". Not only is scientific research being supported and financed, but, aware of the importance of delivering its results to the academic community and to society, the First Issue of Tsafiqui Journal of Scientific Research is presented, a fundamental milestone in the consolidation of the Research System. University research. In this publication, dear readers, you will find results of scientific and academic interest and of great use not only for our institution, but also for the country's scientific and academic community. Fifteen research projects executed by our teacher-researchers are presented, eight on topics related to the agricultural sector, two in the area of ​​Computer Systems, two in the area of ​​Entrepreneurship, two in the area of ​​Economy and Commerce, and, one in the community development and crafts area.