No. 16 (2021): Estado de derechos, salud, educación y justicia. Una mirada crítica desde el enfoque de los derechos humanos.


The Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the UTE University is pleased to present the 16th edition of Tsafiqui, Scientific Journal in Social Sciences. In this issue the "Central Theme" deals with "State of rights, health, education and justice. A critical look from a human rights approach". This dossier aims to analyze human rights as inherent and universal attributes of human dignity itself, in light of the new Constitutionalism of 2008 in Ecuador, in times of pandemic. This is a regional political, economic, social and cultural context that extends throughout Latin America, where important social inequalities are exposed and deepened around various categories articulated on vulnerable subjects such as race/ethnicity, class, gender, migration status, among others. In this issue we have the participation of the Ombudsman's Office of Ecuador as institutional co-publisher.

Published: 2021-06-01

Central theme
