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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx)
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • Whenever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and biliographic requirements outlined in the Author's Guidelines/a, which appear in About the journal.
  • Two separate files have been prepared: the title page, with the information of the authors, and the main manuscript that complies with the regulations for blind review.

Author Guidelines


Economía y Negocios [Economy and Business] is a journal of the UTE University, which publishes results of scientific research in the area of ​​economic and business sciences with a fixed semi-annual periodicity, June and December. Authors may submit manuscripts for evaluation throughout the year, since the call to submit articles to the journal is open, although, for entry purposes, they will be considered received the last month of each semester.

Economía y Negocios publishes scientific works, of a theoretical or empirical nature, that contribute to contrast, extend or build theories that allow progress in the understanding of the phenomena related to economic and business sciences, from the perspectives of economics, strategic management, talent human, marketing and advertising, organizational behavior, quality, logistics and supply chain, accounting, finance, auditing, business economics and international business.

Economía y Negocios authors are encouraged to review our Regulations for Authors (also available in Spanish) before submitting an article for review by our editorial team. Likewise, it is recommended to use the Cover Page Template and the Manuscript Template for the preparation of the document, available in Spanish and English, depending on the language in which the article is to be published.

The journal Economía y Negocios accepts for its review scientific articles that are framed in the theme of the magazine (focus and scope). Documents may be sent in English or Spanish, and must contain material not published or presented for publication in any other media.

During the review process, the document is not allowed to be reviewed by another journal or medium simultaneously. Articles must be submitted in Word format (.docx or .doc). The magazine's editorial team will acknowledge receipt of the originals. With the intention of following the journal's document presentation guidelines, it is recommended to use the templates available for the cover and the text of the manuscript in docx format presented above.

The editorial policies of the journal contemplate the publication of topics related to economics and business management in a specific type of articles or sections:

Original Articles. Within this section the following categories are included:

  • Research papers. This type of article presents in detail the original results of research projects in the various areas of knowledge included in the scope of the journal. They should be structured in four important parts: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions; and in addition, the literature review, discussion, limitations, managerial applications, among others, are usually included. These original investigations will have a minimum length of 4,000 words and not exceed 10,000 words of text, including title, abstracts, keywords, tables, figures and references.
  • Review articles. These provide a comprehensive summary of research on a certain topic, and an analysis of the state and future prospects of the scientific field. It presents research results from an analytical, interpretive or critical point of view of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources. You must present a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.
  • Case study reports. These articles report on specific cases of interesting phenomena. This type of study is used in the area of ​​economic and business sciences to inform the application of theoretically proven methodologies in organizations of economic sectors and regions very different from those of the original research, where contributions are made regarding new techniques, tools and approaches to address the new contextual situations addressed. The articles for reflection or review and report of case studies will have a minimum length of 3,000 words and not exceed 6,000 words of text, including title, abstracts, keywords, tables, figures and references.
  • Research notes. This type of article consists of a summary of the research articles and will have a length between 1,500 and 3,000 words.

Reviews. This type of article must be the result of a research where the results of published or unpublished research on a field in science and technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to account for progress and development trends. These reviews, which are informative texts, should not exceed 3,000 words, accompanied by an image of the cover of the book or publication being reviewed (.jpg, at least 300 dpi).

Editorial. This is an introductory article to the number of the journal where it is published and where the editors explain the structure with which the issue is organized and the topics covered, whether it is a special or regular edition. It does not consist of an abstract and must be less than 1,000 words. On special occasions, editors may publish summaries of their own research in the form of “research notes” that will be published in this section and that will serve as a guide for authors.

News and Opinion Notes. This is an opinion piece on current affairs in the subject areas that fit the journal's focus. It consists of an abstract of up to 100 words and the manuscript in general must be less than 3,000 words. In this type of article, it will not be necessary to follow the traditional structure of the rest of the articles, it should only include a summary, the sections that the author decides as part of the development, conclusions and the necessary references.

Academic Reports: This section is a space to disseminate the most relevant learning results of undergraduate and graduate students and that are generated from research projects, community outreach projects and degree work. They will have an extension between 1,500 and 3,000 words and it will be necessary to include an endorsement from the tutor or tutors.


Manuscripts must be submitted exclusively through our OJS 3 online submission system. All authors must register with their credits on this platform, although only one will be responsible for correspondence.

The works will be presented in Arial 11 font, single spacing, justified and without tabs, with a single space between paragraphs. Only large blocks or sections are separated with two simple spaces. The page should be 2.54 cm. on all margins, letter size. The file must be anonymized in File Properties so that the identification of the authors does not appear. The publication standards are based on APA Seventh Edition regulations.


As part of the submission process, the authors are obliged to verify that it complies with all the elements shown below. Those submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be returned. In addition, two files must be submitted independently in the same submission: the presentation and cover and the manuscript, according to the rules detailed in the previous templates.

Presentation and cover

This file, signed by the authors with all their complete data, requesting the evaluation of the manuscript, together with a declaration of originality and authorshipauthorship, where it is specified that:

  • The submission has not been previously published nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other journal, therefore, it is an original contribution.
  • Wherever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • Confirmation of the signing authorship.
  • Acceptance, if applicable, of formal changes to the manuscript in accordance with the standards.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author's Guidelines, which appear in About the journal.

This file will also contain:

  • Title of the article, made up of as many significant terms as possible. In Spanish first line and then in English (the language order of the title, abstract and key words depends on the language in which the article is written). A maximum of two lines are accepted (maximum 100 characters with spaces). The titles are not only the responsibility of the authors, but also of the editors. Therefore, if they do not correctly capture the meaning of the work, they may be modified.
  • Full name and surname of each of the authors in order of priority (the number must be justified by the topic, its complexity and its length, with the average of the area being four authors). In the case of more than four authors, it is prescriptive to substantively justify the original contribution of the team, since it will be taken into account in the estimation of the manuscript.
  • Along with the names, you must follow the professional affiliation, institution, email of each author, url of their ORCID id, and url of the Google Scholar profile. The academic signature (name) must be standardized in accordance with international conventions to facilitate identification in the main databases. It is mandatory to register in the International Registry of Researchers (ORCID) (, and in Google Scholar (
  • Abstract in English of up to 200 words, where the reason and objective of the research, the methodology used for the study, the most outstanding results and main conclusions will be concisely described. It must be written in an impersonal way: «This work is analyzed ...».
  • Abstract in Spanish of up to 200 words. For its preparation, as for the title and keywords, the quality of the linguistic level and style will have to be guaranteed, which will be reviewed by our reviewers as part of the evaluation of the work.
  • Three to six keywords (in English and Spanish). The use of these descriptors and the UNESCO Thesaurus is recommended. Only in exceptional cases are new terms accepted. The terms must be in Spanish and standardized scientific English.

The details of the presentation format can be reviewed in the Template for Presentation and Cover.

Main manuscript

The manuscripts will strictly respect the structure that is presented below. In some types of articles, such as review articles, case studies, notes and reviews, it is possible to be more flexible also in their sections 2, 3 and 4. The inclusion of References in all works is mandatory. These epigraphs are not numbered, they will only have the first letter in capital letters, nor underlined. A maximum of three levels will be used.

  1. Introduction: It must include the fundamentals and purpose of the study, emphasizing the relevance of the theoretical and practical object, using bibliographic citations. The structure of the article can be considered if it is considered pertinent.
  2. Literature review: A more significant review of the theoretical and methodological framework of the subject should be carried out at the national and international level. In some types of articles, such as case studies, this content could be linked to the introduction.
  3. Materials and methods: It will be presented with the precision that is convenient for the reader to understand and confirm the development of the research. Where appropriate, the sample and the sampling strategies will be described, as well as the type of statistical analysis used. If it is an original methodology, it is necessary to state the reasons that have led to its use and describe its possible limitations.
  4. Analysis and results: An attempt will be made to highlight the most important observations, describing, without making value judgments, the material and methods used, as well as the most relevant results of the investigation. The results will be presented in figures or / and tables according to the rules of the journal (see other annotations). They will appear in a logical sequence in the text, tables or essential figures, avoiding data redundancy.
  5. Discussion and conclusions: It will summarize the findings, relating its own observations with other studies of interest, pointing out contributions and limitations, without reiterating data already commented on in other sections. The inferences of the findings and their limitations should be mentioned, including deductions for future research, as well as linking the conclusions with the objectives of the study, avoiding gratuitous statements and conclusions not fully supported by the data of the work.
  6. Acknowledgments: All contributors who do not meet the authorship criteria should be included in an Acknowledgments section. Examples of people who might be recognized include a person who provided purely technical help, or a department head who only provided general support. Please provide any personal acknowledgments separate from the main text to facilitate anonymous peer review. In addition, individuals who provided writing assistance, part of a communications firm, do not qualify as authors and should therefore be listed in the Acknowledgments section. Authors must disclose any writing assistance, including the name of the person, company, and level of contribution, and identify the entity that paid for this assistance. It is not necessary to disclose the use of language polishing services.
  7. Funding: Economics and Business requires all authors to consistently acknowledge their funding under a separate heading. The funding agency should be written in full, followed by the grant number in square brackets. Multiple grant numbers must be separated by commas and spaces. When the research was supported by more than one agency, the different agencies should be separated by semicolons, with 'and' preceding the final funder. In some cases, research is funded not by a specific project grant, but by the block grant and other resources available to a university, college, or other research institution. Where no specific research funding has been provided, we ask corresponding authors to use the following sentence: “This research did not receive a specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or non-profit sectors.”
  8. Declaration of conflict of interest: Economía y Negocios encourages authors to include a declaration of any conflict of interest at the end of their manuscript, after acknowledgments and before references. We recommend reviewing our best practice guidelines. If there is no conflict, indicate that "The author(s) declare(s) that they have no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship and/or publication of this article."
  9. Declaration of ethical approval or informed consent: The authors must write a declaration on the ethical approval of the use of the data used in the research. An example might be: “All information extracted from the study will be encrypted to protect the name of each subject. No names or other identifying information will be used when discussing or reporting data. All subjects gave their informed consent for inclusion before participating in the study. The investigators will securely keep all collected files and data in a locked cabinet in the principal investigators' office.”
  10. Authorship and Author Contribution: All parties who have made a substantial contribution to the article must be listed as authors. Principal authorship, order of authorship, and other publication credits should be based on the relative scientific or professional contributions of the individuals involved, regardless of their status. A student is generally listed as lead author on any multi-author publication that is substantially derived from the student's dissertation or thesis. The authorship roles will be identified in the following order, including each author in the role that corresponds to him and omitting the roles that are not applicable in each case: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Acquisition of funds, Research, Methodology, Administration project, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing – original draft, and Writing – review and editing.
  11. References: Bibliographic citations must be reviewed in the form of references to the text. Uncited bibliography should not be included in the text. The number of citations will be between 20 and 60, it must be sufficient and necessary to contextualize the theoretical framework, the methodology used and the research results in an international research space. They will be presented alphabetically by the author's first surname (adding the second only in case the first is very commonly used, and joined with a hyphen). The citations must be extracted from the original documents - preferably journals and, to a lesser extent, books - always indicating the initial and final page of the work from which they come, with the exception of complete works.

Given the importance for the citation indexes and the calculations of the impact factors, the correct citation will be assessed in accordance with the APA 7.0 Standard, valuing the fact that there are not only national references, but also prestigious international journals.

The details of the format of the manuscript development and the specific guidelines for the preparation of bibliographic references can be reviewed in an expanded way in the Regulations for Authors and in the Manuscript Template.

It is prescriptive that all citations that have DOI (Digital Object Identifier System) are reflected in the References (they can be obtained at All journals and books that do not have DOI must appear with their link (in their online version, if they have it, shortened). All the web addresses that are presented have to be shortened in the manuscript through, with the exception of the DOI that must be in the indicated format.

The journal Economía y Negocios has a bibliographic collection of published articles. A review of this literature is recommended, prioritizing scientific works with great international diffusion. However, the saturation of citations of the authors and of this journal (self-citations) should be limited and carefully controlled. National and international journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR), Scopus, WOS, REDIB, Dialnet Metrics, ERIH and FECYT are recommended. In relation to the number of citations, it will depend on the nature of the work (theme, focus…).


  • Only unpublished works whose contributions are original will be considered for publication. The submission of articles whose results have been published is not acceptable.
  • The article that is submitted to the journal cannot be under evaluation in another media.
  • The authors must be professionals, teachers and researchers with a minimum degree training and experts on the subject.
  • The content of the articles is the responsibility of the authors and the editorial policy is open and democratic.
  • The title of the article must be concise and correspond to the content, without ceasing to specifically indicate the topic or subject studied.
  • Any clarification about the work (character, acknowledgments, collaborators, etc.) will be indicated on a presentation page that includes the abstract, keywords and data of the authors of the article.
  • Originals must be submitted through our online submission system. All articles must contain an abstract and keywords (minimum three), in English and Spanish. Likewise, graphs, tables, images and other elements must be included in the body of the text in an editable format or attached to the original programs in which they were made.
  • Reviews, which are informative texts, should not exceed 3,000 words and must also be submitted in .doc or .docx format, accompanied by an image of the cover of the book or publication that is being reviewed (jpg, of minimum 300 dpi).
  • At the time of submitting an article, each author must include their complete data, and declare that the postulated article is unpublished and that it is not in the evaluation process in another journal.
  • Bibliographic references will follow the citation and style standards of the American Psychological Association (APA), seventh edition.


  • The journal may reject the publication of an article if, by internal decision, it is determined that it does not meet certain academic or editorial standards or if it does not fall within the thematic focus.
  • Articles will be evaluated taking into consideration the following criteria: quality or academic level, originality, contribution to knowledge and teaching, clarity in presentation, clarity of writing and literature, interest and topicality of the subject.
  • The evaluator will issue their concept in the suggested format through the online review system provided by OJS. The journal has previously reviewed the profiles of the evaluators to ensure that they have sufficient academic background to carry out their work with total independence.
  • The journal evaluation process will be carried out under the conditions of blind peer arbitration. The journal reserves all the data of the authors and reviewers; the details and results of the process will only be disclosed to those directly involved (authors, reviewers and editors). Authors should avoid the excessive use of self-citation or any type of data in the body of the text that offers clues about their identity or that of the author group.
  • The evaluation time may take an average of two (2) months, between the summons of the peers, their acceptance and the submission of the article. However, this period may be shorter or longer, depending on the availability of reviewers and other factors that can delay or accelerate the process. The journal will only send the authors an official communication about their article, once it has a decisive result on full acceptance, conditional acceptance (with slight changes) or rejection (with modifications that imply a substantial rethinking of the proposal). In the same way, it will inform when the article is not part of the editorial line of the journal.
  • If the peer report suggests minor modifications, the authors must adhere to a timeline that does not exceed two (2) weeks to make the requested changes. If an article receives concepts that involve substantial modifications, and it is considered that it can be accepted for a new cycle of evaluations, the authors will have to submit their adjustments in a period not exceeding four (4) weeks. In both cases, an attached report must be submitted indicating the changes that were made to the proposal.
  • However, although the journal is willing to receive restated articles, authors are asked not to resubmit a corrected version of a rejected article before a period ranging from three (3) to six (6) months. The editor will inform the authors of the time they will have to wait, if they express interest in resubmitting their article. The definitive rejection of an article will be given when it does not correspond to the editorial or thematic line of the journal, or when the Editor in chief so expresses it.


  • Sending an article to an evaluation process does not oblige the Editorial Committee of Economía y Negocios or its editors to make the publication.
  • Articles and reviews will be received without interruption throughout the year.
  • If the editorial team of the journal does not acknowledge receipt of the application for a job within a period of eight (8) days or if you have not received a response to any type of message within that period, please redirect your message to the email optional:
  • Editorial UTE applies the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license to articles in its scientific journals. Under this open access license, as an author you agree that anyone can reuse your article in whole or in part for any purpose, free of charge, including commercial purposes. Anyone can copy, distribute or reuse the content as long as the author and original source are correctly cited.

Original Articles

This section will include all the articles published by the journal corresponding to the categories evaluated by academic peers: Research papers, Review articles, Case study report and Research notes.

News and Opinion Notes

These are opinion articles on current affairs in thematic areas that fit the journal's focus. It consists of an abstract of up to 100 words and the manuscript in general must be less than 3,000 words. In this type of article, it will not be necessary to follow the traditional structure of the rest of the articles, it should only include a summary, the sections that the author decides as part of the development, conclusions and the necessary references.


This type of article must be the result of an investigation where the results of published or unpublished research on a field in science and technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to account for progress and development trends. These reviews, which are texts of an informative nature, should not exceed 3,000 words, accompanied by an image of the cover of the book or the publication being reviewed (.jpg, minimum 300 dpi).

Academic Reports

This section is a space to disseminate the most relevant learning results of undergraduate and graduate students and that are generated from research projects, community outreach projects and degree work. They will have an extension between 1,500 and 6,000 words and it will be necessary to include an endorsement from the tutor or tutors.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.