
Author Guidelines

Scientific Journal of Architecture and Urbanism EIDOS

ISSN-E: 1390-5007 - ISSN-L: 1390-499X



EÍDOS is a scientific publication of the UTE University Press, funded by the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU-UTE), under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Its purpose is to disseminate national and international academic production through original articles on topics related to architecture, urbanism, landscape, and culture. It is published twice a year on a fixed schedule.

The journal is published in an open access electronic version with ISSN-E: 1390-5007, ISSN-L: 1390-499X, and License: CC-BY. It is a peer-reviewed publication that uses the external expert review system (peer review) in accordance with the APA 7.0 (American Psychological Association) publication standards. Each work is identified with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier System). Compliance with these requirements facilitates its indexing in major international databases, ensuring greater dissemination of the published articles and, therefore, of their authors and institutions.

EÍDOS is indexed in Latindex 2.0, DOAJ, Dialnet, WorldCat, Google Scholar, Sherpa Romeo, MIAR, OEI, BASE, CiteFactor, Refseek, Research Biblioteque, ISSN, CIRC, Gold Rush, Wizdom, LatinRev, Latinoamericana, Europub, CEENDX, and Politecnico di Milano.


2.1. Themes

Research and scientific works related to the field of architecture and urbanism at different scales: advanced architecture, architectural design, social construction of habitat, public and social architecture; urban planning, urban resilience, urban design, public space and landscape design, social participation in architecture and urbanism, among others.

2.2. Contributions

EÍDOS primarily publishes research findings on architecture, urbanism, and landscape written in Spanish. Reports, studies, proposals, as well as select literature reviews (State of the Art articles) can also be submitted.

The works must be original, not have been published in any other medium, nor be in the process of publication, and it is the authors' responsibility to comply with this rule. Contributions should have between 5,000/7,000 words of text, including title, abstracts, keywords, tables, references, and endnotes. The articles can be framed within:

Research: The manuscript follows the following structure: Introduction, Objectives, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, and Acknowledgments.

Critical Analysis: The manuscript respects the minimum structure required by the guidelines. Introduction - Argumentation - Conclusion.

EÍDOS is published twice a year (twenty articles per year) and each issue consists of two sections, each containing five articles: 1) Dossier: a thematic section planned in advance with a public call for article submissions through a call for papers coordinated by experts in the topic as Editors. 2) Miscellany: various contributions within the general theme of the publication. The Editorial Board assigns manuscripts to the most relevant section.

Authors can submit manuscripts for evaluation according to the following schedule: Until March 1st for the June issue and until September 1st for the December issue.


EÍDOS acknowledges receipt of the papers submitted by the authors and provides information through the platform regarding the estimation/dismissal process and the acceptance/rejection process, as well as, in the case of acceptance, the editing process. The official website (Norms section) provides the complete publication guidelines, the pre-submission checklist, manuscript structure format, fillable cover letter and cover page, the guide for manuscript submission via OJS (management system), and the evaluation protocol for external reviewers.

Within a maximum period of 30 days from the receipt of each work, authors will receive a notification of receipt, indicating whether the work is dismissed or preliminarily considered for evaluation by the scientific advisors. No further correspondence will be maintained with authors of dismissed articles. Conversely, if there are minor formal deficiencies, the manuscript will be returned to the author for correction before the evaluation process begins. It is recommended to check the manuscript using the self-check before submission.

The manuscripts will be scientifically evaluated anonymously by two experts in the field. Based on the external reports (see annex of the evaluation protocol for scientific reviewers), the decision of acceptance/rejection of the articles for publication will be made, as well as the introduction of appropriate modifications, regarding length, structure, or style, while respecting the content of the original. The protocol used by the journal's reviewers is public. The scientific evaluation period for papers, after the previous estimation procedures by the Editorial Board, is a maximum of 30 days. The average time for scientific review is 30 days, and the final acceptance time is 30 days.

Manuscripts that receive positive evaluations and require modifications (both minor and major) will be returned within a maximum period of 15 days.

All authors will receive the anonymous scientific evaluation reports so that they can make the necessary improvements or responses, if applicable.

In general, once the external scientific reviews have been reviewed, the criteria that justify the decision on the acceptance/rejection of papers by the Editorial Board are as follows:

a) Timeliness and novelty.
b) Relevance and significance: advancement of scientific knowledge.
c) Originality.
d) Reliability and scientific validity: proven methodological quality.
e) Organization (logical coherence and formal presentation).
f) External support and public/private funding.
g) Co-authorship and degree of internationalization of the proposal and the team.
h) Presentation: good writing.


Manuscripts should be submitted exclusively through OJS 3. No author can submit or have under review two manuscripts simultaneously, with a gap of four consecutive issues.

The papers should be presented in Arial font, size 10, single line spacing, fully justified, without indentation or line breaks between paragraphs. Only major sections (author, title, abstracts, keywords, credits, and headings) are separated by a line break. The page should have a two-centimeter margin on all sides. The papers should be submitted in Word format for PC. The file should be anonymized in the file properties so that the authors' identification is not visible. The publication guidelines are based on APA 7th edition.

4.1. Structure

Two files should be submitted simultaneously: 1) Presentation and Cover (see official template), 2) Manuscript, following the detailed guidelines.


In this file, signed by the authors with their complete information, the evaluation of the manuscript is requested, along with a declaration of: being an original contribution; not being submitted or under consideration for publication in other journals; acceptance, if applicable, of formal changes in the manuscript according to the guidelines; and partial transfer of rights to the UTE Publishing.

This file should also include:

• Article title (maximum 15 words), in Spanish on the first line and then in English, formed with the most significant terms possible.

• Full name of each author in order of precedence (the number of authors should be justified by the subject, its complexity, and length, with an average of four authors per field). Each author's professional category, affiliation, email address, and ORCID number should be provided. It is mandatory to indicate if the author holds a doctoral degree (include Dr. before the name).

• Abstract in Spanish of 230/250 words, providing a concise description of the research's motivation and objective, the methodology used, the most significant results, and the main conclusions, following this structure: justification of the topic, objectives, study methodology, results, and conclusions. It should be written in an impersonal manner.

• Abstract in English of 220/230 words. For its preparation, as well as for the title and keywords, the use of automatic translators is not allowed due to their poor quality.

• 6 keywords in Spanish / 6 keywords in English. The terms should be in standardized scientific Spanish/English.


The manuscripts must strictly adhere to the following structure:

Title (in Spanish) / Title (in English)

Abstract (in Spanish) / Abstract (in English)

Keywords (in Spanish) / Keywords (in English)

1. Introduction and state of the art: It should include the foundations and purpose of the study, using bibliographic citations, as well as a review of the most significant literature on the topic at the national and international levels.

2. Materials and methods: It should be presented with the necessary precision for the reader to understand and verify the research's development. If applicable, describe the sample and sampling strategies, as well as refer to the type of statistical analysis employed. If it is an original methodology, it is necessary to explain the reasons for its use and describe its possible limitations.

3. Analysis and results: Highlight the most important observations, describing the materials and methods used, as well as the most relevant results of the research, without making value judgments. The results should be presented in figures and/or tables following the journal's guidelines (see other notes). Only essential tables or figures should be included, avoiding data redundancy.

4. Discussion and conclusions: Summarize the findings, relating the observations to other relevant studies, indicating contributions and limitations, without repeating data already mentioned in other sections. Mention the inferences of the findings and their limitations, including implications for future research, and link the conclusions to the study's objectives, avoiding unsubstantiated claims and conclusions not fully supported by the data.

5. Notes: They are considered exceptional and should always appear at the end of the article (before the references). Notes that only include simple bibliographic citations (without comments) are not allowed, as they should be included in the references.

6. Funding: The Council of Science Editors recommends that authors specify the source of research funding.

Works with the endorsement of national and international competitive projects will be considered a priority. However, for the scientific evaluation of the manuscript, it should be anonymized with XXXX only for its initial assessment, in order not to identify authors and research teams, which should be explicitly stated in the Cover Letter and subsequently in the final manuscript.

7. References: Bibliographic citations should be presented as in-text references. Bibliography not cited in the text should not be included. The number of references should be sufficient and necessary to contextualize the theoretical framework, the methodology used, and the research results in an international research space. Citations should be extracted from original documents, preferably journals and to a lesser extent books, always indicating the initial and final page of the work from which they originate, except for complete works.

8. How to cite: Include the article reference in APA format with the authors' scientific names.

4.2. Reference Guidelines


Journal Article (single author):
Aguaded, I. (2014). La investigación como estrategia de formación de los educomunicadores: Máster y Doctorado. [Research as a strategy for training educommunicators: Master and doctorate]. Comunicar, 43, 07-08.

Journal Article (up to twenty authors):
Vanderhoven, E., Schellens, T., & Valcke, M. (2014). Enseñar a los adolescentes los riesgos de las redes sociales: una propuesta de intervención en Secundaria. [Educating teens about the risks on social network sites. An intervention study in Secondary Education]. Comunicar, 43, 123-132.

Journal Article (more than twenty authors):
Miller, T.C., Brown, M.J., Wilson, G.L., Evans, B.B., Kelly, R.S., Turner, S.T., Lewis, F., Lee, L.H., Cox, G., Harris, H.L., Martin, P., Gonzalez, W.L., Hughes, W., Carter, D., Campbell, C., Baker, A.B., Flores, T., Gray, W. E., Green, G., ... Nelson, T. P. (2018). Altruism on American television: Examining the amount of, and context surrounding acts of helping and sharing. Journal of Communication, 56(4), 707-727.

Journal Article (without DOI):
Gabelas, J.A. (2007). Una perspectiva de la educación en medios para la comunicación en España. [A view of media education in Spain]. Comunicar, 28, 69-73.

Note 1: References follow an international standard model in English. Special characters in surnames (accents, etc.) should not be used.


Complete books:
Castells, M. (2001). The Internet Galaxy. Oxford University Press.

De-Benito, B., & Salinas, J. (2002). Webtools: aplicaciones para sistemas virtuales de formación. In I. Aguaded & J. Cabero (Eds.), Educar en la Red. Internet como recurso para la educación (pp. 175-198). Aljibe.


For citing electronic media, refer to specific APA 7 guidelines:

Example for citing a tweet:

• Revista Comunicar [@Rev_comunicar] (2017, July 17). #Laboratorios sociales, un nuevo fenómeno social que se encuentra en plena explosión de posibilidades [Image attached] [Tweet]. Twitter.

Example for citing a Twitter profile:

• Revista Comunicar [@Rev_comunicar] (n.d.). #Laboratorios sociales, un nuevo fenómeno social que se encuentra en plena explosión de posibilidades [Twitter profile]. Twitter. November 1, 2019. binv


Published doctoral/master's thesis: Harris, L. (2014). Instructional leadership perception and practice of elementary school leaders [Doctoral dissertation, University of Virginia]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

Unpublished doctoral/master's thesis: Harris, L. (2014). Instructional leadership perception and practice of elementary school leaders [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of Virginia.

All citations should have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier System). For journals and books without a DOI, provide a link (abbreviated if available) to the online version. It is recommended to include between 15 and 40 references.

4.3 Other annotations

The headings in the body of the article will be numbered in Arabic numerals. They should not be fully capitalized, underlined, or in bold. The numbering should have a maximum of three levels: 1. / 1.1. / 1.1.1.

No text should be underlined. Also, except for acronyms, the use of full capitalization is not allowed. Foreign words, book titles, and article titles should be enclosed in quotation marks.

References should be cited correctly, and those that do not adhere to the guidelines will not be accepted. According to APA guidelines, the cited author's name is mentioned in the text and followed by the year and page number in parentheses, separated by a colon and a hyphen. If the author's name is not mentioned in the text, it should be placed within parentheses before the year, followed by a comma and a space. Examples of proper citation can be found in published articles.

Consistency and uniformity in bibliographic citation, both in the text and in the references, are essential for a scientific journal.

Tables should be presented within the text in Word, in the order of appearance, numbered in Arabic numerals, and provided with a descriptive caption. They should be used to clarify important points.

Figures, such as photographs and images, should significantly clarify the text, and the total number of figures should not exceed twenty, including graphs and tables. They should be incorporated into the text, numbered in Arabic numerals according to their order of appearance, and titled with a brief description of their content. Figures should have print-quality resolution and be presented in the text as .PNG files, while separate editable files should also be provided. For images not produced by the author, a list of sources should be provided after the bibliographic references.

Abbreviations: Only universally accepted abbreviations should be used. (Consult: Units Symbols and Abbreviations). When abbreviating frequently used terms in the text, the corresponding abbreviation should be accompanied by the full term in parentheses the first time it appears.


Articles and research published by UTE University are made available in electronic Open Access format. By submitting an article to any of the scientific journals of UTE University, the author(s) accept these conditions.

UTE University applies the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license to articles published in its scientific journals. You retain the copyright to your article. However, under this open access license, as an author, you agree that anyone can reuse your article, in whole or in part, for any purpose, free of charge, including for commercial purposes. Anyone can copy, distribute, or reuse the content as long as the author and the original source are properly cited. This facilitates the freedom of reuse and ensures that the content can be accessed without barriers for research purposes.


Each author will provide a statement of authorship and originality, as well as the ethical responsibilities undertaken, and if necessary, a declaration of conflicts of interest.

- Originality: Previously published material is not accepted. Authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions to reproduce partially materials (text, tables, or figures) from other publications and for correctly citing their sources. The opinions expressed in published articles are the responsibility of the authors.

- Authorship: Only those individuals who have made intellectual contributions to the development of the work should be listed as authors. EÍDOS disclaims any responsibility for potential conflicts arising from authorship of the published works.

- Informed Consent: Authors must mention, in the case of research involving individuals, especially minors, that it was conducted with informed consent.

- Transfer of Copyright: The transfer of rights for publication in EÍDOS will be included in the cover letter.

Note: This is a general translation. It's always advisable to refer to the original document for accurate information and specific details.


The authors commit to actively promote their manuscript and the entire journal once it is published. They also agree to actively participate in the journal's social media channels.

EÍDOS encourages authors and the scientific community to promote and disseminate their works in their final version through:

  1. Their contact list (emails) and social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.).
  2. Institutional repositories at their university and public repositories (Mendeley, Cosis, etc.).
  3. Scientific social networks (ResearchGate,, Kudos, etc.).
  4. Google Scholar, ORCID, ResearchID, ScopusID, Dimensions, PlumX, etc.

Note: This is a general translation. Specific social media platforms and repositories may vary based on the context and preferences of the journal.


Normativa para autores (PDF)

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Chequeo para autores

Normas APA