Vol. 13 No. 2 (2022): Journal Economía y Negocios (July - December 2022)

					View Vol. 13 No. 2 (2022): Journal Economía y Negocios (July - December 2022)

We present to our readers the second issue of volume 13 of Economía y Negocios, with which the UTE University continues to promote research in administrative sciences. In this number, studies related to foreign trade and international relations predominate, including a selection method of markets for exports in the context of SMEs, a quantitative analysis of the competitiveness of Ecuadorian taro exports to the United States and a proposal for supervised learning algorithms for forecasting sales of Ecuadorian shrimp; In addition, an analysis of the Russia-Ukraine war and its impact on Ecuadorian foreign trade and a study on the international container crisis in banana exports from Ecuador during 2021. Human talent management is another of the topics discussed, as well as production management, marketing and financial management.

Published: 2022-12-01

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