Vol. 14 No. 1 (2024): Educomunicación: otras formas de enseñar y aprender

					View Vol. 14 No. 1 (2024): Educomunicación: otras formas de enseñar y aprender


Educommunication had its peak between the 60s and 70s as a form of transformation and
contrast to the dominant models, where a vision of indoctrination of subjects based
on responding to the production system and the need for labor prevailed. This is how
this proposal promotes a comprehensive approach that emphasizes the need for interaction
dialogue and sharing as a basis for learning and critical thinking, taking into account
that education is the cornerstone for social transformation. For this reason, communication is seen more than as an instrument to transmit information
as a process that allows generating links between actors and therefore taking into account
experiences and interests through the integration of various media tools as a complement
to the spaces of teaching-learning, becoming a valuable means to promote analysis,
reflection and participation in society.
Published: 2024-01-10


Central theme
